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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,801 - 129,820건 출력
  • 129801
    Book Info
    An elegy on the much to be lamented death of Lady Jean Ramsay, ... who departed this life ... October 1707
  • 129802
    Book Info
    An elegy on the much to be lamented death of Mary Eriskine relick of James Hair. Late drugist in Edinburgh. Who departed this life, July 2d. 1707
  • 129803
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    An elegy upon the much to be lamented death, of the Right Honourable Sir David Hume of Crossrig, ... who departed this life April 13. 1707
  • 129804
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    An epistle to the Righgt [sic] Honourable Charles Montague, Baron of Halifax. Writ upon occasion of the signal successes of Her Majesties arms in the last summers campaign. 1706
  • 129805
    Book Info
    An epistolary discourse, proving, from the Scriptures and the first fathers, that the soul is a principle naturally mortal: but immortalized actually: by the Pleasure of God to Punishment; or, to Reward by its Union with the Divine Baptismal Spirit. Wherein is Proved, That None have the Power of Giving this Divine Immortalizing Spirit, since the Apostles, but only Bishops. With an Hypothesis conce
    Dodwell, Henry
  • 129806
    Book Info
    An essay against uncharitableness. Wherein the Secret Springs of that Vice are traced, and the Mischeivous Effects of it briefly survey'd. Written To expose that most Unchristian Iniquity of Censures, Revilings and Church-Anathemas, onthe Account of doubtful Disputables in Christianity
    Watts, Isaac
  • 129807
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    An essay concerning the use of reason in propositions, the evidence whereof depends upon human testimony.
    Collins, Anthony
  • 129808
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    An essay for the understanding of St. Paul's epistles, by consulting St. Paul himself
    Locke, John
  • 129809
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    An essay on credit and the Bankrupt Act. With some reflections on the Escape-Act
  • 129810
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    An essay on inspiration, in two parts
    Bayly, Benjamin
  • 129811
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    An essay to revive the primitive practice of teaching the history of the Bible in families and schools: to which are added some advertisements, acts of faith, prayers and hymns. Relating to the same subject
  • 129812
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    An essay to the memory of John Lord Cutts, &c. Who Died January the Twenty Sixth 1706/7
  • 129813
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    An essay towards the improvement of reason; in the pursuit of learning, and conduct of life. By Josh. Oldfield
    Oldfield, Joshua
  • 129814
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    An essay upon the character of His Grace the Duke of Marlborough, in a letter to a gentleman in Portugal
  • 129815
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    An essay, towards a historical treatise, on that most universally famous, as well as useful art of typography, from the first Invention of it at Harlem, by Coster, with Molds or Blocks of Wood
    Bagford, John
  • 129816
    Book Info
    An exact relation of the strange and uncommon sleepy distemper of Dirk Klaasz Bakker, of Stolwyk, not far from Rotterdam, who slept from the thirteenth of July, 1706, to the eleventh of January, 1707, without any intermission, ... Faithfully laid down by Dr. Paul Walwyk, Dr Cornelius vander Zee, Dr. Henry Snellen, and Dr. Abraham Solomon vander Voort, ...
    Walwyk, Paul
  • 129817
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    An explication of the ceremonies of the Mass, with an exercise to hear it well: and a short treatise of the new-heart. Faithfully translated from the French
  • 129818
    Book Info
    An historical account of the bitter sufferings, and melancholly circumstances of the episcopal church in Scotland, under the barbarous usage and bloody persecution of the presbyterian church government. With an Essay on The Nature and Necessity of a Toleration in the North of Britain
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 129819
    Book Info
    An historical account of the life, birth, parentage, and conversation, of that celebrated beau handsome Fealding: Being a full Character of all his Transactions in the Service both of Mars and Venus, from his first being took notice of in London, till his Divorce from the Dutchess of C-d, by reason of his being first Marry'd to Mary Wadsworth a Jilt of the Town before, for which he was Try'd and C
  • 129820
    Book Info
    An information to all true Scotsmen, who are misinform'd of the Union