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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,481 - 129,500건 출력
  • 129481
    Book Info
    The whole life and conversation, birth, parentage and education of Deborah Churchill; condemn'd some time since for the barbarous murder of Mr. William Ware in Drury-Lane, and now brought down to her former Jungment. AS Also, Her Behaviour, Coufession, and last Dying-Words at the Place of Execution
    Lorrain, P
  • 129482
    Book Info
    The whole life and conversation, birth, parentage and education of John Barnes, who was executed at Tyburn, for the murder of the widow Edgebrook in Shakesby's-Walks, Shadwell. Together with his whole tryal and Examination at the Old-Baily. His Behaviour and Confession under Sentence of Death, and his last dying speech at the Place of Execution. Written with his own hand during his confinement in
    Barnes, John
  • 129483
    Book Info
    The whole life and glorious actions, of James late Duke of Monmouth: containing his birth, honours, titles, his great actions in Flanders, Scotland, &c. His Banishment, Expedition against K. James, Declaration, Defeat, Imprisonment, and Lastly his True Speech on the Scaffold at Tower-Hill, being Beheaded for High-Treason, the 15th of July, 1685
  • 129484
    Book Info
    The whole tryal of Edward Coleman, Gent. at the Kings-Bench Bar, at Westminster, on the 27th of November, 1678. Dedicated to Wialliam [sic] Greg, in Newgate, ...
    Coleman, Edward
  • 129485
    Book Info
    The whole works of F. Rabelais, M.D. In two volumes. ... Done out of French, by Sir Thomas Urchard, Knight, Mr. Motteux, and others. ...
    Rabelais, Fran{cedil}cois
  • 129486
    Book Info
    The wooden world dissected, in the characters of I. A ship of War. II A sea-captain. III. A Sea-Lieutenant. IV. A Sea-Chaplain. V. The Master of a Ship of War. VI. The Purser. Vii. The Surgeon. Viii. The Gunner. IX. The Carpenter. X. The Boatswain. XI. A Sea-Cook. XII. A Midship-Man. XIII The Captain's Steward. XIV. A Sailor, &c. By a lover of the mathematicks
    Ward, Edward
  • 129487
    Book Info
    The wooden world dissected, in the characters of I. A ship of war. II. A sea-captain. III. A Sea-Lieutenant. IV. A Sea-Chaplain. V. The Master of a Ship of War. VI. The Purser. Vii. The Surgeon. Viii. The Gunner. IX. The Carpenter. X. The Boatswain. XI. A Sea-Cook. XII. A Midship-Man. XIII. The Captain's Steward. XIV. A Sailor, &c. By a lover of the mathematicks
    Ward, Edward
  • 129488
    Book Info
    The works of Mr. Thomas Brown, in prose and verse. Serious, moral, & comical. In three volumes. ... To which is prefix'd, a character of Mr. Tho. Brown and his writings, and his epitaph, by James Drake, ...
    Brown, Thomas
  • 129489
    Book Info
    Theodosius, or, The force of love a tragedy acted by Their Royal Highnesses servants, at the Duke's Theatre / written by Nat. Lee.
    Lee, Nathaniel
  • 129490
    Book Info
    Theses philosophicæ. Quas, propitio summo numine, generosi & ingenui juvenes laureæ magisterialis candidati, in celeberrima academia Marischallana. Universitatis Carolinae Abredonensis, Eruditorum Subjicient examini, ad Diem H. L. Q. S. Sub præsidio Gulielmi Smith P.P.
    Smith, William
  • 129491
    Book Info
    Thomas Kempe, and Page Hockett, plaintiffs, ... in a writ of error, ... Randolph Tutte, defendant. The defendant's case
    Kempe, Thomas
  • 129492
    Book Info
    Those two excellent monuments of ancient learning and piety, Minucius Felix's Octavius, and Tertullian's Apology for the primitive Christians, render'd into English
    Minucius Felix, Marcus
  • 129493
    Book Info
    Three posthumous tracts of the famous Dr. Rob. Leighton, ... consisting of Rules for a holy-life; A sermon before the Parliament at Edenburgh: and a short catechism
    Leighton, Robert
  • 129494
    Book Info
    Threnodia virginea: or the apotheosis. A poem, occasion'd by the much lamented death of Mrs Hester Buckworth, only daughter of Sir John Buckworth, kt. and bar
    Gildon, Charles
  • 129495
    Book Info
    Threnodia virginea: or, the apotheosis. A poem, occasion'd by the much lamented death of Mrs. Elizabeth Buckworth, only daughter of Sir John Buckworth, kt. and bar
    Gildon, Charles
  • 129496
    Book Info
    To begin harvest three days too soon rather than two days too late. Or, sentences of the dissenters. Containing, relations of pretended judgments, prodigies and apparitions in behalf of the non-conformists, in opposition to the establish'd church. With timely remarks
  • 129497
    Book Info
    To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. The humble address of the high-sheriff, grand-jury, justices of the peace, and the rest of the gentlemen of the county of Oxford. London, April 21
    Oxfordshire (England)
  • 129498
    Book Info
    To the right honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in parliament assembled. The humble and dutiful application and petition of Capt. Thomas Orme
    Orme, Thomas
  • 129499
    Book Info
    Tres libri Solomonis, scilicet, Proverbia, Ecclesiastes, et Cantica, carmine latino redditi. Per G. B.
    G. B
  • 129500
    Book Info
    Truth in fiction: or, morality in masquerade. A collection of two hundred twenty five select fables of Æsop, and other authors. Done into English verse. By Edmund Arwaker, Rector of Donaghmore in Ireland, and Chaplain to His Grace The Duke of Ormond
    ProQuest One Literature
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