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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,301 - 130,320건 출력
  • 130301
    Book Info
    The lady's rhetorick: containing rules for speaking and writing elegantly. In a Familiar Discourse directed to an Honourable and Learned Lady. Enrich'd with many delightful Remarks, witty Repartees, and pleasant Stories, both Antient and Modern. Done from the French, with some improvements
  • 130302
    Book Info
    The last legacy of Mr. Joseph Davis Senr. Being a brief account of the most material circumstances of his life and Profession. Presented To his Dear Friends and Acquaintance, to be read and perused for their Encouragement in Duty, and Imitation of Piety, in order to the Enjoyment of a Heavenly Life Eternally
    Davis, Joseph
  • 130303
    Book Info
    The lawfulness and the right manner of keeping Christmass and other festivals: a sermon preach'd at the parsh-church [sic] of St. Dunstan in the West, upon Christmas-Day, 1704. By Ofspring Blackhall, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to her Majesty. Published at the desire of th church-wardens, and the rest of the gentlemen of the inquest of the said parish
    Blackall, Offspring
  • 130304
    Book Info
    The laws and acts of Parliament, of our most High and Dread sovereign, Anne, By the Grace of God, Queen of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. Holden and begun at Edinburgh, the third day of October 1706. By His Grace James Duke of Queensberry, Marquess of Dumfreis-Shire, Earl of Drumlangrig and Sanquhar, Viscount of Nith, Torthorwald, and Ross, Lord Dowglass of Kinmount,
  • 130305
    Book Info
    The life and actions of Prince Eugene of Savoy; generalissimo of the Emperor's forces in Italy: &c
  • 130306
    Book Info
    The life and glorious actions of Sir Cloudesly Shovel, kt. Admiral of the Consederate Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea, who was unfortunately Drown'd upon the 22d of October. 1707. through his Ship the Association. Splitting on the Rocks near Seilly. In her Passage from the Streights for England
  • 130307
    Book Info
    The life and glorious actions of that Right Honourable Sir George Rook, Kt. Sometime Admiral of the English Fleet, Vice-Admiral of England, &c. Containing a faithful relation of the many signal services performed by him for the good of his country, and of Posterity
  • 130308
    Book Info
    The life and glorious history of John D. and E. of Marlborough, Prince of the Empire, Captain General of the confederate forces, &c. Containing a relation of the most important battles, sieges, and negotiations, manag'd under His Auspicious Conduct, both in the Wars of Flanders and Ireland; With a full and particular Account of the ever Memorable Battles of Hockslet and Schellenburg in Germany. As
    Hare, Francis
  • 130309
    Book Info
    The life and glorious history of John Duke and Earl of Marlborough, Prince of the Empire, Captain-General of the Confederate Forces, &c. Containing A Relation of the most Important Battles, Sieges and Negotiaons, managed under his Auspicious Conduct, both in the Wars of Flanders and Ireland. With a full and particular Account of the ever Memorable Battle of Hockslet and Schellenburg in Germany. As
    Hare, Francis
  • 130310
    Book Info
    The life of God in the soul of man: or, the nature and excellency of the Christian religion. By Henry Scougal, M. A. sometime Professor of Divinity in the University of Aberdeen. With a recommendatory preface by William Wishart, D. D. Principal of the College of Edinburgh
    Scougal, Henry
  • 130311
    Book Info
    The london Terraefilius: or, the Satyrical Reformer. Being Drolling Reflections on the Vices and Vanities of Both Sexes. To be Continu'd. By the Author of The London-Spy. Numb. 1
    Ward, Edward
  • 130312
    Book Info
    The london Terraefilius: or, the Satyrical Reformer. Being Drolling Reflections on the Vices and Vanities of Both Sexes. To be Continued. By the Author of The London-Spye. Numb. 1
    Ward, Edward
  • 130313
    Book Info
    The london belles: Or, a descripion of the Most Celebrated Beauties In the Metropolis of Great Britain. The Ladies Names. 2 Mrs. Goulston's, 3 Mrs. Ward, 4 Mrs. Dashwood, 5 Mrs. Ellick, 6 Mrs. Maddocks, 7 Mrs. Richmond, 8 Mrs. Leuton, 9 Mrs. Furnesse, 12 Mrs. Bull's, 13 Mrs. Vernon, 14 Mrs. Stringer, 15 Mrs. Thompson, 18 Mrs. Crafford's, 19 Mrs. Duport, 20 Mrs. Buckle, 22 Mrs. Lawrence, 23 Lady Ch
    Browne, Joseph
  • 130314
    Book Info
    The london oracle; being a new-year's gift, for the year 1707. A fit pocket-companion for gentlemen, ladies, and other persons of quality; Lovers, Travellers by Sea and Land, Merchants, Mariners, Surgeons, &c. Useful to all, and a Friend to the Unfortunate: Teaching to distinguish and Happy Time from Times Cross and Malevolent. By a student in the colestial sciences, and Professor of P.
    Student in the Coelestial Sciences
  • 130315
    Book Info
    The lord Haversham's speech in the Committee of the Whole House of Peers on Wednesday the nineteenth of November 1707
    Haversham, John Thompson
  • 130316
    Book Info
    The magick of Quakerism or, the chief mysteries of Quakerism laid open. To which are added, a preface and postscript relating to the Camisars, in answer to Mr. Lacy's preface to The cry from the desart. By George Keith, M. A. Rector of Edburton in Sussex
    Keith, George
  • 130317
    Book Info
    The magick of Quakerism; or, the chief mysteries of Quakerism laid open. To which are added, a preface and postscript relating to the Camisars; in Answer to Mr. Lacy's Preface to the Cry from the Desart. The second edition. To which is now added, Some brief remarks upon Mr. Lacy's book of his prophetical warnings; shewing the Invalidity of his Arguments for his pretended Inspirations. By George Ke
    Keith, George
  • 130318
    Book Info
    The maids vindication: or, the fifteen comforts of living a single life. Being an answer to the fifteen plagues of maiden-head. Written by a gentlewoman
  • 130319
    Book Info
    The management of the tongue. Under these following heads. 1 Of conversation. 2 The babbler. ... 26 The complainer. 27 The comforter. Done out of French.
    Bordelon, Laurent
  • 130320
    Book Info
    The maxims of the government of Venice. In an advice to the Republick; How it ought to govern it self both inwardly and outwardly, in order to perpetuate its Dominion. In which are likewise consider'd the several Interests of all the Princes of Europe, with respect to the Affairs of Italy. By Father Paul, the Servite Monk, and Counsellor of State to the Republick. Written by publick order. Done in
    Sarpi, Paolo