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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,001 - 130,020건 출력
  • 130001
    Book Info
    Nouvelle & complete grammaire françoise & angloise. Enseignant clairement le plus court, & le plus aysé moyen pou[r] promtement & parfaitement entendre, parler, & écrir[e] ces langues, ... A la quelle est adjoutée, une courte, mais exacte grammaire anglois[e] avec un dictionaire françois & anglois. ... Par Pierre Berault, ...
    Berault, Peter
  • 130002
    Book Info
    Nova grammatices experimenta: or, some new essays of a natural and artificial grammar. Which first demonstrates the natural rudiments of al [sic] languages; ...
    Maidwell, Lewis
  • 130003
    Book Info
    Observations by Hyacinthus Pilley upon the case of the respondents, Hugh Madden and Katherine his wife
    Pilley, Hyacinth
  • 130004
    Book Info
    Observations upon Elias Marion, and his Book of Warnings, Lately Publish'd. Proving this Elias to be a false Prophet, and a dangerous Person
  • 130005
    Book Info
    Ode gratulatoria, in Magnæ Britanniæ imperiun faustè & feliciter adunatum honoratissimo illustrissimoq; Willielmo domino Cowper, Baroni de Wingham, Summo Magnae Britanniae Cancellario, Sacrae Majestati Regiae à Sanctioribus Consiliis, à Gulielmo Dickinson, Chirurgo, Humillimè dicata
    Dickinson, William
  • 130006
    Book Info
    Of evil-speaking: a sermon preach'd before the King and Queen, at White-Hall. By His Grace John, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, 1694. Publish'd by their Majesties Especial Command
    Tillotson, John
  • 130007
    Book Info
    Of forgiveness of injuries, and against revenge. A sermon preach'd before Queen Mary at White-Hall, March 8. 1688/9. [By] John late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Published by her Majesties Special Command
    Tillotson, John
  • 130008
    Book Info
    Of the relative engagement between ancestry and posterity. A sermon Preach'd before the University of Cambridge, in King's College Chappel, on the 25th of March 1707. Being the Anniversary for Commemorating King Henry VI. The Founder of that and Eton College. By Andrew Snape, D. D. Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Somerset, and Fellow of King's College. Publish'd at the Request of the Vice-Chance
    Snape, Andrew
  • 130009
    Book Info
    Of wisdom three books / written originally in French by the Sieur de Charron ; with an account of the author, made English by George Stanhope ...
    Charron, Pierre
  • 130010
    Book Info
    Officina Shrewsburiana: or, a catalogue of valuable Greek, Latin, English, French, &c. books, Excellent in each Faculty and Science, and in all Volumes, fairly Bound, (many Gilt and Letter'd on the Back) being the better part of the stock of Mr. William Shrewsbury, Bookseller, Lately Deceas'd. Which will be sold by auction, at Tom's Coffeehouse, adjoining to Ludgate, on Wednesday the 19th of Novem
    Hooke, Jacob
  • 130011
    Book Info
    Olympia Domata or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1707. Being the 3d after Bissextile or Leap-Year, and from the Worlds Creation, 5656. Wherein is contained the Lunations, Conjunctions and Aspects of the Planets, the increase, decrease and length of the day and night, with the rising, Southing and setting of the Planets, and Fixed Stars throughout the Year, whereby may be known the exact
    Wing, John
  • 130012
    Book Info
    On His Grace the Duke of Marlborough going for Holland. In imitation of the third ode of the first book of Horace
    Harison, William
  • 130013
    Book Info
    On His Grace, the Duke of Marlborough
    Wycherley, William
  • 130014
    Book Info
    On the Queens most glorious victories over the French king
    Fowler, John
  • 130015
    Book Info
    One nation, and One King. A discourse on Ezek. XXXVII. 22. Occasion'd by the Happy Union of England and Scotland, Which Commenc'd on May the 1st. 1707. By John Edwards, D.D.
    Edwards, John
  • 130016
    Book Info
    One nation, and one king. A discourse on Ezek. chap. XXXVII. vers. 22. Occasion'd by the happy union of England and Scotland, which commenc'd on May the 1st, 1707. By John Edwards, D.D.
    Edwards, John
  • 130017
    Book Info
    Onomastikon brachy, sive nomenclatura brevis reformata: adjecto cum syllabo verborum ac adjectivorum: unà cum duplici centenario proverbiorum anglo-latino-græcorum: ac aliis nonnullis. In usum Scholæ Westmonasteriensis
    Gregory, Francis
  • 130018
    Book Info
    Oraison funebre de très haut, très puissant, très excellent, & très pieux monarque, Guillaume III. Roi D'Angleterre, D'Escosse, de France, et D'Irlande, &c. Prononcée à Leyde le jeudi 18 Mai 1702. Dans L'Eglise Francoise. Par Auguste de Gabillon, Ministre de la Parole de Dieu. Par Ordre & en Présence des Vénérables Bourguemaîtres, & Magistrats de la Ville de Leyde
    Gabillon, Auguste de
  • 130019
    Book Info
    Oratio anniversaria in amphitheatro Cutleriano habita, coràm disertissimo domino, Domino Edvardo Brown, præside Collegij Medicorum Londinensium insignissimo, aliisque facultatis medicæ eruditissimis collegis. Recitata a Gualtero Harris M.D. ... Dieque 18. Octobris. Anno 1707
    Harris, Walter
  • 130020
    Book Info
    Oratio de utilitate unionis Britannic? & gloria ad auctores ejus reditura, apud illustrissimum Angli? Senatum habita. A doctore Johanne Angelo Berniera, in Lingua Italica in Londinensi Urbe Concionat
    Berniera, Giovanni Angelo