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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,021 - 130,040건 출력
  • 130021
    Book Info
    Oratio philippica ad excitandos contra Galliam Britannos; Maximè verô, Ne de Pace cum Victis praemature agatur: sanctiori Anglorum Concilio exhibita, Anno a Christo nato 1514. Incerto autore, Qui Gallorum ungues non resecandos, sed penitùs evellendos esse voluit. Nunc primum publica luce, Diatriba praeliminari, & Annotationibus donavit Joannes Tolandus
    Schinner, Math{uml}aus
  • 130022
    Book Info
    Orationes duæ in Theatro Sheldoniano vi. Kal. Maii. MDCCVI. (Quo die Academiæ Francofurtanæ enconia sæcularia ibidem celebrata sunt) habitæ. à Rev. viro Georgio Smalridge, S.T.P. ... cu. ... Joh. Ernest. Grabe, ... ad doctoratum in s. theol. ... commendaret; ...
    Smalridge, George
  • 130023
    Book Info
    Ordination by meer presbyters prov'd void and null. In a conference between Philalethes a presbyter of the Church of England, and Pseudocheus a dissenting teacher
    Jacques, John
  • 130024
    Book Info
    Original Institution, Power and Jurisdiction of Parliaments: In Two Parts
    Hale, Matthew
  • 130025
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    Oxford. A poem. Inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Lord Lonsdale
  • 130026
    Book Info
    P. Virgilii Maronis opera interpretatione et notis illustravit Carolus Ruæus, ... jussu christianissimi regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Juxta editionem novissimam parisiensem.
  • 130027
    Book Info
    Paradise lost a poem in twelve books / The author : John Milton.
    Milton, John
  • 130028
    Book Info
    Paradise regain'd. A poem. In four books. To which is added Samson Agonistes. And Poems upon several occasions. Compos'd at several times. The author John Milton.
    Milton, John
  • 130029
    Book Info
    Parker's ephemeris for the year of our Lord 1707. Or the Heliocentrick and Geocentrick Motions and Aspects of the planets. Exactly Calculated for the Meridian of the City of London. With a Compleat Tide-Table, shewing the Exact Times of High-Water at London-Bridge, and several other Ports. The Equation of Time for Regulating Clocks and Watches. Directions for passing and repassing the Water at Lon
    Parker, George
  • 130030
    Book Info
    Phenix; or, A Revival of Scarce and Valuable Pieces from the Remotest Antiquity Down to the Present Times: Being a Collection of Manuscripts and Printed Tracts No Where to be Found but in the Closets of the Curious
    Dunton, John
  • 130031
    Book Info
    Plain and short directions and prayers for particular persons, for families, For the Lord's-Day, For the Lord's-Supper, For the time of Sickness, &c. In the language, and for the use of the diocese of Man
    Wilson, Thomas
  • 130032
    Book Info
    Pleas of the crown: or, a methodical summary of the principal matters relating to that subject. By Sir Matthew Hale, ... To which is now added a learned treatise written by the same author, touching sheriff's accounts; and a tryal of witches at the assizes held at St. Edmonds Bury ...
    Hale, Matthew
  • 130033
    Book Info
    Plutarch's Morals by way of abstract: done from the Greek
  • 130034
    Book Info
    Poematum miscellaneorum. a Josepho Perkins. Liber primus
    Perkins, Joseph
  • 130035
    Book Info
    Poems on affairs of state, from 1620. to this present year 1707. Many of them by the most eminent hands, Viz. Mr. Shakespear. Mr. Waller. D. of D-re. Mr. Dryden. Mr. W-sh. Mr. D-y. Dr. Wild. Dr. Brady. Mr. Tate. Mr. Haghes. Mr. Manning. Mr. Arwaker, &c. Several of which were never before publish'd. To which is added, A Collection of some Satyrical Prints against the French King, Elector of Bavaria
  • 130036
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions. With imitations from Horace, Ovid, Martial, ... To which is prefix'd a discourse on criticism, and the liberty of writing, by way of letter to a friend. By Samuel Cobb, M.A.
    Cobb, Samuel
  • 130037
    Book Info
    Poems on several occasions: consisting of odes, satyrs and epistles; with some select translations and imitations
    Prior, Matthew
  • 130038
    Book Info
    Politeuphuia, wits common-wealth. Or, a treasury of divine, moral, historical and political admonitions, similes and sentences. For the use of schools
    N. L
  • 130039
    Book Info
    Poor Robin. 1707. An almanack of the old and new fashion: ... Written by Poor Robin, ...
    Winstanley, William
  • 130040
    Book Info
    Practical discourses upon several divine subjects, Viz. Of Religious Discourse in Common Conversation. Of the Fear of Death. Concerning the Extent of Christ's Satisfaction. Concerning Practical Atheism. Of Walking by Faith. Concerning Charity to the Poor. Concerning the Right Use of the World. Concerning the Successive Vanity of Human Life. An Admonition Concerning Two Late Books, called, A Discou
    Norris, John