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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,521 - 130,540건 출력
  • 130521
    Book Info
    A confession of faith, as it was publickly deliver'd by a Dissenting minister, at his ordination August 2d. 1705
    Rosewell, Samuel
  • 130522
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    A confutation of the reason and philosophy of atheism; being in a great measure either an abridgment or an improvement of what Dr. Cudworth offer'd to that purpose in his True intellectual system of the universe. Together With an Introduction, in which, among Accounts of other Matters relating to this Treatise, there is an impartial Examination of what that Learned Person advanc'd touching the Chr
    Cudworth, Ralph
  • 130523
    Book Info
    A copy of Captain le Wright's warrant, for incorporating a South-West-India Company. Pursuant to former Acts of Parliament, Made Provisionally For the Improvement of Her Majesties Demain's in America, Darien, and Nicaragua, excepted
    Le Wright, J
  • 130524
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    A copy of a letter from a country farmer to his laird, a Member of Parliament
    Country farmer
  • 130525
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    A copy of the Marquiss of Carmarthen's method for the speedy manning Her Majesty's royal navy; and for encouraging seamen, Feb. 12. 1705
    Leeds, Peregrine Osborne
  • 130526
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    A curious collection of choice books (being the library of the late Thomas Kirke, Esq;) are to be sold by auction, at [blank] in Leeds, on the [blank] next. ...
  • 130527
    Book Info
    A curious collection of prints by the best masters viz. prospects of cities, churches, palaces, triumphal arches, and antiquities of Rome, and other parts of Italy, as well as savoy piemont &c. The effigies of famous persons, the several sorts of shipping, besides a great number of other extraordinary prints.
    Mortier, David
  • 130528
    Book Info
    A demonstration of the being and attributes of God : more particularly in answer to Mr. Hobbs, Spinoza, and their followers: Wherein the notion of liberty is stated, and the possibility and certainty of it proved, in opposition to necessity and fate. Being the substance o eight sermons preach'd at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, in the year 1704. at the lecture founded by the honourable Rober...
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 130529
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    A discourse concerning the Union
  • 130530
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    A discourse concerning the certainty of a future and immortal state. In some moral, physiological, and religious considerations. By a doctor of physick
    Coward, William
  • 130531
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    A discourse concerning the unchangeable obligations of natural religion, and the truth and certainty of the Christian revelation. Being eight sermons preach'd at the cathedral-church of St Paul, in the year 1705, at the lecture founded by the honourable Robert Boyle Esq; By Samuel Clark, M.A. chaplain to the right Reverend Father in God John, Lord Bishop of Norwich
    Clarke, Samuel
  • 130532
    Book Info
    A discourse concerning trouble of mind, and the disease of melancholy. In three parts. Written for the Use of such as are, or have been Exercised by the same. The second edition. Corrected. By Timothy Rogers, M. A. who was long afflicted with both. To which are annexed, letters from several divines, relating to the same subject
    Rogers, Timothy
  • 130533
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    A discourse of a cavalier gentleman, on the Divine and Humane Laws; With respect to the succession. By Don A. B.
    A. B
  • 130534
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    A discourse of the descent of the Man-Christ Jesus from heaven: together With His Ascension to Heaven again. From John XVI. xxviij. With An appendix
    Fowler, Edward
  • 130535
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    A discourse on a land-bank: or, ways and means to increase the coin of this Kingdom. In two parts. The First containing the Proposals for a Bank, with some Observations on'em. The Second showing the Nature and Use of Coin, and the Advantages which will accrue to the Nation by the propos'd Bank. To which is added, a postscript, with a proposal to advance two hundred thousand pounds to the Governmen
  • 130536
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    A discourse upon the Pharisee and the publican. Wherein several great and weighty things are handled: ... By John Bunyan, ...
    Bunyan, John
  • 130537
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    A dissertation upon the tenth chapter of the fourth book of Mr. Locke's Essay, concerning humane understanding. Wherein that author's endeavours to establish Spinoza's atheistical hypothesis, more especially in that tenth chapter, are discover'd and confuted. To which is subjoyn'd; A Short Account of the Sense wherein the Titles of, and the Reasonings in the following Pernicious Books, are to be u
    Carroll, William
  • 130538
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    A fathers legacy. Sir Henry Slingesbys instructions To his sons. Written a little before his Death
    Slingsby, Henry
  • 130539
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    A few remarks by William Forbes advocat, on a scurrilous, erroneous, and pedantick pamphlet, entituled, Some charitable observations on his late Treatise of Church-Lands and tithes; by the author of The reformed bishop, under the Vizard of a Moderat Son of the Church of England. Nugae in ore Sacerdotis, Blasphemiae
    Forbes, William
  • 130540
    Book Info
    A form of prayer and thanksgiving to almighty God: to be used on Thursday the 27th of June in all churches and chapels, and other places of publick worship in this kingdom of Ireland, for the glorious victory obtained in Brabant by the arms of Her Majesty and her allies under the command of the Duke of Marlborough, ...
    Church of Ireland