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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,461 - 129,480건 출력
  • 129461
    Book Info
    The third volume of the works of Mr. Thomas Brown, containing, Amusements serious & comical, calculated for the meridian of London. To which is added, ten letters, on several subjects, Together with His Pocket-Book of Common Places. His Walk round London and Westminster, pleasantly exposing the Vices and Follies of several parts of the Town. Letters translated from Aeneas Sylvius, Poet-Laureat to
    Brown, Thomas
  • 129462
    Book Info
    The triumphs of London for the inauguration of the Right Honourable Sir Charles Duncombe, Knight. Lord Mayor of the City of London. Containing The Description (and also the Sculptures) of the Pageants, and the whole Solemnity of the Day. Performed on Friday the 29th of October, Anno 1708. All set forth at the proper Cost and Charge of the Honourable Company of Goldsmiths. Published by Authority
    Settle, Elkanah
  • 129463
    Book Info
    The true nature of imposture fully display'd in the life of Mahomet. With a discourse annex'd, for the vindicating of Christianity from this charge: Offered to the Consideration of the Deists of the present Age. By Humphrey Prideaux, D.D. Dean of Norwich
    Prideaux, Humphrey
  • 129464
    Book Info
    The true patriot's speech to the people of Rome, answer'd paragraph by paragraph
  • 129465
    Book Info
    The true-born English-man. A satyr.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 129466
    Book Info
    The true-born Englishman. A satyr.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 129467
    Book Info
    The truth of the case: Or, A Full and True account Of the Horrid murders, Robberies and Burnings, Committed at Bradforton and Upton-Snodsbury, in the County of Worcester; and of the apprehension, examination, tryal, and conviction, of John Palmer, and Tho. Symonds, gent. William Hobbins, and John Allen, labourers, for the said crimes. To which is added, An Account of the Occasion of the Bp. of Oxf
  • 129468
    Book Info
    The two great comprehensive dutys of Christianity, faith and repentance, briefly explain'd and urg'd, as seasonable, in these Times of Great Infidelity and Impenitency. By a lover of truth and godliness
    Farington, Richard
  • 129469
    Book Info
    The unfortunate Dutchess of Malfy, or, the unnatural brothers: a tragedy. Now acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market, by Her Majesties company of comedians. Written by Mr. Webster
    Webster, John
  • 129470
    Book Info
    The unfortunate concubines: the history of fair Rosamond, mistress to Henry II; and Jane Shore, concubine to Edward IV; Kings of England. Shewing how they came to be so. With Their Lives, Remarkable Actions, and Unhappy Ends. Extracted from eminent records; and the whole illustrated with cuts suitable to each subject
  • 129471
    Book Info
    The union-Proverb: viz. If Skiddaw has a cap, Scruffell wots full well of that. Setting forth, I. The necessity of uniting. II. The good consequences of uniting. III. The happy union of England and Scotland, in case of a foreign invasion
  • 129472
    Book Info
    The unreasonableness and danger of grudging. A sermon preach'd at Gloucester, before Mr. Justice Powell, and Mr. Justice Gould: at the assize held there by Mr. Justice Gould: March the 7th, 1707/8. By Richard Millechamp, M. A. And Rector of Rudford in Gloucestershire. Published at the Desire of the Judges, the High-Sheriff, and the Grand-Jury, &c.
    Millechamp, Richard
  • 129473
    Book Info
    The utter extirpation of tyrants and their families. A sermon preached at St. Ethelburga's, Jan. 30. 1707-8. By Luke Milbourne, a Presbyter of the Church of England
    Milbourne, Luke
  • 129474
    Book Info
    The vanity of the life of man. Represented in the seven several stages thereof, ... with pictures and poems ... To which are added several other poems ... By R.B.
    Crouch, Nathaniel
  • 129475
    Book Info
    The very learned Scotsman, Mr. George Buchanan's fratres fraterrimi, three books of epigrams, and book of miscellanies, in English verse; with the illustration of the proper names, and mythologies therein mentioned: by Robert Monteith
    Buchanan, George
  • 129476
    Book Info
    The villanous principles of the rights of the Christian Church asserted, &c. confuted by Scripture
  • 129477
    Book Info
    The visions of Dom Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, ... Made English by Sir Roger L'Estrange, Knt.
    Quevedo, Francisco de
  • 129478
    Book Info
    The wars of the elements: or, a description of a sea storm. To which are added, I. The contemplative angler. II. A Dialogue between St. Peter and a Low-Churchman. III. The Honest Layman's Approbation and Dislike: Or, Instructions what to Chuse and what to Shun. IV. The Mercenary Harlot's Reproof to an Old Miser, who solicites her Favours. V. In Vino Veritas: Or, The Tipling Phylosophers. VI. An Ep
    Ward, Edward
  • 129479
    Book Info
    The whole book of Psalms: collected into English metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others. ...
  • 129480
    Book Info
    The whole life and conversation, Birth, Parentage and Education of Mr. William Gregg. Who was Executed on Wednesday the 28th day of April, 1708 for High Treason: With his several Examinations and Confessions before the Committees of Lords. And also his Behaviour whilst under Condemnation in Newgate: And his last Dying Speech and Confession at the Place of Execution. To which is added, The Life of
    Lorrain, P