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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,821 - 130,840건 출력
  • 130821
    Book Info
    Batt upon batt. A poem upon the parts, patience, and pains of Barth. Kempster, clerk, poet, cutler, of Holy-Rood-Parish in Southampton. By a person of quality. To which is annexed the vision, ...
    Speed, John
  • 130822
    Book Info
    Bona mors. Or, the art of dying happily. In the congregation, of Jesus Christ crucify'd and of his condoling mother
  • 130823
    Book Info
    Books printed and sold by T. Sowle in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1706
    Sowle, Tace
  • 130824
    Book Info
    Books printed for, and Sold by John Marshall, at the Bible in Grace-Church-Street
    Marshall, John
  • 130825
    Book Info
    C. Julii Cæsaris quæ exstant omnia. Ex recensione Joannis Davisii, Coll. Regin. Cantab. Socii, cum ejusdem animadversionibus ac notis Pet. Ciacconii, Fr. Hotomanni, Joan. Brantii, Dionys Vossii et aliorum. Accessere metaphrasis græca librorum Vii. de bello gallico, nec non indices necessarii
    Caesar, Julius
  • 130826
    Book Info
    C. Julii Cæsaris quæ exstant, interpretatione & notis illustravit Joannes Godvinus Professor Regius in usum Delphini. Juxta editionem parisiensem
    Caesar, Julius
  • 130827
    Book Info
    C. Julii Cæsaris quæ extant, cum indice locupletissimo. Ex recensione T. P. A.M.
    Caesar, Julius
  • 130828
    Book Info
    C. Julius Cæsar's Commentaries of his wars in Gaul, and civil war with Pompey. To which is added Aulus Hirtius, or Oppius's supplement of the Alexandrian, African and Spanish wars. With the author's life. Adorn'd with sculptures from the designs of the Famous Palladio. Made English from the original Latin by Captain Martin Bladen
    Caesar, Julius
  • 130829
    Book Info
    Caledonia: &c. A poem in honour of Scotland, and the Scots nation. In three parts.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 130830
    Book Info
    Camilla. An opera. As it is perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants.
    Motteux, Peter
  • 130831
    Book Info
    Campania Folix. Or, a discourse of the benefits and improvements of husbandry: containing directions for all manner of tillage, pasturage, and plantation; As also for the making of Cyder and Perry. With some Considerations upon I. Justices of the Peace, and Inferior Officers. II. On Inns and Alehouses. III. On Servants and Labourers. IV. On the Poor. To which are added, two essays: I. Of a country
    Nourse, Timothy
  • 130832
    Book Info
    Caroli Daubuz presbyteri & A.M. Pro testimonio Flavii Josephi de Jesu Christo libri duo: Quorum priore de variâ ejus fortunâ usuque, necnon Auctoris consilio in eo conscribendo pertractatur; posteriore verò ex stylo ac dicendi modo & sensu, ejus veritas comprobatur. Cum præfatione Johannis Ernesti Grabe
    Daubuz, Charles
  • 130833
    Book Info
    Catherick Birkbeck, and Edward his son, and William Wilkinson, appellants. Gilbert Spearman, and Margaret his wife, respondents. The respondents case
    Spearman, Gilbert
  • 130834
    Book Info
    Catherick Birkbeck, and Edward his son, appellants. Gilbert Spearman, and Margaret his wife, respondents. The respondents case
    Spearman, Gilbert
  • 130835
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    Cerealia: an imitation of Milton
  • 130836
    Book Info
    Cerealia: an imitation of Milton:
    Fenton, Elijah
  • 130837
    Book Info
    Chirurgia curiosa: or, the newest and most curious observations and operations in the whole art of chirurgery Regularly Methodized, Explained and Rendred Intelligible and Easie to every Practitioner: whether relating to Manual Operations, or the Choice and Application of Proper Remedies. Not to be found in others Authors. Written originally in High-Dutch, by the Learned Matthæus Gothofredus Purman
    Purmann, Matthias Gottfried
  • 130838
    Book Info
    Christ crucified; or the Scripture doctrine of the atonement briefly illustrated and defended. In four discourses upon that subject. By Caleb Evans, M. A.
    Clayton, John
  • 130839
    Book Info
    Christian equity: or, the Royal law of doing as we would be done by, stated and urged in a sermon preach'd at the Friday-Lecture appointed by His Grace the Archbishop of York, at All-Saints church in the Pavement in York. By James Talbot, D.D. Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Somerset, and Rector of Spoffortk in Yorkshire
    Talbot, James
  • 130840
    Book Info
    Church-communion enquired into: or a treatise against separation from this national Church of Scotland. ... Which was left in manuscripts by ... Alexander Shields, ...
    Shields, Alexander