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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,721 - 130,740건 출력
  • 130721
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    A true copy of a letter lately written by Mr. Dowley to Dr. Wells, and now published by Dr. Wells, together with the Doctor's answer.
  • 130722
    Book Info
    A true copy of a letter lately written by Mr. Dowley to Dr. Wells, and now published by Dr. Wells, together with the Doctor's answer. Imprimatur, Guil. Delaune Apr. 10. 1706. Vice-Can. Oxon.
  • 130723
    Book Info
    A true copy of the Articles of union agreed on the twenty second day of July, in the fifth year of the reign of Her most Excellent Majesty, Anne ...
    Lords Commissioners for the Union of the Kingdoms of England | Scotland
  • 130724
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    A true copy of the last will and testament of Mr. Benjamin Dod, citizen and linen-draper, who lately fell from his horse, and dy'd soon after
    Dod, Benjamin
  • 130725
    Book Info
    A true list of the ships for the line of battle at Barcelona, April 29. 1706. the English with the larboard, and the Dutch with the starboard tacks on board
  • 130726
    Book Info
    A true relation of a most wonderfull and strange accident, which happened on a young man, born at Dort a town in Holland; who ... was falsly accused for a robberie, ...
  • 130727
    Book Info
    A true relation of the apparition of one Mrs. Veal, the next day after her death: to one Mrs. Bargrave at Canterbury. The 8th of September, 1705.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 130728
    Book Info
    A view of the methods by which the Roman Church keeps her people from coming to the knowledge of the great and manifold errors and corruptions which are in her faith, worship, and spirit. By Michael Geddes, L. L. D. and Chancellor of the Church of Sarum
    Geddes, Michael
  • 130729
    Book Info
    A view of the present state of the clothing trade in England, with remarks on the causes and pernicious consequences of its decay: and A Scheme of proper Remedies for the Recovery of it. To The Enlargement of the Revenue of the Crown, the Imployment and Maintenance of the Poor, and the General Welfare of England. By John Haynes
    Haynes, John
  • 130730
    Book Info
    A warning for the Church of England
    Bramhall, John
  • 130731
    Book Info
    A warning to the Church of England
    Bramhall, John
  • 130732
    Book Info
    A weeks exercise preparatory towards a worthy reception of the Lords supper in meditations, prayers, and ejaculations, ...
    W. W
  • 130733
    Book Info
    A wonderful account from Orthez, in Bearne, and the Cevennes, of voices heard in the air, singing the praises of God, in the words and tunes of the Psalms; used by those of the reformed religion: at the time of their cruel and inhumane persecution, ... by the French king credliby [sic] attested, ...
  • 130734
    Book Info
    Absolute predestination not scriptural: or some queries upon a doctrine which I heard preach'd 1674. to a people call'd Independents, at Cockermouth in Cumberland, viz. That the Covenant and Decree were made between God and Christ from Eternity, concerning Man's Predestination, or Election; and that those whom God was pleas'd to make Choice of then, must be Sav'd, Man having no Hand therein. The p
    Fearon, Jane
  • 130735
    Book Info
    Academiæ Francofurtanæ ad viadrum encænia secularia Oxonii in Theatro Sheldoniano Apr. 26. Anno Fundat. 201. Annoque Dom. 1706. celebrata
    University of Oxford
  • 130736
    Book Info
    Acetaria : A discourse of sallets. The second edition. By J. E. S.R.S. Author of the Kalendarium.
    Evelyn, John
  • 130737
    Book Info
    Act and order of the committee of Privy Council, anent prest men and soldiers. Edinburgh, March 29th, 1706
  • 130738
    Book Info
    Act and proclamation anent intruders into churches
  • 130739
    Book Info
    Advice to Sunday barbers, against trimming on the Lord's Day. Shewing them the Evil of that great Sin that they live in, by breaking God's Holy Law, and strict Command; by Trimming thereon, which is no Work of Mercy, nor Case of Necessity; and therefore ought not to be done. Remember the sabbath Day to keep it Holy, Exo. 20. 8. Published, by the author, Rich. Hamersley, Barber-Chyrurgeon, in Walsa
    Hamersley, Rich
  • 130740
    Book Info
    Advice to the poets. A poem. Occasion'd by the wonderful Success of Her Majesty's Arms, under the Conduct of the Duke of Marlborough, in Flanders
    Blackmore, Richard
    ProQuest One Literature
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