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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,621 - 129,640건 출력
  • 129621
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    A postscript to Mr. Higgins's sermon, very necessary for the better understanding it. In a dialogue
    Leslie, Charles
  • 129622
    Book Info
    A postscript to Mr. Higgins's sermon; very necessary for the better understanding it. In a dialogue
    Leslie, Charles
  • 129623
    Book Info
    A practical dissertation on Bath waters : I. Of the antiquity of Bath and its waters. II. The Origine of Springs. III. Of the Ingredients in the Waters. IV. The Cause of their Heat. V. Of Drinking the Waters and Bathing, and Directions in Both. VI. Of the Virtues of Bath Waters in particular. Vii. That they are of great Use in the Gout. Viii. That they are extraordinary good in Womens and Child...
    Oliver, William
  • 129624
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    A practical treatise concerning humility. Design'd for the furtherance and improvement of that great Christian vertue, both in the minds and lives of men. By John Norris, Rector of Bemerton near Sarum
    Norris, John
  • 129625
    Book Info
    A preliminary defence of the epistolary discourse, concerning the distinction between soul and spirit. In two parts. I. Against the Charge of favouring Impiety. II. Against the Charge of favouring Heresie. In the Former is inserted a Digression, Proving, that the Collection of the Code of the Four Gospels in Trajan's Time is no way Derogatory to the sufficient Attestation of them. By Henry Dodwell
    Dodwell, Henry
  • 129626
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    A protestation and testimony against the incorporating union with England
  • 129627
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    A relation of a very extraordinary sleeper, at Tinsbury, near Bath. With a dissertation on the doctrine of sensation, the Powers of the Soul, and its Several Operations. Together with Physical Causes assigned for this Strange Phaenomenon. By William Oliver, M. D. Fellow of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physicians, London
    Oliver, William
  • 129628
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    A reply to Mr. Clark's Defence of his letter to Mr. Dodwell. With a postscript relating to Mr. Milles's answer to Mr. Dodwell's Epistolary discourse
    Collins, Anthony
  • 129629
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    A reply to Mr. Palmer's vindication of the learning, loyalty, morals, and most Christian behaviour of the dissenters towards the Church of England. By Samuel Wesley
    Wesley, Samuel
  • 129630
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    A reply to a pamphlet, intituled, A true and impartial account of what occurr'd at the late conference in Exon. By John Agate, M.A.
    Agate, John
  • 129631
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    A reply to the authors of The advantages of Scotland by an incorporate union; And of The Fifth essay, At Removing National Prejudices. Or, a vindication of The Author of the Advantages of the Act of Security, in Opposition to the Incorporating Union
    Black, William
  • 129632
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    A representation of the decay of the woolen manufactures of this kingdom, proper for Germany, humbly offered, by divers merchants and traders, to the consideration of both Houses of Parliament
  • 129633
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    A seasonable caveat against the prevalency of Quakerism; by a clear manifestation of a spirit of persecution in the Quakers, had they power to their will, by their proceedings against Francis Bugg, for going to their Meeting in Norwich, September 29. 1706, and asking thi single question, viz. Do you own the 9th Commandment, i.e. thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour?
    Bugg, Francis
  • 129634
    Book Info
    A second defense of an argument made use of in a letter to Mr Dodwel, to prove the immateriality and natural immortality of the soul. In a letter to the author of A reply to Mr Clarke's Defense, &c.
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 129635
    Book Info
    A second volume of select discourses, treating I. Of the stability of the Scriptures, from St. John 10.35. II. Of glorifying God by death, from St. John 21.19. III. Of believing in God as sending his Son. IV. Of Prayer for others, and the Reward of it. V. Of the Song of Moses, and something Correspondent to it in the Christian Church. VI. Of the Sabbath as a Gift, and a Priviledge. Vii. Of the Phr
    Parkhurst, Nathaniel
  • 129636
    Book Info
    A serious examination of George Keith's pretended serious call to the Quakers, inviting them to return to Christianity. Proving the same none of Christ's call, but unchristian, invidious, perverse and self-contradictory. By some of his quondam dear friends, called, Quakers, [sic]
  • 129637
    Book Info
    A serious exhortation to avoid such as cause divisions in Christ's church; in a sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of Durham, and elsewhere, in the year 1672. Being the Time of the Great Indulgence granted by King Charles the Second. By John Cock, a Presbyter of the Church of England
    Cock, John
  • 129638
    Book Info
    A serious exhortation to repentance and a holy life. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at Saint James's chappel, on Ashwednesday [sic], Febr. 10. 1702/3. By the most Reverend Father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York. Published by her Majesties Special Command
    Sharp, John
  • 129639
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    A sermon against detraction. Preach'd by A. H. A. M. Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Richmond
    A. H
  • 129640
    Book Info
    A sermon concerning the divine covenants with man, and concerning divine service, as it hath been generally practis'd by the Jewish and Christian Church. Part the first. By R. Pococke, A.M.
    Pococke, R