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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,461 - 130,480건 출력
  • 130461
    Book Info
    To the Queen's most sacred Majesty, the Macers of Council and Exchequer in Scotland, now the North part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. ...
  • 130462
    Book Info
    Travels through Denmark and some parts of Germany: by way of journal in the retinue of the English envoy, in 1702. With extracts of several laws, relating to the Absolute Power of the King, Religion, and Civil Government of the Country: Including, The Military and Maritime State thereof: The whole Illustrated with divers Curious Remarks; and a map of the isle of Huen, &c. Done into English from th
    La Combe de Urigny, de
  • 130463
    Book Info
    Troisieme lettre d'un particulier, à Monsieur Misson, l'honnéte homme. Contenant quelques observations & reflexions, sur les nouveaux inspirez, et leur prétendus miracles, pour en faire voir l'imposture. Ce 15 de novembre, 1707
  • 130464
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    True news out of Sussex, to contradict the false news of George Keith, lately publish'd from thence
    Snashall, John
  • 130465
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    Tutor clericalis instructus: or, the clerk's tutor improv'd. In two parts. ... By Will. Brown, ...
    Brown, William
  • 130466
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    Two (united) are better than one alone. A thanksgiving sermon upon the union of the two kingdoms, of England and Scotland, preach'd at Hackney, May 1. 1707. By J. Bates, M.A.
    Bates, John
  • 130467
    Book Info
    Two discourses written by the late Mr. John Griffith; viz. First, God's oracle, and Christ's doctrine; or the six principles of Christian religion, ... Secondly [sic], a treatise touching falling from grace. ... Both carefully revised, improved and enlarged. By Joseph Jenkins
    Griffith, John
  • 130468
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    Two great questions considered: I. What is the obligation of Parliaments to the addresses or petitions of the people, ... II. Whether the obligation of the Covenant or other national engagements, is concern'd in the Treaty of Union? Being a sixth essay at removing national prejudices against the Union.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 130469
    Book Info
    Two letters to the most learned Janus Ulitius: wherein (by wise of Vindication) it is abundantly proved, that neither St. Augustine, not any one of those Fathers, who flourished in the Ages before him, did, either by their Doctrines or Practice, in any wise countenance the invocation of saints. Written by the Reverend George Morley, D.D. in the year 1659, while he remain'd in Exile at Breda; and w
    Morley, George
  • 130470
    Book Info
    Two sermons: one upon the Thanksgiving-day, at Richmond in Surry; on Tuesday the 31st of December, 1706. The other upon St. Peter's Day, at St. Mary's Church in Oxford. By Thomas Wise, ...
    Wise, Thomas
  • 130471
    Book Info
    Two treatises, one of the Christian priesthood, the other of the dignity of the episcopal order. Formerly Written, and now Published to obviate the Erroneous Opinions, Fallacious Reasonings, and Bold and False Assertions, in a late Book, entituled, The Rights of the Christian Church. With a Large Prefatory Discourse, Wherein is contained an Answer to the said Book. All written by George Hickes D.D
    Hickes, George
  • 130472
    Book Info
    Two treatises, one of the Christian priesthood, the other of the dignity of the episcopal order. Formerly written, and now published to obviate the erroneous opinions, ... in a late book, entituled, The rights of the Christian Church. ... All written by George Hickes D.D.
    Hickes, George
  • 130473
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    Two treatises: I. A confutation of the hopes of the Jews concerning the last redemption. II. An answer to Mr. Whiston's late treatise on the Revelations. ... By Peter Allix, D.D.
    Allix, Pierre
  • 130474
    Book Info
    Unanimity in the truth a necessary duty, with the means of obtaining it. A sermon preach'd at the assizes held at Leicester Before Mr. Justice Gould March 28th. 1707. By John Alleyne, B.D Rector of Loughborough, and formerly Fellow of Emmanuel College in Cambridge. Publish'd at the Request of the High-Sheriff, and Gentlemen of the Grand-Jury
    Alleyne, John
  • 130475
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    Union a poem humbly dedicated to the Queen. By C. D. Rector of K- in S-
    C. D
  • 130476
    Book Info
    Union, the strength of a people. Considered in a sermon, Preach'd in Bartholomew-Close, On May the First, 1707. Being the Day appointed by Her Majesty, for a General Thanksgiving for the Happy Union of the Two Kingdoms of England and Scotland, in Great Britain. By Thomas Freke
    Freke, Thomas
  • 130477
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    Unto His Grace Her Majesties High Commissioner ... the humble petition of Allexander Black, William Henderson, and James Wood, merchants of Edinburgh
    Black, Alexander
  • 130478
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    Unto His Grace, Her Majesties High Commissioner And the most Honourable The Estates of Parliament, The representation and petition of the Commission of the General Assembly of this National Church of Scotland
    Church of Scotland
  • 130479
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    Veritas in semente: or, a moderate discourse concerning the principles and practices of the Quakers. With Some Thoughts on the Salvability of the Heathens and on two Points wherein Satisfaction is requir'd of the Quakers. The second edition. To which are prefix'd, two letters to a bishop, on the salvation of the heathen, in defence of the Author's Thoughts on that Subject
    Humfrey, John
  • 130480
    Book Info
    Veritas redux. Evangelical truths restored: Namely, those concerning God's Eternal Decrees, The Liberty of Man's Will, Grace and Conversion, The Extent and Efficacy of Christ's Redemption, and Perseverance in Grace. All briefly and plainly Stated and Determin'd according to the Holy Scriptures, the Ancient Fathers, and the Sense of the Church of England. With a Full and Satisfactory Answer to all
    Edwards, John