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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,901 - 129,920건 출력
  • 129901
    Book Info
    Ecclesiæ versæ, non eversæ: or, the churches swept, not tumbl'd down. Turned, not overturned, but prop'd up to their just height, neither too low nor too high. Humbly addressed to the serious, speedy, and necessary Consideration of this present Parliament. By a hearty well-wisher to the health and prosperity of the Church of England, by law established
    Hearty Well-wisher to the Health | Prosperity of the Church of England
  • 129902
    Book Info
    Edifying and curious letters of some missioners, of the Society of Jesus, from Foreign Missions
  • 129903
    Book Info
    Ein gebeth-Büchlein: theils aus der englischen Liturgie, theils aus andern geistreichen Gebeth-Büchern zusammengetragen; und zum Gebrauch der Capelle Ihrer Konigl. Hoheit, Printz Georgens von Danemarck, eingerichtet
    Church of England
  • 129904
    Book Info
    Elegy on the much to be lamented death of the Right Honourable John Earl of Stairs. Who departed this life ... the 8th of January, anno 1707
  • 129905
    Book Info
    Enchiridion precum, ad promovendum solidioris pietatis studium collectum. Cum introductione de natura orationis
    B{uml}ohm, Anton Wilhelm
  • 129906
    Book Info
    England happy at home and abroad. A sermon preached in the Parish church of Enfield, in the County of Middlesex; on December the 31st, 1706. The Day of General thanksgiving, for the Glorious Successes with which God has been pleas'd to Crown the Armies of Her Majesty, and the Confederates, both by Sea and Land. By Charles Lamb, Curate of Enfield. Publish'd at the Request of the Audience
    Lamb, Charles
  • 129907
    Book Info
    Englands interest : or, the gentleman and farmers friend, shewing, 1. How land may be improv'd from 20 s. to 8 l. and so to 100 l per Acre, per Annum, with great Ease, and for an inconsiderable Charge. 2. How to make Cyder, Perry, Cherry, Currant, Goose-Berry and Mul-Berry wines, as Strong and Wholesome as French or Spanish Wines: And the Cyder and Wines so made to be Sold for 3 d. per Quart, t...
    Moore, Jonas
  • 129908
    Book Info
    Enkyklopaideia or, a method of instructing pupils 1707
  • 129909
    Book Info
    Enthusiastick impostors no divinely inspir'd prophets. Being An Historical Relation of the Rise, Progress, and present Practices of the French and English Pretended Prophets. Wherein all their Agitations, Extasies, Inspirations, Prophetical Warnings, and Pretences to working Miracles, are proved False, Counterfeit and Ridiculous Impostures; by Observations and Testimonies, under the Hand-Writing o
    Kingston, Richard
  • 129910
    Book Info
    Entretiens sur la pluralit{acute}e des mondes : Par M. de Fontenelle de l' Academie Fran{cedil}coise.
    Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de
  • 129911
    Book Info
    Ephemeris: or, a diary astronomical, astrological, meteorological, for the year of our Lord, 1707. ... By Job Gadbury
    Gadbury, Job
  • 129912
    Book Info
    Estat de la distribution de la somme de douze mille livres sterling, accordée par la reine aux pauvres Protestants françois refugiez en Angleterre, pour l'an 1705. Administrée par le Committé François, sous les Ordres des Seigneurs nommés par Sa Majeste, & par la Direction de Messieurs les Commissaires Anglois
    Comit{acute}e Fran{cedil}cois (London, England)
  • 129913
    Book Info
    Ethica, sive summa moralis disciplinæ, in tres partes divisa. Authore Fr. Eustachio a S. Paulo. cum duplici indice locupletissimo. Cui accesserunt Steph. Curcellæi, et Renati Des-Cartes Ethices
    Eustachius a Sancto Paulo
  • 129914
    Book Info
    Every man his own gardener : Being a new, and much more complete gardener's kalendar than any one hitherto published. Containing, Not only an Account of what Work is necessary to be done in the Hot-House, Green-House, Shrubbery, Kitchen, Flower, and Fruit Gardens, for every Month in the Year, but also ample Directions for performing the said Work, according to the newest and most approved Metho...
    Abercrombie, John
  • 129915
    Book Info
    Exercises to the accidence; or, an exemplification of the several moods and tenses, and of the principal rules of construction; consisting chiefly of moral sentences, collected out of the best Roman authors, and translated into English, to be render'd back into Latin, the Latin words being set in the opposite Column. With references to the Latin syntax; and notes
    Turner, William
  • 129916
    Book Info
    Expository notes, with practical observations, on the New-Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. ... Endeavoured by William Burkitt, ...
    Burkitt, William
  • 129917
    Book Info
    Fair warnings to a careless world, or, the serious practice of religion recommended by the admonitions of dying men, and the sentiments of all people in their most serious hours: And other Testimonies of an extraordinary Nature. By Josiah Woodward, D. D. To which is added, Serious Advice to a Sick Person by Archbishop Tillotson. As also, A Prospect of Death: A Pindarique Essay. With suitable cuts.
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 129918
    Book Info
    Female grievances debated, in six dialogues between two young ladies concerning love and marriage, ... To which are added, proposals for an act to enforce marriage, and for taxing such batchelors as refuse to marry. ...
  • 129919
    Book Info
    Fifty sermons preached upon several occasions. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward Stillingfleet, ...
    Stillingfleet, Edward
  • 129920
    Book Info
    Fools have fortune: or, a guinea gave for an oyster. Being Gogmagog's confession. With an exact copy of the letter of license granted to the whimsical lawyer of Chancery-Lane. Written by W.S. a brother of the quill
    W. S