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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,201 - 130,220건 출력
  • 130201
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    The cloyster in Bartholomew Fair; or, the town-mistress disguis'd. A poem
  • 130202
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    The comical lovers. A comedy. Acted by subscription at the Queens's Theatre in the Hay-Market
    Cibber, Colley
  • 130203
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    The comical works of Don Francisco de Quevedo, Author of the Uisions: containing, I. The night-adventurer, or the Day-Hater. II. The life of Paul the Spanish Sharper. III. The retentive knight and his epistles. IV. The dog and the fever. V. A proclamation, by old father time. VI. A treatise of all things whatsoever. Vii. Fortune in her wits, or the Hour of all Men. Translated from the Spanish
    Quevedo, Francisco de
  • 130204
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    The compleat herbal of physical plants : containing all such English and foreign herbs, shrubs and trees, as are used in physick and surgery : and to the vertues that are now in use, is added one receipt or more, of some learned physician : the doses or quantities of such as are prescribed by the Londond-physicians, and others, are proportioned : also directions for making compound-waters, syrups,
    Pechey, John
  • 130205
    Book Info
    The compleat husbandman and gentleman's recreation: or, the whole art of husbandry; Containing. I. Directions to Cure all Diseases in Horses, which are almost 300, with 12 Medicines only not of 12d cost. Also to Cure Oxen. Kine. Bulls. Calves, Sheep. Lambs. Goats. Swine. Dogs. Conies. Hares. Poultry. Geese. Ducks. Swans, &c. Pigeons. Singing Birds. Hawks. Deer, &c. To teach Dogs. II. Directions to
    Markham, Gervase
  • 130206
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    The constant pay of the church-militant. As it was Represented in a sermon Preached before the Worshipful the Master, Wardens, and Company of the Armourers, In St. Dionis Back-Church, the 15th. of May 1707. By John Nicolson A. M. Minister of Lingfield in Surrey, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Howard, Baron of Effingham. Published at the Request of the said Company
    Nicolson, John
  • 130207
    Book Info
    The corn-Dealer's companion : being new tables shewing exactly the price of any quantity of corn or grain, from One Quarter to Five Hundred Quarters, from Twelve Shillings to Twenty Five Shillings the Quarter, advancing by Three Pences. Most particularly useful for those that deal in Malt, as Brewers, Distillers, Maltsters, and Malt-Factors, shewing by Inspection what allowance is to be made fo...
    Blackwell, Robert
  • 130208
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    The corruptions of the Church of Rome, in relation to ecclesiastical government, the rule of faith, and form of divine worship. In answer to the Bishop of Meaux's queries. By The Right Reverend Dr. Bull, Lord Bishop of St. Davids
    Bull, George
  • 130209
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    The country vicar's address to Her Majesty
  • 130210
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    The country-man and his wife Joan in mourning. Being an elegy, on the much lamented death of Mr. John Tuchin, the late famous author of the Observator. Who departed this life, ... the 23d of September, 1707. ...
  • 130211
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    The covenants of redemption and grace displayed. In some questions sent by a gentleman, to a reverend and pious minister of this church, with his answers returned to them
    Hog, James
  • 130212
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    The cruel son, or, the unhappy mother. Being a dismal relation of one Mr. Palmer and three ruffins, who barbarously murder'd his own mother ... Together with the examination and confession of Hunt, Palmer and Symonds, ...
  • 130213
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    The crying down of the money considered
  • 130214
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    The danger and folly of evil courses: being a practical discourse, shewing the base and vile nature of sin, and the dreadful consequences of it, as well in this world, as that which is to come. With Such Effectual remedies, as, if rightly apply'd, will prevent it; and bring Men to a true Love of God and Religion
    Hewerdine, Francis
  • 130215
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    The danger of pleasing men: a sermon preached in the cathedral-church of Winchester at the annual visitation of the Right Reverend Father in God, Jonathan Lord Bishop of that diocese, upon Monday, Sept. 22. 1707. By Richard Barker, M. A. Fellow of the College, and Rector of St. Maurice in Winchester. Publish'd at the Request of Peter Mews, Esq; LL.B. Chancellor of the Diocese, and of the Clergy th
    Barker, Richard
  • 130216
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    The danger of talking much, and wisdom of the contrary. A sermon preach'd before the Queen, Novemb. 1706. At Saint James's. By Sir William Dawes, ...
    Dawes, William
  • 130217
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    The dangerous deceitfulness of sin consider'd as a motive to mutual exhortation: in a sermon preach'd to the religious society encouraging the evening-lecture in Lime-Street, Feb. 6. 1706/7. By Daniel Wilcox. Publish'd at the Request of the said Society
    Wilcox, Daniel
  • 130218
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    The debauchrie and vices of the present age, represented and taxed, in a discourse upon a publick occasion. By one of the ministers of the gospel at Glasgow
    Clark, James
  • 130219
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    The declaration lately publish'd, in favour of his Protestant subjects, by the Elector Palatine; and notify'd to her Majesty. To which is prefix'd, An impartial account of the causes of those innovations and grievances about religion, which are now so happily redress'd by his Electoral Highness
  • 130220
    Book Info
    The deplorable state of the sick, from the impious treacheries of many physicians and surgeons to the patients and their professions, Represented (with the obvious Remedies) to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons of Great Britain