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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,281 - 129,300건 출력
  • 129281
    Book Info
    The destruction of Troy, in three books. ... Also mentioning the rising and flourishing of divers kings and kingdoms, with the decay and overthrow of others. With many admirable acts of chivalry and martial prowess, ...
    Lef{grave}evre, Raoul
  • 129282
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    The devil of Delphos, or, the prophets of Baal: containing an account of a notorious impostor, call'd Sabatai Sevi, pretended Messiah of the Jews, in 1666. Who afterwards turn'd Turk: and of many other impostors in Church and State; as False Christs, and False Prophets from the Rise of Christianity to the Present Times. To which is added, a proof that the present pretended prophets are the prophet
  • 129283
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    The devil of a Whigg: or, Zarazian Subtilty Detected. Done from the original, by a Fellow of the Academy of the Insensati, or the Society of the unthankful Club at Bologna in Italy
  • 129284
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    The devout Christian's companion. Or, a compleat manual of devotions, fitted for most of the concerns of human life: With particular Offices For Sick and Dying Persons. To which is added, The Paschal Lamb, a Treatise explaining the Nature, Design, and Benefits of the Holy Sacrament; with suitable Devotions. Collected from the works of Abp. Tillotson, Bp. Taylor, Bp. Kenn, Bp. Beverege, Bp. Patrick
  • 129285
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    The dignity and duty of a married state: in a sermon, preach'd at the celebration of a marriage, in the English Episcopal church at Amsterdam. By John Cockburn, D.D.
    Cockburn, John
  • 129286
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    The dignity, office, and authority of the priesthood. Being sermons preach'd by the Right Revd Father in God, William Beveridge, D. D. Late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. Printed from his original manuscripts. Vol. I
    Beveridge, William
  • 129287
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    The dissenting laity pleading their own cause against the clamours and calumnies of the highflying clergy: Justifying their present Separation from the Church of England to be No Sinful schism occasioned by some late invective pamphlets writ against them, by Dr. Wells, Mr. Jago of Looe, Mr. Agate the Agagite, and Others of the Highflying Class; and scatter'd about in the Western Parts, to blow up
    Country Roger
  • 129288
    Book Info
    The divine authority, and usefulness, of ecclesiastical censures, asserted. In a sermon, preach'd at Totnes, in Devon, May The 17th, 1708. At the visitation of the Reverend Dr Francis Atterbury, Dean of Carlisle, and Arch-Deacon of Totnes. By Humfry Smith, Vicar of Townstal and St. Saviours, in Dartmouth. Publish'd at the Request of the Arch-Deacon and Clergy
    Smith, Humphry
  • 129289
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    The divine institution of infant-baptism, and the mode of sprinkling briefly vindicated by reason and holy scripture, ...
    D'Assigny, Marius
  • 129290
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    The doctrin of faith and justification set in a true light. In three parts: I. Of the Nature of Faith, consider'd in it's I. Essential Parts. 2. Opposites. And 3. Effects. II. Of Justification by Faith alone. Where is amply Defended the lately Exploded Doctrin of the Imputation of our Sins to Christ, and of his Righteousness to us. III. Of the way how to Reconcile the two Apostles about the Doctri
    Edwards, John
  • 129291
    Book Info
    The doctrine of the law and grace unfolded: or, a discourse touching the law and grace. The Nature of the One, and the Nature of the Other: Shewing. What they are as they are the Two Covenants; And likewise, Who they be and what their Conditions are, that be under either of these Two Covenants. Wherein For the better Understanding of the Reader, there are several Questions answered, touching the L
    Bunyan, John
  • 129292
    Book Info
    The doctrine of the law and grace unfolded: or, a discourse touching the law and grace. The Nature of the One, and the Nature of the Other: Shewing. What they are, as they are the Two Covenants; And likewise, Who they be and what their Conditions are, that be under either of these Two Covenants. Wherein, For the better Understanding of the Reader, there are several Questions answered, touching the
    Bunyan, John
  • 129293
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    The doctrines of the Christian religion, Comprized in the Shorter Catechism composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines, at Westminster: with additional improvements taken out of the larger
  • 129294
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    The dreadful effects of going to conjurers. A full and true relation how one Mrs. Esther Rushway, ... after having, ... lost a considerable quantity of plate and mony, went, for finding the thief out, to enquire of an astrologer in Moorfields, ...
  • 129295
    Book Info
    The duties of rejoycing in a day of prosperity. Recommended in a sermon preach'd before the Queen, at her royal chappel in Windsor, on Sunday, June 23. 1706. By White Kennet, D. D. Archdeacon of Huntingdon. Published by Her Majesties Special Command
    Kennett, White
  • 129296
    Book Info
    The duty of a good minister with respect to himself and his flock: briefly considered in a sermon preach'd at the visitation at Bedford. April the 22d. 1707. By Robert Lightfoot, B.D. Rector of Odel. Publish'd at the Request of the Reverend the Archdeacon and Clergy
    Lightfoote, Robert
  • 129297
    Book Info
    The duty of charity to the poor recommended. In a sermon preach'd in the Parish-Church of St. Michael de Belfreys in York, Decemb. 22. 1707. At the anniversary meeting of the Gentlemen concerned in Promoting the Charity-Schools lately Erected in that city; and of the Poor-Children Educated in the said Schools. By William Pearson, Archdeacon of Nottingham and Residentiary-Canon of York
    Pearson, William
  • 129298
    Book Info
    The emperor Marcus Antoninus his conversation with himself. Together with the preliminary discourse of the learned Gataker. As also, the Emperor's life, written by Monsieur D'Acier, and Supported by the Authorities Collected by Dr. Stanhope. To which is added the mythological picture of Cebes the Theban, &c. Translated into English from the respective originals. By Jeremy Collier, M.A.
    Marcus Aurelius
  • 129299
    Book Info
    The english Theophrastus: or the manners of the age. Being the modern characters of the court, the town, and the city
  • 129300
    Book Info
    The eternity of future punishment proved and vindicated. In a sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford, at St. Mary's, Novemb. 24th. 1706. By William Lupton, M. A. Fellow of Lincoln College
    Lupton, William