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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,041 - 129,060건 출력
  • 129041
    Book Info
    M. Tullii Ciceronis Tusculanarum disputationum libri V. Ex recensione Joannis Davisii, Coll. Regin. Cantab. Socii. Cum ejusdem commentario
    Cicero, Marcus Tullius
  • 129042
    Book Info
    Magnæ Britanniæ notitia: or, the present state of Great-Britain, With divers Remarks upon The Antient State thereof. By John Chamberlayne, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. And more exact and larger Additions in the List of the Officers, &c. than in any former Impression. With Her Majesty's Royal Privilege
    Chamberlayne, John
  • 129043
    Book Info
    Marlborough still conquers: or, Union hath got the Day. A poem, Upon the late victory obtained by the Prince and Duke of Marlborough; And Union of the Two Kingdoms. By J. Gatnam
    Gaynam, J
  • 129044
    Book Info
    Materia medica : or, a description of simple medicines generally us'd in physick; fully and accurately demonstrating their uses, virtues, and places of growth. AS Also, Their Operating and Acting upon Human Bodies according to the Principles of the New Philosophy, Chymistry, and Mechanism. With An Appendix, shewing the Nature and Use of Mineral Waters. Written originally by the learned Monsieur...
    Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de
  • 129045
    Book Info
    Mathematicks made plain : In the Solution of Variety Of Useful Propositions in Arithmetick. Interest, Simple and Compound. Geometry. Surveying. Gauging. Measuring all Artificers Works. Trigonometry, Plain and Spherical. Astronomy. Geography. Navigation. Dialling. Chronology. Dioptricks. Staticks. Gunnery. Military Fortification. Civil and Naval Architecture. Mechanick Powers. Automaticks, or Cl...
    Neve, Richard
  • 129046
    Book Info
    Mathesis juvenilis: or a course of mathematicks for young students, ... Made English from the Latin of Jo. Christopher Sturmius, ... By George Vaux, M.D. In three volumes. ...
    Sturm, Johann Christophorus
  • 129047
    Book Info
    Medela chymica: or, an account of the vertues and uses of a select number of chymical medicines adapted to the cure of the most chronick and rebellious diseases. To which is subjoyned a brief history of cures effected by them. As also, An Essay upon the Acetum Acerrimum Philosophorum, or Vinegar of Antimony; With some Experiments made therewith. By Christopher Packe Professor of Chymical Medicine
    Packe, Christopher
  • 129048
    Book Info
    Memoires de la Comtesse de Tournemir. Avec diverses autres histoires, dont on verra les titres à la page suivante
  • 129049
    Book Info
    Memoirs of Monmouth-shire, anciently call'd Gwent, and by the Saxons, Gwentland. ... With an appendix, of the case of Wentwood, ...
    Rogers, Nathan
  • 129050
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the Court of England: in the reign of King Charles II. Containing the amours of that Prince, The Duke of Monmouth, Earl of Argyle. - of Buckingham, - of A - n Earl of Oxford - Lord Grey, &c. - St. Albans. In two parts. By the Countess of Dunois, Author of the Ingenious Diverting Letters of The Lady's Travels into Spain. Writ during her residence in that Court. The second edition, correc
  • 129051
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the family of Cavendish. By White Kennet, D. D. Archdeac. of Huntingdom, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty
    Kennett, White
  • 129052
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the right villanous John Hall, the late famous and notorious robber, penn'd from his mouth some time before his death. Containing the Exact Life, and Character of a Thief in General. As also a lively Representation of Newgate, and its Inhabitants, with the Manners and Customs observed there. The Nature and Means by which they commit their several Thefts and Robberies, and the Distinctio
    Hall, John
  • 129053
    Book Info
    Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1708. ... By Henry Coley, ...
    Coley, Henry
  • 129054
    Book Info
    Merlinus liberatus: being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation 1708. And from the Creation of the World, according to the best of Prophane History, 5657. But by the Account of Holy Scripture, 5670. It being the Bissextile or Leap-Year. And the Nineteenth of our Deliverance by K. William from Popery and Arbitrary Government: But the Twelfth from the Horrid Popish Jacobite P
    Partridge, John
  • 129055
    Book Info
    Mirth diverts all care: being excellent new songs, compos'd by the most celebrated wits of the age, on divers subjects, viz. The Scotch Riddle unfolded. News from London. The Voyage to Scotland. Sir Henry Wotten to Q. Anne. The Golden Age. An Old Man Courting a young Girl. The Leveller. The Chearful Heart. The Quaker's Ballad. The Quiet Retreat. Win at first, Lose at last. or, a Game at Cards. The
  • 129056
    Book Info
    Mirth in ridicule: or, a satyr against immoderate laughing. Containing the follies too often found in a sea-officer, land-officer, courtier, lawyer, priest, Merchant, Scholar, Poet, Miser, The Ladies, A Maid, Strumpet, Beau, Gamester, Quack, Plotter, and a libertine
  • 129057
    Book Info
    Miscellanea curiosa. Containing a collection of some of the principal phænomena in nature, accounted for by the greatest philosophers of this age; ... In three volumes. The second edition; to which is added, A discourse ...
    Royal Society (Great Britain)
  • 129058
    Book Info
    Miscellaneous reflections occasion'd by the comet which appear'd in December 1680: Chiefly tending to explode popular superstitions, written to a doctor of the Sorbon, Vol 1
    Bayle, Pierre
  • 129059
    Book Info
    Monopoly made a property: or, The Navy Surgeons memorial to The Managing apothecaries in Black-Friers
  • 129060
    Book Info
    Moral reflections in a real dream