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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 129,961 - 129,980건 출력
  • 129961
    Book Info
    Instructor clericalis. The first part. Directing clerks both in the court of Queen's-Bench and Common-Pleas: in the abbreviation and contraction of words (and thereby the speedy Reading of Presidents) in the filling up and suing out writs of first process, in Drawing Declarations, making up Issues, Ingrossing Records, Entring Judgments, and Suing out Executions: Also Pleas and Demurrers, &c. With
    R. G
  • 129962
    Book Info
    Instrument upon the lodgement of the regalia within the crown-room of the castle of Edinburgh, the 26th of March, 1707
  • 129963
    Book Info
    Israel and Judah made one kingdom: a sermon preach'd May the first, 1707. ... By Josh. Oldfield.
    Oldfield, Joshua
  • 129964
    Book Info
    Iter lunare: or, a voyage to the moon. Containing some considerations on the nature of that planet. The possibility of getting thither. With other pleasant conceits about the inhabitants, their manners and customs
    Russen, David
  • 129965
    Book Info
    John Dey, appellant, Thomas Stevenson & Jane his wife, respondents. The respondent's case.
    Stevenson, Thomas
  • 129966
    Book Info
    John Deye executor to Mrs. Elizabeth Ashby Widow Deceas'd, from a Decree Appellant. Thomas Stevenson and Jane his Wife, late the Widow Pattrick, one of Daughters of the said Elizabeth, and her late Husband Champion Ashby, a Freeman of London, Deceas'd. Respondents. The Appellant's case
    Deye, John
  • 129967
    Book Info
    Judoign. A poem on the late victory in Brabant
  • 129968
    Book Info
    Jure divino: or an answer to all that hath or shall be written by republicans. Against the old English constitution. Part the first, ...
    Gandy, Henry
  • 129969
    Book Info
    L'abbé a sa toilette. Nouvelle galante
    Mac{acute}e, Ren{acute}e
  • 129970
    Book Info
    L'idée du peintre parfait, Pour servir de Regle aux jugemens que l'on doit porter sur les Ouvrages des Peintres
    Piles, Roger de
  • 129971
    Book Info
    L'orgueuil de Nebucadnetzar abbatu de la main de Dieu: avec quelques applications particulieres aux affaires du temps. Ou sermon Sur Daniel, Ch. iv. vers. 29, 30, 31, 32. Prononce dans L'Eglise Francoise de la Savoye, le jour solemnel de L'Action de Graces, le 31 Decembre, 1706. Avec une Ample Preface pour faire ... de ce sermon. Par Jean Armand Dubourdieu, Chapelain de Mylord Duc de Devonshire, &
    Dubourdieu, Jean-Armand
  • 129972
    Book Info
    La liturgia Ynglesa, o el Libro de Oracion Commun y administracion de los sacramentos, Y Otros Ritos y Ceremonias de la Y Glesia, Segun el y Glesia, Segun el uso de la Yglesia de Ynglaterra: juntamente con el Psalterio ô psalmos de David, Apuntados äcomo ellos son para ser Cantados ô Rezados en Yglesias. Hispanizado por D. Felix Anthony de Alvarado, Ministro de la Palabra de Dios
    Church of England
  • 129973
    Book Info
    La plume volante. Or, the art of short-hand improv'd. Being the most swift, regular, and easy method of short-hand-writing yet extant. Compos'd after forty years practice and Improvement of the said Art, by the Observation of other Methods, and the Intent Study of it, by William Mason
    Mason, William
  • 129974
    Book Info
    Lawful prejudices against an incorporating union with England; or, some modest considerations on the sinfulness of this union, and the danger flowing from it to the Church of Scotland
    Webster, James
  • 129975
    Book Info
    Ld. Haversham's speech in the committee of the whole House of Peers
    Haversham, John Thompson
  • 129976
    Book Info
    Le compagnon sage & ingenieux Anglois & François. Ou recueil de l'esprit des personnes illustres, tant anciennes que modernes: ... Troisiéme edition; corrigée, augmentée, &c. A l'usage des ecoles Françoises: par Mr. Boyer, ...
    Boyer, Abel
  • 129977
    Book Info
    Les plaintes des Protestans, cruellement oprimez dans le royaume de France
    Claude, Jean
  • 129978
    Book Info
    Les plans et les descriptions de deux des plus belles maisons de campagne de Pline le Consul. Avec des remarques sur tous ses bâtimens, et une dissertation touchant l'architecture antique & l'architecture gothique. Par Mr. Felibien des Avaux, Historiographe du Roi, des ses Batimens, Arts & Manufactures de France, & Garde des Antiques de Sa Majeste
  • 129979
    Book Info
    Letters from the dead to the living, by Mr. Tho. Brown, Capt. Ayloff, Mr. Hen. Barker, &c. ...
    Brown, Thomas
  • 129980
    Book Info
    Letters on the French Revolution, written in France, in the summer of 1790, to a friend in England; containing, various anecdotes relative to that interesting event, and memoirs of Mons. and Madame Du F--. By Helen Maria Williams
    Williams, Helen Maria