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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,581 - 129,600건 출력
  • 129581
    Book Info
    A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, A D. 1697. The second edition, in which the corrections and additions, which were sent by the author after the book was printed off, are inserted in the Body of the Book in their proper places. By Hen. Maundrell, M.A. late Fellow of Exeter Coll. and Chaplain to the Factory at Aleppo
    Maundrell, Henry
  • 129582
    Book Info
    A kind caution to watermen, and such as go upon the river
  • 129583
    Book Info
    A large vindication of the doctrine contained in the sermon preach'd at the funeral of Mr. Thomas Bennet. In answer to a pamphlet, intituled, A letter to the Reverend Dr. Francis Atterbury: Occasion'd by the Doctrine lately deliver'd by him in a Funeral Sermon on 1 Cor. xv. 19. August 30. 1706: By Francis Atterbury, D. D. Dean of Carlisle, Preacher at the Rolls, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Maj
    Atterbury, Francis
  • 129584
    Book Info
    A letter from a member of the commission of the late General Assembly, to a minister in the country; concerning present dangers
    Wylie, Robert
  • 129585
    Book Info
    A letter from a minister of state at Turin, to a general-officer, relating to the expedition into Provence, and siege of Thoulon. Also The Motives that engag'd his Royal Highness and Prince Eugene in that Stupendous Undertaking, the Reason of its Miscarriages, and the unavoidable Necessity th? Confederates lie under of numerous Re-Inforcements the next Campaign, in order to Penetrate into the Bowe
  • 129586
    Book Info
    A letter to Monsieur N----, Professor of divinity in the Protestant University of N----, from Monsieur Aymon, chaplain to the late famous Cardinal Camus, Bishop of Grenoble. To inform all men of learning and probity, of the notorious cheats of several popish authors, ...
    Aymon, Jean
  • 129587
    Book Info
    A letter to Sir William Robinson, in relation to a proposal for a trade to the Spanish West-Indies
  • 129588
    Book Info
    A letter to a Member of Parliament concerning trade; and particularly the trade of the Spanish West-Indies
  • 129589
    Book Info
    A letter to a Member of Parliament concerning trade; and particularly the trade of the Spanish West-Indies.
  • 129590
    Book Info
    A letter to the Reverend Dr. Benjamin Prat, ... wherein, the dangerous errors in a late book, intituled, An essay concerning the use of reason in propositions ... are detected, confuted, and gradually deduc'd from the very basis of all atheism, upon which alone they are bottom'd. By William Caroll.
    Carroll, William
  • 129591
    Book Info
    A letter to the moderator of the next General Assembly: offering some considerations against the imposing of the Westminster confession of faith, as terms of ministerial communion; and giving an account of the process carried on by the synod of Morray, against Mr. James Allan ... By a Presbyterian minister of the Church of Scotland. ...
    Allan, James
  • 129592
    Book Info
    A list of Her Majesties commissioners of the Lieutenancy, for the city of London : Dated the 19th day of June, 1707.
    Commissioners of Lieutenancy for the City of London
  • 129593
    Book Info
    A mechanical account of the non-naturals : being a brief explication of the changes made in humane bodies, by air, diet, &c. Together With an Enquiry into the Nature and Use of Baths upon the same Principles. To which is prefix'd, The Doctrin of Animal Secretion in several Propositions. By Jer. Wainewright, M.D.
    Wainewright, Jeremiah
  • 129594
    Book Info
    A memorial of the present deplorable state of New-England, with the disadvantages it lyes under by the male-administration of their present Governour, Joseph Dudley, Esq. and his son Paul, &c. Together with The several Affidovits of People of Worth, Relating to several of the said Governour's Mercenary and Illegal Proceedings, but particularly his private Treacherous Correspondence with Her Majest
    Mather, Cotton
  • 129595
    Book Info
    A memorial: or, a short account of the Bahama-Islands ; ... Deliver'd to the lords, proprietors of the said islands, ... By John Graves, ...
    Graves, John
  • 129596
    Book Info
    A method proposed, that will raise a great sum of money to the government, prevent all roberies on the high-ways, double the income of the Post-Office, and encrease dealings of all kinds; humbly offer'd to the consideration of the parliament of Great Britain
    Beeckman, Daniel
  • 129597
    Book Info
    A modern Latin ode attempted in English
    Philips, John
  • 129598
    Book Info
    A modest vindication of the present ministry: from the reflections publish'd against them in a late printed paper, entitled, The Lord Haversham's speech, &c. With a review and ballance of the present war. Evincing, That We are not in such a Desperate Condition as that Paper Insinnates. Humbly submitted to the Consideration of all but especially to the Right Honourable and the Honourable, the North
    Well-Wisher to the Peace of Britain
  • 129599
    Book Info
    A modest vindication of the present ministry: from the reflections publish'd against them in a late printed paper, entituled, The Lord Haversham's speech, &c. With a review and ballance of the present war. ... By a well-wisher to the peace of Britain
    Well-Wisher to the Peace of Britain
  • 129600
    Book Info
    A muzzle for a mad dog: or, animadversions on some late scandalous papers call'd Rehearsers; treating about the soul, but wrote without spirit, or life, in defyance to the truth of reveal'd religion. ... By Evan Lloyd, ...
    Lloyd, Evan