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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,601 - 129,620건 출력
  • 129601
    Book Info
    A name in heaven the truest ground of joy, on Luke x. 20. and The power of grace in weaning the heart from the world, on Psal. cxxxi. 1. set forth in two discourses in Commemoration of the Happy Birth, &c. of the Only Son of a Person of Quality. By the late Reverend Mr. Matthew Mead. Minister of the Gospel. Published from the Original Copies wrote out fair fit for the Press with the Author's own H
    Mead, Matthew
  • 129602
    Book Info
    A new and universal practice of mercantile arithmetick: in which, what has hitherto appear'd obscure, is explain'd by such easie and familiar Rules, that the Learner may, without any other Help, arrive to a perfect Understanding of every thing that is necessary to be known in Trade: And particularly all the different Methods used in England, France and Holland. All which being perform'd without th
    Monier de Clairecombe, Jean
  • 129603
    Book Info
    A new catalogue of books and small tracts, against vice and immorality; and for promoting the knowledge & practice of the Christian religion, collected under particular heads. With the Prices of each of them, Single and by the Hundred, &c
    Downing, Joseph
  • 129604
    Book Info
    A new elegy upon the much lamented death of that valiant and victorious general and soldier, the Lord Cuts, who departed this life at Dublin in Ireland, on the 29th of January last, 1706/7. being one of the Lords justices of that kingdom
  • 129605
    Book Info
    A parallel of the antient architecture with the modern, in a collection of ten principal authors who have written upon the five orders, ... Written in French by Roland Freart, ... To which is added An account of architects and architecture, ... With Leon Baptista Alberti's Treatise of statues. By John Evelyn ...
    Fr{acute}eart, Roland
  • 129606
    Book Info
    A paraphrase and notes on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans
    Locke, John
  • 129607
    Book Info
    A paraphrase and notes on the epistles of St. Paul To the Galatians, I & II Corinthians, Romans, Ephesians. To which is prefix'd, An essay for the understanding of St. Paul's epistles, by consulting St. Paul himself
    Locke, John
  • 129608
    Book Info
    A paraphrase on the Psalter or Psalms of David, ... By William Nicholls, ...
    Nicholls, William
  • 129609
    Book Info
    A paraphrase on the Psalter or Psalms of David, Pointed as they are to be Sung or Said in Churches. By William Nicholls, D. D. Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Montagu
    Nicholls, William
  • 129610
    Book Info
    A particular relation, of the burning of Lisburn (a town in Ireland,) in a most Dreadful and Extraordinary manner, by fire from heaven; Attested by good Vouchers, lately come from Ireland
  • 129611
    Book Info
    A phenix or the solemn league and covenant, of the three kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ireland; for reformation and defence of religion, sworn to in the three kingdoms. With some acts of the church and state, authorizing the same
  • 129612
    Book Info
    A philippick oration to incite the English against the French; ... offer'd to the Privy-Council of England, in the year of Christ, 1514. By an uncertain author ... Now first publisht, ... by John Toland
    Schinner, Math{uml}aus
  • 129613
    Book Info
    A pindarick ode on the union. Written by Lew. Theobald, gent.
  • 129614
    Book Info
    A plea for scripture ordination: or, ten arguments from scripture and antiquity proving ordination by presbyters without bishops to be valid. By J. Owen Minister of the Gospel. To which is prefixt an epistle by the Reverend Mr. Daniel Williams
    Owen, James
  • 129615
    Book Info
    A poem of condolance on the loss of Sir Cloudesley Shovel, vice-admiral of Great Britain: who (with his crew) perish'd by storm, in the Association man of war, October, 1707. Humbly inscribed to the officers of Her Majesty's navy
  • 129616
    Book Info
    A poem on the Queenás birth-day
  • 129617
    Book Info
    A poem upon the late glorious successes of Her Majesty's arms, &c. Humbly Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Earl of Godolphin, Lord High-Treasurer of England. By N. Rowe, Esq;
    Rowe, Nicholas
  • 129618
    Book Info
    A poem upon the law. Occasioned by a late Act of Parliament, entituled, An act for the amendment of the law, and the better advancement of justice. Together with a character of, and a panegyrick upon the Lord Keeper and the twelve judges. By a gentleman of the Inner-Temple
    Hawke, Edward
  • 129619
    Book Info
    A poem, humbly inscrib'd to the Lords Commissioners for the union of the two kingdoms
    Pix, Mary
  • 129620
    Book Info
    A poem, occasion'd by the successes of the present war: and calculated for the beginnings of the present year. By John Glanvill of Lincolns-Inn, Esq;
    Glanvill, John