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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,741 - 129,760건 출력
  • 129741
    Book Info
    A table of artificial sines and tangents to every degree and minute of the quadrant
  • 129742
    Book Info
    A table of logarithm numbers, from one to ten thousand: Whereby the Logarithm of any Number Under Four Hundred Thousand may be readily discovered
  • 129743
    Book Info
    A tender visitation and warning to those that profess the way of truth but are not in the possession of it. With a call to them to come and walk in the narrow way, which leadeth unto life. Giving some account of the tender dealings of God with the author, who is one that desires the Prosperity of the Truth in all; and that those who profess it, might come to live in Obedience to it. Thomas Hopkins
    Hopkins, Thomas
  • 129744
    Book Info
    A thanksgiving sermon preach'd on the first day of May, 1707. on occasion of the happy union between England and Scotland. By Giles Dent
    Dent, Giles
  • 129745
    Book Info
    A thanksgiving sermon, preached on the 31st of Decemb. 1706. at Newnham in Hertfordshire. By William Goldwin, Batchelor of Arts, and Fellow of King's Colledge in Cambridge
    Goldwin, William
  • 129746
    Book Info
    A thanksgiving-Sermon, occasioned by the union of England and Scotland, preach'd at Hand-Alley, May the 1st, 1707. By Daniel Williams, Minister of the Gospel
    Williams, Daniel
  • 129747
    Book Info
    A thanksgiving-Sermon, preach'd on the first day of May, 1707. On occasion of the happy union between England and Scotland. By Chr. Taylor
    Taylor, Christopher
  • 129748
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    A thundering poem to the swearer: or, a dreadful warning to all wicked and presumptious blasphemers; with a lively description of divine vengeance, ...
  • 129749
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    A treatise concerning marriage. Wherein the unlawfulness of mixt-marriages is laid open ... By Moses West.
    West, Moses
  • 129750
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    A treatise of vapours, or hysterick fits. Containing An Analytical Proof of its Causes, Mechanical Explanations of all its Symptoms and Accidents, according to the Newest and most Rational Principles. Together with its Cure at large. The second edition, revis'd and augmented. By John Purcell, M.D.
    Purcell, John
  • 129751
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    A treatise touching falling from grace
    Griffith, John
  • 129752
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    A true and impartial account of what occurr'd at the late conference in Exon. Publish'd to prevent misrepresentations
    Withers, John
  • 129753
    Book Info
    A true and impartial account of what occurr'd at the late conference in Exon. Publish'd to prevent misrepresentations. By John Withers
    Withers, John
  • 129754
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    A true caracter of the Bread-street tatlers; or, a satyr against impudence
  • 129755
    Book Info
    A true list of the Lords spiritual and temporal, together with the Members of the House of Commons, constituting the first Parliament of Great Britain ... 1707
    Great Britain
  • 129756
    Book Info
    A view of Arminianism compared with moderate Calvinism. Wherein is shewed the dangerous tendency of the Arminian doctrine, ... Whereunto is prefix'd a table or scheme of God's decrees, ... By John England, ...
    England, John
  • 129757
    Book Info
    A vindication of the Bank of England from the misrepresentations, and groundless suggestions of a late pamphlet, entituled, Remarks upon the Bank of England. To which is added, by way of Appendix, Essays upon Banks, upon Credit, and upon Plenty and Scarcity of Money. By a merchant
    Clement, Simon
  • 129758
    Book Info
    A vindication of the eternal law, and everlasting Gospel. The first part. Wherein The Continuation of the Law; its high Demands; the Incapacity of Man for obeying it, in his fallen State, are asserted and prov'd: The Suretiship of Christ; His obeying and suffering in our stead; are maintained and defended: The Concernment of Faith in Justification, is open'd and explain'd. Together with a second p
    Beart, John
  • 129759
    Book Info
    A vindication of the rights and privileges of the Christian church. In which are Defended The Divine Charter of its Incorporation. The Divine Institution of its Ministry. Its Authority in Ordination, Discipline and Censures. And the Consistency of all these with the Supremacy of the Civil Magistrate. In answer to a late book intitul'd The rights of the Christian Church asserted, &c. By John Turner
    Turner, John
  • 129760
    Book Info
    A voyage round the world. Containing an account of Captain Dampier's expedition into the South-Seas in the ship St George, in the years 1703 and 1704. With his various Adventures, Engagements, &c. And a particular and exact Description of several Islands in the Atlantick Ocean, the Brazilian Coast, the Passage round Cape Horn, and the Coasts of Chili, Peru, and Mexico. Together with the author's v
    Funnell, William