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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,101 - 130,120건 출력
  • 130101
    Book Info
    Scrub, scrub: a poem in praise of the itch: with a word or two in favour of brimstone.
  • 130102
    Book Info
    Secret memoirs, relating to the present war between the confederates and the Fr. King, in the Empire, Flanders, Spain and Italy; as also that of the kings of Swedeland, Poland and Czar of Muscovy: with some thoughts on the insurrection in Hungary, and divers other importan and very entertaining matters. Written by a person of quality in a letter to his friend
    Person of Quality
  • 130103
    Book Info
    Select proverbs, Italian, Spanish, French, English, Scotish, British, &c. Chiefly moral. The foreign languages done into English
    Mapletoft, John
  • 130104
    Book Info
    Select psalms of David translated anew into English meter. Fitted to all the old tunes. By Joshua Squire
    Squire, Joshua
  • 130105
    Book Info
    Serious reflections on time and eternity. And some other subjects, moral and divine. With an Appendix concerning the First Day of the Year, how Observed by the Jews, and may best be Employed by a Serious Christian. By John Shower
    Shower, John
  • 130106
    Book Info
    Sermon Prononc'e dans L'Eglise de Saint Paul, devant la Reine, Et les deux Chambres du Parlement, Le 31e. Decembre 1706. jour D'Action de Graces pour les Merveilleux Succes de cette Annee. Par le Reverend Pere en Dieu Gilbert Burnet, Eveque de Salisbury. Imprime par un Ordre expres de la Reine
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 130107
    Book Info
    Sermon Prononc'e devant la Reine, Et les Deux Chambres du Parlement, a St. Paul, Le 31. jour de Decembre, 1706. Jour D'Action de Graces, Pour les Heureux Succez de cette Annee. Par Monseigneur G. Burnet, Eveque de Salisbury. Imprime par Ordre Expres de la Reine
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 130108
    Book Info
    Several letters from the pastors of the Church of Geneva, to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London, and the University of Oxford, with their answers to them. Faithfully translated from the Latin and French originals
    Compagnie de Pasteurs et Professeurs de l'{softsign}Eglise et de l'Acad{softsign}emie de Gen{grave}eve
  • 130109
    Book Info
    Sighs from hell: or, the groans of a damned soul: discovering from the 6th of Luke, the lamentable estate of the damned. ... By John Bunyan.
    Bunyan, John
  • 130110
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Roe's speech in Parliament: relating to the merchants, &c.
    Roe, Thomas
  • 130111
    Book Info
    Some overtures and cautions in relation to trade and taxes, Humbly Offered to the Parliament. By a Well-Wisher to his Country
    Black, William
  • 130112
    Book Info
    Some proposals humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament: for the advancement of learning
  • 130113
    Book Info
    Some reasons by a divine of the Kirk of Scotland, proviug [sic] that their clergy there cannot with a safe conscience swear the English Oath of Abjuration
    Divine of the Kirk of Scotland
  • 130114
    Book Info
    Spelling-Book for children, With a Short catechism
  • 130115
    Book Info
    Stereometry: or, the art of solids demonstrated arithmitically [sic], ... Also shewing the true square of all round timber, ... And directions to all gentlemen, to set work ... by tables ready calculated, ... By a gentleman of the county of Sallop
    Wood, Basil
  • 130116
    Book Info
    Stories, moral and comical. Viz. The banquet of the gods. Titus and Gissippus: ... The prudent husband: ... Loyalty's glory: ... From hints out of Italian, Spanish, and French authors, done into several sorts of English verse and prose, with large additions and embellishments. By T. D'urfey, Gent.
    D'Urfey, Thomas
  • 130117
    Book Info
    Stricturæ breves in epistolas D.D. Genevensium & Oxoniensium nuper editas, iterumque juxta Exemplar Oxoniense typis mandatas
    Spademan, John
  • 130118
    Book Info
    Succincta linguæ italicæ institutio: quam in lucem emisit publicam, ET Nobilissimo Illustrissimoque Domino Jacobo Hamiltonio de Orbistoun Armigero Dicavit Doctor Johannes Angelus Berniera, Divini Verbi Concion
    Berniera, Giovanni Angelo
  • 130119
    Book Info
    Tables of simple interest and discount, at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10l. per cent. per ann. Also tables of compound interest at the same rates. Whereby The Amount or Present Value of any Sum of Money, or any Annuity, or other Yearly Payment, &c. for any Number of Years, not exceeding One Hundred, is readily found. By John Smart, At the Town-Clerk's-Office, London
    Smart, John
  • 130120
    Book Info
    Tartuffe: or, the French Puritan. A comedy, Acted at the Theatre-Royal. Written in French by Moliere, and Render'd into English, with much Addition and Advantage, By M. Medbourne, Servant to His Royal Highness