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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,021 - 129,040건 출력
  • 129021
    Book Info
    John Pole, Esquire, appellant. Samuel Gardiner, clerk, respondent. The respondent's case.
    Gardiner, Samuel
  • 129022
    Book Info
    John Watkins Esq; appellant. John Price Esq; respondent. The respondent's case.
    Price, John
  • 129023
    Book Info
    Joseph Bunker, lessee of Frances Bokenham, ... Plantiff. And William Cooke and Robert Bokenham ... Defendants. In a writ of error ... The defendant's case
    Cooke, William
  • 129024
    Book Info
    La conduite du Comte de Peterborow en Espagne, ... Traduit de l'anglois
    Freind, John
  • 129025
    Book Info
    Lay baptism invalid: or, an essay to prove that such baptism is null and void; especially to those who know that 'twas administer'd to them, in opposition to the divine right of the apostolical succession by a lay hand
    Laurence, R
  • 129026
    Book Info
    Le diable boiteux: or, the devil upon two sticks. Translated from the last edition at Paris, with several additions
    Le Sage, Alain Ren{acute}e
  • 129027
    Book Info
    Le diable boiteux: or, the devil upon two sticks. Translated from the last edition at Paris, with several additions.
    Le Sage, Alain Ren{acute}e
  • 129028
    Book Info
    Les termes de la ley: or, certain difficult and obscure words and terms of the common laws and statutes of this realm now in use, expounded and explained. Now corrected and enlarged. With many great and useful additions ...
    Rastell, John
  • 129029
    Book Info
    Lessons proper for fallible man. In a sermon preached at the lecture at St. Augustins Hackney. Sept. the 21. 1707. By John Strype, M.A. Published at Request
    Strype, John
  • 129030
    Book Info
    Letters from the dead to the living, by Mr. Thomas Brown, Capt. Ayloff, Mr. Henry Barker, &c. ...
    Brown, Thomas
  • 129031
    Book Info
    Lettre a un gentilhomme allemand, touchant le genie & la force de la langue angloise. Par rapport au son & à la prononciation des voyelles & des consonnes, tant simples, que composées. = Some thoughts of the genius and postestas of the English language. With relation to the accent or pronunciation of the vowels and consonants, both simple and compound. In a letter to a High-Dutch gentleman
    J. C
  • 129032
    Book Info
    Lexicon technicum: or, an universal English dictionary of arts and sciences: Explaining not only the Terms of Art, but the Arts Themselves. Vol. I. By John Harris, D.D. and F.R.S.
    Harris, John
  • 129033
    Book Info
    Libertas triumphans: a poem, occasion'd by the glorious victory obtain'd near Odenard, by the forces of the allies under the command of His Highness John Duke of Marlborough, and Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire, and the Velt-Mareschal Auverquerque: on the first of July, 1708
    Gildon, Charles
  • 129034
    Book Info
    Linguarum vett. septentrionalium thesauri grammatico-critici, & archæologici, auctore Georgio Hickesio, conspectus brevis per Gul. Wottonum, S.T.B. ... cum appendice ad notas
    Wotton, William
  • 129035
    Book Info
    Lives of All the Lords Chancellors, Lords Keepers and Lords Commissioners, of the Great Seal of England
    Impartial hand
  • 129036
    Book Info
    Llyfr gweddi gyffredin a gweinidogaeth y sacramentau Gyda Chyneddfau a Ceremoniau Eraill yr Eglwys Yn Ôl after Eglwys Loegr A Psalmau Dafydd, Fel eu maent bwyntiedig Iw Darllain a'u Canu. Yn yr Eglwysydd
    Church of England
  • 129037
    Book Info
    Love's triumph. An opera. As it is perform'd at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. By P. Motteux
    Motteux, Peter Anthony
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 129038
    Book Info
    Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister: with the history of their adventures. In three parts.
    Behn, Aphra
  • 129039
    Book Info
    Lucius Junius Brutus; father of his country. A tragedy. Acted at the Duke's Theatre by their Royal Highnesses servants. Written by Nat. Lee
    Lee, Nathaniel
  • 129040
    Book Info
    Mélange curieux contenant les meilleures Piéces Atribuées a Mr. de Saint-Evremond. ...