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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,781 - 129,800건 출력
  • 129781
    Book Info
    An account of the Earl of Peterborow's conduct in Spain, chiefly since the raising the siege of Barcelona, 1706. To which is added the campagne of Valencia. With original papers.
    Freind, John
  • 129782
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    An account of the mischiefs and abuses arising and committed by virtue and under pretence of an Act made 1 Jac. 1 entituled, An act for the well garblin of spices
  • 129783
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    An account of the rise, foundation, progress, and present state of Gresham-College in London: with the Life of the Founder Sir Thomas Gresham: as also Of some late Endeavours for obtaining the Revival and Restitution of the Lectures there, with some Remarks thereon
    Gresham College
  • 129784
    Book Info
    An account of the wonderful cures perform'd by the cold baths : With advice to the water drinkers at Tunbridge, Hampstead, Astrope, Nasborough, and all the other Chalibeate Spaws: Wherein the Usefulness of cold bathing is further recommended to the Lovers of Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Brandy, &c. Preferring the Use of Bathing in those Springs before the Drinking of Their Waters. With a Table of th...
    Browne, Joseph
  • 129785
    Book Info
    An account of the wonderful cures perform'd by the cold baths. With advice to the water drinkers at Tunbridge, Hampstead, Astrope, Nasborough, and all the other Chalibeate Spaws: Wherein the Usefulness of cold bathing is further Recommended to the Lovers of Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Brandy, &c. Preferring the Use of Bathing in those Springs before the Drinking of their Waters. With a Table of the Di
    Browne, Joseph
  • 129786
    Book Info
    An account of what will do; or; an equivalent for Thoulon: in a proposal for an amicable subscription for improving trade in the south-west part of America, and Increasing Bullion to about Three Millions Per Annum, both for the East-India Trade, and the Revenue of the Crown, which by Consequence will be Produced, if this be Encouraged
  • 129787
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    An act for settling and preserving a publick library for ever; in the house ... built by his grace Narcissus, now lord Arch-bishop of Armagh; ...
  • 129788
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    An answer to a late pamphlet, entitled, The experiment; or, The shortest way with the dissenters exemplified. Being the case of Abraham Gill, a dissenting minister in the Isle of Ely, &c. Wherein all the Misrepresentations, Falsifications, Forgeries and Perjuries, Counterfeit and Imposture, contain'd in that Pamphlet, are clearly detected and proved, by authentick and undeniable Evidence
    James, Hugh
  • 129789
    Book Info
    An answer to a pamphlet; entituled, The case of the Curate of Penrith's taking upon him the office of Church-Warden consider'd 1706. in a letter, from the Arch-Deacon of Nottingham, to the Bishop of Carlisle. In a letter to a person of quality. By Hugh Todd, D. D. Vicar of Penrith, and Prebendary of Carlisle
    Todd, Hugh
  • 129790
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    An answer to the Lord Haversham's speech, Which he made in the house of peers, on Saturday, February. 15, 1707. Concerning the Union
  • 129791
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    An answer to the Lord Haversham's speech, in a committee of the whole House of Peers, on Wednesday, Nov. 19. 1707
  • 129792
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    An answer to the Unitarians objections from reason, against the doctrine of the Holy Trinity
  • 129793
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    An answer to the dissenters pleas for separation, or an abridgment of the London cases; wherein the substance of those books is digested into one short and plain discourse.
  • 129794
    Book Info
    An antidote against the pernicious errors of the Anabaptists, or; of the dipping-sect. Wherein, the doctrine and practices of the Church of England, in relation to infant baptism, are briefly justified and Confirmed by Holy Scripture and Reason, by the Approved Custom of Christians in all Ages since the Apostles, and by the Judgment of all the Reformed Churches of Europe; and wherein all Objection
    D'Assigny, Marius
  • 129795
    Book Info
    An apology for the English dissenters, by the Confessions of Foreign Protestant Churches; and particularly, by Letters from that of Geneva. Which may serve as an answer To several Letters from the Pastors of the Church of Geneva, to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, and the University of Oxford; with their Answers to them
  • 129796
    Book Info
    An appendix to the History of the grand rebellion. Consisting of some valuable pieces, written by the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Clarendon ... To which is prefix'd a new and particular account of His Lordship's Life; ...
    Clarendon, Edward Hyde
  • 129797
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    An award of King Charles the First, under his broad-seal. Settling two shillings of the pound out of the rents of the houses in Norwich, for the maintenance of the parochial clergy of that city, in lieu of personal tithes. With a treatise vindicating the legality and justice of that award, and showing, That Personal Tithes, in lieu of which the said Payment of two Shillings of the Pound was Awarde
    Prideaux, Humphrey
  • 129798
    Book Info
    An eighth letter to Dr. Wells: being a continuation of the defence of the remarks on his letters. In answer to his numb. III. By James Peirce
    Peirce, James
  • 129799
    Book Info
    An elegy on the death of the late famous Observator, Mr. John Tutchin; who departed this life, at his Lodgings in the Mint, on Tuesday the 23d of September, 1707. in the 47th Year of his Age. Written by the author of The review
    Author of The review
  • 129800
    Book Info
    An elegy on the much lamented death of William Duke of Devonshire; Lord Steward of the Household to the late King William; and Her present Majesty Queen Anne; and Head of the Confederate Nobility, for the resisting Popery and Arbitary Power in the last Revolution; who departed this life in the 64th year of his age, at his house at St. James's, on Monday the 18th of August, 1707