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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,841 - 130,860건 출력
  • 130841
    Book Info
    Cocker's arithmetick: being a plain and familiar method, ... for the full understanding of that incomparable art, ... Composed by Edward Cocker, ... Perused and published by John Hawkins, ...
    Cocker, Edward
  • 130842
    Book Info
    Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami familiarium opus aureum. Cum scholiis quibusdam antehac non editis, quae difficiliora passim loca diligenter explicant. Editio omnium (quae lucem viderunt hactenus) absolutissima. 1. Collatis optimis usquequaque exemplaribus. 2. Additis seorsim in fronte Argumentis unicuique Colloquio. 3. Adjecto Indice novo rerum & verborum memorabiliorum locupletissimo
    Erasmus, Desiderius
  • 130843
    Book Info
    Colonel John Rice his case
    Rice, John
  • 130844
    Book Info
    Comes commercii: or, the trader's companion. ... To which is added, a supplement concerning simple and compound interest, ... The second edition. By Edw. Hatton, gent.
    Hatton, Edward
  • 130845
    Book Info
    Concio coram Rrmo Archiepiscopo, Reverendis admodum Episcopis, et clero Provinc. Cantuar. synodice congregatis, habita, in ecclesia cathedrali S. Pauli Lond. mensis Octobris die XXV. a.d. MDCCV. A Georgio Stanhope, S. T. P. Decano Cantuariensi, Regiae Majestati a Sacris
    Stanhope, George
  • 130846
    Book Info
    Considerations in relation to trade considered, and A short view of our present trade and taxes, compared with what these taxes may amount to after the Union, &c. reviewed
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 130847
    Book Info
    Considerations upon the union of the two kingdoms: with an account of the methods taken by ancient and modern governments, to effect an union, without endangering the fundamental constitutions of the united countries
    Ridpath, George
  • 130848
    Book Info
    Corona civica. A poem, To the Right Honourable the Lord-Keeper of the Great Seal of England
    Vernon, Edward
  • 130849
    Book Info
    Counter quiries to the quiries burnt at the cross of Edinburgh December 17 1706. which appear to be Writ by some of Mr. Hepburns folowers, or some body personating them
  • 130850
    Book Info
    Critical remarks on Mr. Rowe's last play, call'd, Ulysses. A Tragedy. As it was Acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market
  • 130851
    Book Info
    Cuckoe: or, the distinction of High-Church and Low-Church rehearsed: with some reflections on the High-Church plea of zeal. Likewise A rehearsal of the reply to the late answer, called The Low-Church vindicated. Humbly Offer'd, as a Word in Season, to the Consideration of the present Parliament
  • 130852
    Book Info
    Cyfoeth i'r Cymru. Neu dryssor y ffyddloniaid. Wedi ei egoryd mewn amryw o bregethau; ... Gan William Dyer. Wedi ei gymreigio gan ûn a Chwennychei lesâd i lawer. -
    Dyer, William
  • 130853
    Book Info
    D' foe's answer to the Quakers catechism: or, a dark lanthorn for a friend of the light:
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 130854
    Book Info
    De Laune's plea for the non-conformists: shewing the true state of their case, and how far the conformist's separation from the Church of Rome for their Popish Superstitions, &c. introduced into the Service of God, justifies the non-conformist's separation from them. In a Letter to Dr. Benjamin Calamy, on his Sermon, called, Scrupulous Conscience, inviting hereto. To which is added, A Parallel Sch
    De Laune, Thomas
  • 130855
    Book Info
    De Laune's plea for the non-conformists: shewing the true state of their case, and how far the conformist's separation from the Church of Rome. for their Popish Superstitions, &c. introduced into the Service of God, justifies the non-conformist's separation from them. In a Letter to Dr. Benjamin Calamy, on his Sermon, called, Scrupulous Conscience, inviting hereto. To which is added, a Parallel Sc
    De Laune, Thomas
  • 130856
    Book Info
    De justificatione: being a letter to a friend, upon a passage in one of the printed sermons of His Grace, the present Archbishop of York. Set forth for the putting a Conclusion to the several Books and Papers written upon this great Controverted Article. By John Humfrey, Aged Eighty Five, & supra
    Humfrey, John
  • 130857
    Book Info
    Deborah's triumph over the mighty. A sermon preach'd on the day of publick thanksgiving, Thursday June 27th, 1706. appointed ... for the glorious victory in Brabant, ... By John Spademan, ...
    Spademan, John
  • 130858
    Book Info
    Decerpta ex latina castellionis novi foderis versione: sive, puerile diei dominici exercitium. Opera Gulielmi Willymott, A. M. Et Coll. Regal. Cantab. Socii
  • 130859
    Book Info
    Devotions in the ancient way of offices. With psalms, hymns, and prayers for every day of the week and every holiday in the year. / Reformed by A person of quality, ; and published by George Hickes, D.D.
    Birchley, William
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 130860
    Book Info
    Dildoides. A burlesque poem. By Samuel Butler, gent. With a key explaining several names and characters in Hudibras. Never before printed
    Butler, Samuel