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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,201 - 129,220건 출력
  • 129201
    Book Info
    The Christian's pattern: or, a treatise of the imitation of Jesus Christ. In four books. Written originally in Latin by Thomas à Kempis. Now render'd into English. ... By George Stanhope, ...
    Stanhope, George
  • 129202
    Book Info
    The Devil upon two sticks: or, the town until'd: with the comical humours of Don Stulto, and Siegnior Jingo: as it is acted in Pinkeman's both in May-Fair.
  • 129203
    Book Info
    The Duke of Marlborough's new exercise of firelocks and bayonets; appointed by His Grace to be used by all the British forces, and the militia. With instructions to preform [sic] every motion by body foot and hand; ... By an officer in Her Majesties foot guards
    Great Britain
  • 129204
    Book Info
    The Duke of Rohan's manual: or, a guide for all degrees of officers, from a subaltern to a captain-general. Containing the whole art of war, ... To which is prefixt an abridgment of Cæsar's Commentaries, ... Translated by a gentleman in the army
    Rohan, Henri
  • 129205
    Book Info
    The English acquisitions in Guinea & East-India: containing first, the several forts and castles of the Royal African Company, ... Secondly, the forts and factories of the Honourable East India Company in Persia, India, Sumatra, China, &c. ... With an account of the inhabitants of all these countries; ... By R. B.
    Crouch, Nathaniel
  • 129206
    Book Info
    The English physician enlarged : with three hundred and sixty nine medicines, made of English herbs, that were not in any impression until this. Being an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation; Containing a Compleat Method of Physick; whereby a Man may preserve his Body in Health, or Cure himself, being sick, for Three Pence Charge with such things only as grow in Engla...
    Culpeper, Nicholas
  • 129207
    Book Info
    The French King's wedding: or, the royal frolick. ...
  • 129208
    Book Info
    The Friendly Society for Assurance of Money upon Lives. ...
    Friendly Society for Assurance of Money upon lives (London, England)
  • 129209
    Book Info
    The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New: ...
  • 129210
    Book Info
    The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New: ...
  • 129211
    Book Info
    The Kit--cats. A poem
    Blackmore, Richard
  • 129212
    Book Info
    The Lord Haversham's speech in the House of Peers, Wednesday the 12th of January, 1708/9. On the late intended invasion of Scotland.
    Haversham, John Thompson
  • 129213
    Book Info
    The Right Honourable Henry, Earl of Bindon, and others, appellants. Susanna Copinger, spinster, John Davies and Margaret his wife, and others, respondents. The case of the respondent, Susanna Copinger
    Copinger, Susanna
  • 129214
    Book Info
    The Russia Merchants complaints against Admiral Whetston's conduct. With what was said in his vindication. In a letter to a noble Lord
    Muscovy Company
  • 129215
    Book Info
    The Welsh-Monster: or, the rise and downfal [sic] of that late upstart, the R--t H--ble Innuendo Scribble
  • 129216
    Book Info
    The abasement of pride: a sermon preach'd in the cathedral of Salisbury, at the assizes held for the county of Wilts, July 18th. 1708. upon occasion of the late victory. By John Hoadly, M. A. Prebendary of the said Church. Published at the Request of the Grand Jury
    Hoadly, John
  • 129217
    Book Info
    The accomplishment of scripture prophecies. Being eight sermons preach'd at the cathedral church of St. Paul, in the year MDCCVII. at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; with an appendix. To which is subjoin'd a Dissertation, to Prove that our Savior ascended into Heaven on the Evening after his Resurrection. By William Whiston, M. A. Professor of the Mathematicks in the Univer
    Whiston, William
  • 129218
    Book Info
    The accurate intelligencer containing answers to a number of curious letters never yet publish'd in the Norwich Gazette, Being A very choice Reserve of such Questions as were too Long or Improper to be inserted in a News-Paper, some in Divinity, Philosophy, Poetry, History, and Love, being Profitable and Pleasant. Omne tulit Punctum qui miscuit Utile Dulci. By Henry Cross-Grove
    Cross-grove, Henry
  • 129219
    Book Info
    The admirable and indefatigable adventures of the nine pious pilgrims : devoted to Sion by the cross of Christ; and piloted by evangelist to the New Jerusalem. Written in America, in a time of solitude and divine contemplation; by a zealous lover of truth, and a Faithful Admiror of the Sacred Mysteries and Historical Revelations, in the Old and New Testament, as the Holy Men of God were Heavenl...
    Franck, Richard
  • 129220
    Book Info
    The advantage of a good name. A sermon preached at the funeral of Mr. Simon du Bois an eminent painter, in the church of St. Paul's Covent-Garden, May the 26th 1708. By Peter Wagener. ...
    Wagener, Peter