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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,221 - 129,240건 출력
  • 129221
    Book Info
    The anabaptist teachers no ministers of Christ, prov'd in a letter to Mr. Charsley an anabaptist teacher at Agmondesham. And in a reply made to Mr. Stennet's remarks upon the aforesaid letter. By John Ball, Late of St. Mary Hall, Oxon.
    Ball, John
  • 129222
    Book Info
    The antiquity and usefulness of episcopal confirmation: a sermon preach'd at Richmond, in Surry: on Sunday, the 11th day of April, 1708. at a confirmation Administred by the Right Reverend Father in God, Jonathan Lord Bishop of Winchester. By Nicholas Brady, D. D. Minister of Richmond, in Surry, and Chaplain in Ordinary to her Majesty. Publish'd by his Lordship's Order
    Brady, Nicholas
  • 129223
    Book Info
    The aphorisms of Hippocrates, and the sentences of Celsus; with explanations and references to the most considerable writers in physick and philosophy, both ancient and modern. ... By C. J. Sprengell, ...
  • 129224
    Book Info
    The appellant's case against a decree in the Court of Exchequer. John Pole, Esq; Appellant. Samuel Gardiner, Clerk, Respon
    Pole, John
  • 129225
    Book Info
    The appellants case. Harry Colt, Esq; and Anne his Wife, (one of the Daughters of John Arnold, Esq; deceas'd, and Margaret his Wife, since Marry'd to John Dutton Colt, Esq; Father of the Complanant Harry.) Appellants. And John Dutton Colt, Esq; and Margaret his Wife, Nicholas Arnold, Esq, Margaret Langly, Widow, Dennis Arnold, Mary Arnold, and Edward Cook, Surviving Trustee. Respondents
    Colt, Harry
  • 129226
    Book Info
    The appellants case. Jane Robinson, Mary Robinson, Charles Robinson, Appellants. Jonathan Fugill, Respondent
    Robinson, Jane
  • 129227
    Book Info
    The arraignment, tryal, and conviction of Robert Feilding, Esq; for felony, in marrying Her Grace the Dutchess of Cleaveland; his first wife Mrs. Mary Wadsworth, being then alive. At the sessions-house in the Old Bayly, on the 4th day of December, 1706. ... Perused by on of the judges present at the tryal. ...
    Feilding, Robert
  • 129228
    Book Info
    The art of English poetry containing I. Rules for making verses. II. A collection of the most natural, agreeable, and sublime thouhgts [sic], ... III. A dictionary of rhymes. By Edw. Bysshe. gent.
    Bysshe, Edward
  • 129229
    Book Info
    The art of cookery : in imitation of Horace's Art of poetry. With some letters to Dr. Lister, and others: Occasion'd principally by the Title of a Book publish'd by the Doctor, being the Works of Apicius Coelius, Concerning the Soups and Sauces of the Antients. With an Extract of the greatest Curiosities contain'd in that Book. To which is added, Horace's Art of poetry, in Latin. By the author ...
    King, William
  • 129230
    Book Info
    The art of cookery: a poem. In imitation of Horace's Art of poetry. By the author of A tale of a tub
    King, William
  • 129231
    Book Info
    The art of cookery: a poem. In imitation of Horace's Art of poetry. By the author of a Tale of a tub.
    King, William
  • 129232
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    The art of love: in imitation of Ovid De arte amandi. With a preface containing the life of Ovid. By W. King
  • 129233
    Book Info
    The art of love: in imitation of Ovid De arte amandi. With a preface containing the life of Ovid. By W. King.
  • 129234
    Book Info
    The art of pleasing in conversation. Written by the famous Cardinal Richelieu. Translated out of French
  • 129235
    Book Info
    The art of rhetorick, as to pronunciation; explain'd : and familiarly adapted to the capacities of school-boys, by way of question and answer; in English
    Bland, Charles
  • 129236
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    The art of speaking: written in French by Messieurs du Port Royal: in persuance of a former treatise, intituled, The art of thinking. Rendred into English
    Lamy, Bernard
  • 129237
    Book Info
    The art of tickling-trouts; or, the grand secret of philosophers: Shewing The Method how all Faculties and Professions in the World affect the false Arts of Wheedle, Cant and Flattery, to please Fools and deceive Wise Men. in verse and prose:
  • 129238
    Book Info
    The battel of Audenard. A poem, Occasion'd By the Glorious Victory obtain'd over the French near that Place, the 11th of July, 1708. N. S. by the Confederate Army under the Command of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, Monsieur D'Auverquerque, and Prince Eugene of Savoy. With the Characters of the General Officers, who were present in the Engagement. Also A New copy of Verses of Jack Frenchman's L
  • 129239
    Book Info
    The believer's dowry. Or, a poem upon Isa: 54. 5. Thy maker is thy husband. Directed unto, and for the comfort of all that know any thing of an union betwixt Christ and their souls. Containing many hints at the Excellency and Fulness of Christ the Believer's Husband, and at the Glorious Priviledges of all that are really Espoused and United unto Christ. Cor. 11. 2. I have espoused thee to one-husb
    Erskine, Ralph
  • 129240
    Book Info
    The benefit of good instruction. A sermon Preach'd before the Gentlemen Educated at St. Paul's School. On the 26th of January, 1707/8. At the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. By William Smith, M. A. Preacher at St. Clement-Danes. Published at the Request of the Stewards
    Smith, William