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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,821 - 129,840건 출력
  • 129821
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    An inquiry into the causes of our naval miscarriages: with Some Thoughts on the Interest of this Nation as to a Naval War, and of the only true Way of Manning the fleet
  • 129822
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    An introduction to the Latin tongue, or the first book of grammar. Composed in Latin by Emmanuel Alvarez of the Society of Jesus, and translated by the young students of the same Society into English
    Alvares, Manuel
  • 129823
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    An introduction to the knowledge of the stile of writs, simple and compound, made use of in Scotland; ... Written for the use of the students in Spotiswood's colledge [sic] of law, and now publish'd ... By John Spotiswood of that Ilk advocate
    Spotiswood, John
  • 129824
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    An ode on the Queen's birth-day, for the year, 1706/7. Set by Mr. Ximenes, and performed at the Castle of Dublin
  • 129825
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    An ode to the sun, for the new-year
    Fenton, Elijah
  • 129826
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    An oration sacred to the imperial Majesty of Anne, Queen of Great-Britain
  • 129827
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    An ordination sermon preach'd at Chichester, Jan. 9th 1706/7. Wherein The Notion of Ordination is Stated, Popular Pretences are briefly Refuted, and the Power of presbyters to Ordain, is modestly Vindicated. By Simon Browne, Minister in Portsmouth
    Browne, Simon
  • 129828
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    Angelus Britannicus. An ephemeris for the year of our redemption, 1707. ... By John Tanner ...
    Tanner, John
  • 129829
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    Anglia supplex & triumphans: a sermon preach'd at the French church, on Wednesday the ninth of April; being the fast-day appointed by Her Majesty for the glorious success of her arms. By James D'Aubigny. Translated into English, by the author, At the Request of several Gentlemen
    Aubigny, Jacques d'
  • 129830
    Book Info
    Angliæ notitia: or the present state of England, With divers Remarks upon The Ancient State thereof. By Edw. Chamberlayne, L.L.D. and continu'd by his son John Chamberlayne, L. L. D. And continu'd by his Son John Chamberlayne, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. The two and twentieth edition, with improvements, and more Exact and Larger Additions in the Lists of the Officers, &c. than in any former
    Chamberlayne, John
  • 129831
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    Animadversions on the bank of England. In a letter to a friend
  • 129832
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    Anne Cole, vid. and Harry Cole Esq; Appellants. Mercy Godfrey ... Respondent. The respondents case
    Godfrey, Mercy
  • 129833
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    Anne Cole, vid. and Harry Cole Esq; Appellants. Mercy Godfrey ... Respondent. The respondents case.
    Godfrey, Mercy
  • 129834
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    Annus victoriis mirabilis: a thanksgiving sermon preach'd on Tuesday, Dec. 31. 1706. At St. James's Clerkenwell. Occasion'd by the signal victories obtain'd over the French, by the Duke of Marlborough, and the rest of the Confederate Forces. By Dr. Pead, Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Newcastle
    Pead, Deuel
  • 129835
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    Another tongue brought in, to confess the great Saviour of the world. Or, Some communications of Christianity, put into a tongue used among the Iroquois Indians, in America. And, put into the hands of the English and the Dutch traders: to accommodate the great intention of communicating the Christian religion, unto the salvages, among whom they may find any thing of this language to be intelligibl
    Mather, Cotton
  • 129836
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    Anthropologia nova; or, a new system of anatomy. Describing the animal oeconomy, and a short rationale of many distempers incident to human bodies. In which are inserted divers Anatomical Discoveries, and Medicinal Observations, with the History of the Parts. Illustrated with above Fourscore Figures, drawn after the Life: And to every Chapter a Syllabus of the Parts describ'd, for the Instruction
    Drake, James
  • 129837
    Book Info
    Apollo Anglicanus: the English apollo. Assisting All Persons in the Right Understanding of this Years Revolutions, as also of Things past, present, and to come. With necessary Tables, plain and useful. A twofold Kalender, viz. Julian or English, and Gregorian or Foreign Computations, more plain and full than any other with the Rising and Setting of the Sun, the nightly Rising and Setting of the Mo
    Saunders, Richard
  • 129838
    Book Info
    Archæologia Britannica, giving some account additional to what has been hitherto publish'd, of the languages, histories and customs of the original inhabitants of Great Britain: ... By Edward Lhuyd ... Vol. I. Glossography
    Lhwyd, Edward
  • 129839
    Book Info
    Arguments to prove the being of God. With objections against it, answer'd. Being several sermons preach'd at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, in the year 1706. on account of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; By John Hancock, D. D. Rector of St. Margaret's Lothbury, London; and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Bedford
    Hancocke, John
  • 129840
    Book Info
    Arithmetica absque algebra aut Euclide demonstrata. Cui accesserunt, cogitata Nonnulla de radicibus surdis, de Aestu Aeris, de ludo algebraico, &c. Autore **** Art. Bac. Trin. Col. Dub.
    Berkeley, George