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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,521 - 129,540건 출력
  • 129521
    Book Info
    [The eight volumes of letters writ by a Turkish spy, who liv'd five and forty years undiscover'd at Paris: Giving an Impartial Account to the Divan at Constantinople, of the most remarkable Transactions of Europe; And discovering several Intrigues and Secrets of the Christian Courts (especially of that of France) continued from the Year 1673, to the Year 1682. Written originally in Arabick, transl
    Marana, Giovanni Paolo
  • 129522
    Book Info
    [The] traytor's reward, or Mr. William Greg's sorrowful lamentation, for betraying his country, who was this present Monday, 19th, of January, arraign'd at the Sessions-house in the Old-Baily, and pleaded guilty to his indictment for high-treason, ... To the tune of, Ponty at Dunkirk
    Gregg, William
  • 129523
    Book Info
    Æsop at Oxford: or, a few select fables in verse, under the following heads, viz. Æsop matriculated. Æsop's thanks. Aesop's Case. The Pay-Master General. The famous History of Goodman I did it. The Paradox. The Devil on two Sticks. The Female Hypocrite. A notable Allie. A Present for a Courtier. Worse and Worse. Whitehall and St. James's. A Woman that did Good once in her Life. Diamonds cut Diamon
    Pittis, William
  • 129524
    Book Info
    A brief account of the woollen manufactury of England, with relation to the prejudice it receives from the clandestine exportation of wooll from Ireland into France
    Knox, Thomas
  • 129525
    Book Info
    A brief defense of episcopal ordination. In which I. The arguments for it are propos'd. II. The pleas, for the right of Presbyters to ordain, are examin'd. III. The pleas, alleged for the same right in the laity, are consider'd. To which are added a reply to the introduction to the second part: And a Postscript relating to the Third Part of Mr. Calamy's Defense of Moderate Non-Conformity. By Benja
    Hoadly, Benjamin
  • 129526
    Book Info
    A brief discovery of the false churches: wherein the rights of the Christian church are further asserted by the Holy Scriptures. Done from an Authentick Manuscript written in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, by Henry Barrow a Member of the Honourable Society of Grays-Inn, who suffered Death for his Non-Conformity to the Church of England
    Barrow, Henry
  • 129527
    Book Info
    A brief exposition of the church-catechism. With proofs from scripture By John Lord Bishop of Chichester; ...
    Church of England
  • 129528
    Book Info
    A brief narrative of the life and death of that antient servant of the Lord and his people, Gilbert Latey: Shewing His Birth and Parentage, his coming up to London, and how he was brought to the Acknowledgment of the Truth: With some Account of Antient Friends, and of the first Settlement of Meetings in London, and other Parts: With divers Instances of his Publick Services; and how useful he was t
  • 129529
    Book Info
    A calculation how an annual dividend of 5l. per cent. may be made on 500000l. stock of the Million-Bank, to be paid half yearly, at Lady-day and Michaelmas, without lessening the capital
    Million-Bank (London, England)
  • 129530
    Book Info
    A catalogue of all the cheifest rarities in the publick theater and anatomie-hall, of the university of Leyden, by Gerrard Blancken, which are so set in order that an [sic] may easily bee found in their places
    Blancken, Gerard
  • 129531
    Book Info
    A catalogue of books, printed for and sold by Tho. Parkhurst, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside
    Parkhurst, Thomas
  • 129532
    Book Info
    A character of a turn-coat: or, the true picture of an English monster
  • 129533
    Book Info
    A collection of divine hymns and poems on several occasions: by the E. of Roscommon, John Dryden, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Norris, Mrs. Kath Phillips, Mrs. Singer & others. Most of them Never before Printed
  • 129534
    Book Info
    A collection of paintings, Japan-Work, And several other Rarities, Lately belonging to a Person of Quality deceased, will be Sold by auction at the West End of Exeter-Change above stairs, on Thursday the Sixth of February, at Three a Clock in the Afternoon. The Conditions of Sale as usual, and the time of Paying and fetching away the Lots so bought, to be within Three days after at the said place,
  • 129535
    Book Info
    A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England: with collects and prayers for each solemnity.
    Nelson, Robert
  • 129536
    Book Info
    A companion to the altar: shewing the nature and necessity of a sacramental preparation, in order to our worthy receiving the Holy Communion. ...
    Vickers, William
  • 129537
    Book Info
    A compleat body of chirurgical operations : containing the whole practice of surgery. With observations and remarks on each case. Amongst which are Inserted, the several Ways of Delivering Women in Natural and Unnatural Labours. The whole illustrated with copper plates, Explaining the several Bandages, Sutures, and divers useful Instruments. By M. de La Vauguion. M. D. and Intendant of the Roya...
    La Vauguion
  • 129538
    Book Info
    A compleat collection of all the remarkable speeches in both Houses of Parliament: discovering the principles and temper of all parties and factions; The Conduct of our Chief Ministers, Their Management of Public Affairs, And the Maxims of Government, from the year 1641, to the happy Union of Great Britain. By several lords and commoners
  • 129539
    Book Info
    A compleat guide for Justices of Peace. In two parts. The first, containing the common and statute laws relating to the office of a Justice of the Peace, Aphabetically digested. The second, consisting of the most authentick precedents which are now in Use, and do properly Concern the same. Originally composed by J. Bond, Esq ; The third edition, revised, corrected, new methodized, very much enlarg
    Bond, J
  • 129540
    Book Info
    A compleat history of Europe: or, a view of the affairs thereof, civil and military, for the year 1706. Containing all the publick and secret transactions therein; The several Steps taken by France, for an Universal Monarchy, and to Enslave her Neighbours; The Wars in Italy, Poland, Netherlands, Spain, &c. Intermix'd with great variety of original papers, Letters, Memoirs, Treaties, &c. Several of
    Jones, D