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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,501 - 129,520건 출력
  • 129501
    Book Info
    Truth try'd: or, Mr. Agate's pretended Plain-Truth proved an untruth: in which his false stories and unfair quotations are detected; His Charge of jesuitism and donatism against the dissenters is Retorted, And their agreement with all foreign protestants in Point of ordination is further Manifested. By John Withers
    Withers, John
  • 129502
    Book Info
    Turkish tales; consisting of several extraordinary adventures: with the history of the sultaness of Persia, and the visiers. Written originally in the Turkish language, by Chec Zade, for the use of Amurath II. And now done into English
    P{acute}etis, Fran{cedil}cois
  • 129503
    Book Info
    Twelve sermons preach'd at the lecture founded by Robert Boyle, Esq; concerning the possibility, necessity and certainty of divine revelation. The second edition. To which are added, three sermons, I. Of Scripture being a Rule: Preach'd at a Meeting of the Clergy in Lewes in Sussex. Not before Printed. II. Of Justification, reprinted: Preach'd at a Meeting of the Clergy at Chichester. III. Of a Pr
    Williams, John
  • 129504
    Book Info
    Two compendious discourses: the one concerning the power of God: the other about the certainty and evidence of a future state. By Tho. Smith. D. D. Published in Opposition to the growing Atheism and Deism of the Age
    Smith, Thomas
  • 129505
    Book Info
    Two discourses, Whereof the First is, an exhortation To the Strict Observance of Ash-Wednesday. The second, a defence of those who keep Lent, and observe the other fasts of the church. In Answer to a Divine, who ask'd the Author why he kept Lent. Recommended in a preface by Dr. George Hickes
  • 129506
    Book Info
    Votes of the house of ladies: or, the parliament of women. Shewing all their notable proceedings towards the speedy reformation of ill husbands, the propagation of cuckoldom, The Regulation of Galants. And The Redress of all other Female Grrevarices
  • 129507
    Book Info
    Voyage et avantures de François Leguat, & de ses compagnons, en deux isles desertes des Indes Orientales. Vec la Rélation des choses les plus remarquables qu'ils ont observées dans L'Isle Maurice, à Batavia, au Cap de Bonne-Esperance, dans L'Isle St. Helene, & en d'autres endroits de leur Route. Le tout enrichi de cartes & de figures. Tome Premier
    Le Guat, Fran{cedil}cois
  • 129508
    Book Info
    What's that to thee? And Mind your own business. A sermon preach'd in London, June the 20th, 1708. Concerning an overcurious and inquisitive intermeddling with the concerns of others: And shewing what is every Man's proper Work and Business
  • 129509
    Book Info
    White, 1708. A new almanack, for the year of our Lord God, 1708. And the Year from the World's Creation, 5657. Being the Bissextile, or Leap-Year. Calculated for the Meridian of Todington in Bedfordshire, where the Pole Artick is elevated above the Horizon 52 Degrees and 8 Minutes, and may serve for all Parts of England, without any sensible Error. By Tho. White. Cum Privilegio
    White, Thomas
  • 129510
    Book Info
    William Worts son and executor of William Worts, Esq; ... Appellant. John Pern, Esq; respondent. The respondent's case
    Pern, John
  • 129511
    Book Info
    Wine a poem
    Gay, John
  • 129512
    Book Info
    Wine a poem.
    Gay, John
  • 129513
    Book Info
    Wine a poem. To which is added Old England's new triumph: or, the Battel [sic] of Audenard. A song
    Gay, John
  • 129514
    Book Info
    Wisdom and understanding the glory and excellency of human nature. A sermon preach'd before the gentlemen educated at Merchant-Taylors school, at St. Mary le Bow, Feb. 10. 1707/8. By S. Dunster, ...
  • 129515
    Book Info
    Withers mayor. Die martis, xiv°. die septembris, anno Domini 1708. Annoque regni reginæ Annæ, Magnæ Britanniæ, &c. septimo. To the end that all persons owners of any spices, drugs, or other ware or merchandises, garbleable within this city and liberties thereof, and desirous to have the same garbled, may know who is the proper officer to perform that duty ...
    Corporation of London (England)
  • 129516
    Book Info
    Woodhouse, 1708. A new almanack for the year of our Lord 1708. ... By John Woodhouse, ...
    Woodhouse, John
  • 129517
    Book Info
    Words for the musick, in The Releapse: or, Vertue in Danger. Song in the Fourth Act
    Vanbrugh, John
  • 129518
    Book Info
    [A table of the statutes publick and private, passed anno sexto Annæ Reginæ.]
    Great Britain
  • 129519
    Book Info
    [A] catalogue of the fellows : candidates, honorary-fellows, and licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
    Royal College of Physicians of London
  • 129520
    Book Info
    [An Act to make further provision for electing and summoning sixteen peers of Scotland, to sit in the house of peers in the parliament of Great Britain; and for trying peers for offences committed in Scotland; and for the further regulating of votes in elections of members to serve in parliament.]
    Great Britain