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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,861 - 129,880건 출력
  • 129861
    Book Info
    Cases argued and decreed in the High Court of Chancery
    England | Wales
  • 129862
    Book Info
    Catalogue of a collection of valuable books in Latin, French, and Italian. In Divinity, History, Travels, Poetry, Physick and Fortification; And several Prints by P. Paul Rubens. Being the Library of a Reverend Divine lately deceas'd. To be sold by Auction at David Mortier's, Bookseller in the Strand, at the Sign of Erasmus's Head, near the Fountain-Tavern; on Wednesday the 19th of March 1706/7. b
    Mortier, David
  • 129863
    Book Info
    Christ, once offer'd, the Christians all-sufficient sacrifice. A sermon preach'd before the Queen, in Passion Week, 1702. at Saint James's Chappel. By Sir William Dawes, Baronet, D.D. and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. Publish'd by His Majesty's Special Command
    Dawes, William
  • 129864
    Book Info
    Christian sincerity: described in a funeral sermon June the first, 1707. Occasion'd by the death of ... Mr. Thomas Doolittle, M.A. By Daniel Williams, ...
    Williams, Daniel
  • 129865
    Book Info
    Christian sincerity: described in a funeral sermon, June the first, 1707. occasion'd by the death of ... Mr. Thomas Doolittle, M.A. By Daniel Williams. ...
    Williams, Daniel
  • 129866
    Book Info
    Christianissimus christianandus: or reason for the reduction of France to a more Christian state in Europe
    Nedham, Marchamont
  • 129867
    Book Info
    Christianity the only true comfort for troubled minds. A sermon preach'd before the Queen in her Chappel Royal at St. James's. Sunday, November the 3d, 1706. By George Stanhope, ...
    Stanhope, George
  • 129868
    Book Info
    Christianity the only true comfort for troubled minds. A sermon preach'd before the Queen in her chapel royal at St. James's. Sunday November the 3d 1706. By George Stanhope ...
    Stanhope, George
  • 129869
    Book Info
    Christianity the only true comfort for troubled minds. A sermon preach'd before the Queen in her chapel royal at St. James's. Sunday November the 3d 1706. By George Stanhope, D.D. Dean of Canterbury, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Publish'd by Her Majesty's special Command
    Stanhope, George
  • 129870
    Book Info
    Christianity the only true comfort for troubled minds. A sermon preach'd before the Queen, in her chapel royal at Saint James's. Sunday November the 3d 1706. By George Stanhope, ...
    Stanhope, George
  • 129871
    Book Info
    Chronicon preciosum: or, an account of English money, the price of corn, and other commodities, for the last 600 years. In a letter to a student in the University of Oxford
    Fleetwood, William
  • 129872
    Book Info
    Chronological tables of Europe; from the nativity of our Saviour to the year 1703. Engraven on 46 Copper-Plates, and Contriv'd in a small Compass for the Pocket; Being of Great Use for the Reading of History, and a Ready Help to Discourse. Digested into so very Easie and Exact a Method, that any one may Immediately find out either Pope, Emperour, or King. And thereby Know in what Time & Kingdom he
    Marcel, Guillaume
  • 129873
    Book Info
    Clavis prophetica: or, a key to the prophecies of Mons. Marion, and the other Camisars. With some Reflections on the Characters of these New Envoys, and of Mons. F- their Chief Secretary. Is Saul also among the Prophets? Part II
  • 129874
    Book Info
    Clavis prophetica: ou la clef des propheties de Mr. Marion, et des autres comisars. Avec quelques reflexions sur les Caracteres de ce nouveaux Envoyez, & de Mr. F.... leur principal Secretaire. Traduit de L'Anglois
  • 129875
    Book Info
    Clavis prophetica; or, a key to the prophecies of Mons. Marion, and the other camisars. With some reflections on the characters of these new envoys, and of Mons. F- their chief secretary
  • 129876
    Book Info
    Collectanea de Cyrillo Lucario, patriarcha constantinopolitano: quorum syllabum aversa pagina exhibet. Quibus accessere De veteris græcæ ecclesiæ hymnis Commentationes duae, et theologica de causis remediisque dissidiorum, quae Orbem Christianum hodiè affligunt, Exercitatio. Authore Thoma Smitho, Sacrae Theologiae Doctore, & Ecclesiae Anglicanae Presbytero
    Smith, Thomas
  • 129877
    Book Info
    Come and welcome to Jesus Christ. Or, a plain and profitable discourse on John VI. Verse xxxvii. ... Written by John Bunyan, ...
    Bunyan, John
  • 129878
    Book Info
    Compendium historiæ reformationis, a Zuinglii & Lutheri temporibus, ad nostra usque tempora deductæ. Auctore D. Johan. Angelo Berniera, in italica lingua concionatore
    Berniera, Giovanni Angelo
  • 129879
    Book Info
    Concio ad clerum Londinensem, habita in Ecclesia Parochiali S. Alphagi, Mensis Maii vi. A. D. MDCCVII. Quam composuit & recitare destinavit, si non in Morbum incidisset, R. Roderick S. T. P. Rector S. Michaelis Basishaw, London
    Roderick, Richard
  • 129880
    Book Info
    Contemplations of the state of man in this life, and in that which is to come. By Jeremy Taylor, ...
    Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio