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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,881 - 130,900건 출력
  • 130881
    Book Info
    Essay upon the union. Shewing, that the subjects of both nations have been, by the union of the two crowns, justly entitled to all manner of privileges, which the ensuing Treaty can give them. Therefore the Work of the Ensuing Treaty is not so much to treat of New Privileges, as to provide for the Security of the Old ones. And the best Security against Incroachments on both sides, is, to have sepa
    Hodges, James
  • 130882
    Book Info
    Essay upon the union. Shewing, that the subjects of both nations have been, by the union of the two crowns, justly intitled to all manner of privileges, which the insuing treaty can give them. Therefore the Work of the Ensuing Treaty is not so much to Treat of New Privileges, as to provide for the Security of the Old ones. And the best Security against Incroachments on both sides, is, to have sepa
    Hodges, James
  • 130883
    Book Info
    Europe a slave, unless England break her chains. discovering the grand designs of the French-Popish party in England for several years last past
    Cerdan, Jean-Paul
  • 130884
    Book Info
    Examen poeticum being the third part of miscellany poems containing variety of new translations of the ancient poets, together with many original copies by the most eminent hands.
    Dryden, John
  • 130885
    Book Info
    Fears and dangers, fairly display'd: being a new memorial of the Church of England
    Settle, Elkanah
  • 130886
    Book Info
    Fears and dangers, fairly display'd: being a new memorial of the Church of England.
    Settle, Elkanah
  • 130887
    Book Info
    Fifteen sermons preach'd on several occasions. By Nic. Brady. D. D. Minister of Richmond in Surry, And Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty. Vol.II
    Brady, Nicholas
  • 130888
    Book Info
    Forgiveness of enemies, Praying for their Forgiveness: Recommended in a sermon Preach'd in the Parochial Abbey-Church of Tewkesbury, in Glocester-Shire, On February the 17th, 1705/6. By John Matthews, M. A. and Pastor of the said Church and Parish
    Matthews, John
  • 130889
    Book Info
    Forms of prayer for the morning and evening of every day in the week. Also exercises of devotion with respect to the Lords supper. O come, let us Worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Psal. 95. 6. By John Jeffery, D. D. Arch-Deacon of Norwich, and Minister of S. Peters of Mancraft
    Jeffery, John
  • 130890
    Book Info
    Fourteen sermons preach'd at St. James's Church in Westminster, on several occasions. By the Right Reverend Father in God, Charles Hickman, Lord Bishop of London Derry
    Hickman, Charles
  • 130891
    Book Info
    Fourteen sermons preach'd upon several occasions. By Ofspring Blackall, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty
    Blackall, Offspring
  • 130892
    Book Info
    Free-grace, maintained & improved. Or, The general offer of the Gospel, managed with considerations of the great things done by special grace, in the election and redemption and vocation of those who embrace that offer. And the illustrious doctrines of divine predestinatio and humane impotency, rescued from the abuses, which they too frequently meet withal; and rendered (as they are) highly useful
    Mather, Cotton
  • 130893
    Book Info
    George Keith's judgment, concerning tythes and hat honour, &c. Taken out of his observations upon H. M's. remarks, upon his book of immediate revelation. 4th observation. Which is suitable to the foregoing treatise
    Keith, George
  • 130894
    Book Info
    God with us, a sermon preach'd at St. Giles church in the fields, on ... May 19th, 1706. ... By Tho. Knaggs, ...
    Knaggs, Thomas
  • 130895
    Book Info
    God with us. A sermon preach'd at St. Giles's Church in the Fields: on Sunday in the afternoon, May 19th, 1706. ... By Tho. Knaggs, ...
    Knaggs, Thomas
  • 130896
    Book Info
    God with us. A sermon preach'd at St. Giles's Church in the Fields: on Sunday in the afternoon, May 19th, 1706. In thankful remembrance for God's great goodness to us in the late glorious victory obtain'd in Brabant, by the arms of Her Majesty, and those of Her allies, under the command of the Duke of Marlborough: as also for the great and happy success of Her Majesty's arms and those of Her alli
    Knaggs, Thomas
  • 130897
    Book Info
    God's dominion over the seas, and the seaman's duty, consider'd. In a sermon preach'd at Long-Reach, on board Her Majesty's ... ship ... The royal soveraign. By Philip Stubs, ... The fifth edition. To which are added, some devotions proper for seamen, ...
    Stubs, Philip
  • 130898
    Book Info
    God's providence the support of government. A sermon Preach'd. at Maidstone in Kent. At the Assizes held there September 10. 1706. before the Lord Chief Justice Holt, and Mr. Justice Gould. Published at the Request of Snelling Thomas, Esq; High Sheriff of the said County. And by the Order, and at the Desire of the Gentlemen of the Grand Jury. By Jonathan Bernard, M. A. Vicar of Ospringe in Kent
    Bernard, Jonathan
  • 130899
    Book Info
    God's warning to Scotland, being two sermons, on Isa. 26, 9, preached in the meeting-house, in the northern suburbs of the city of Edinburgh, March 3d. and 10th, 1706. Where it is Manifested, That, without the Spirit of Prophesie, only by Comparing the present State of this Nation, with the Word of God, and the constant Actings of Providence in other Kingdoms and Ages, we cannot be far from Nation
    Wilson, John
  • 130900
    Book Info
    Gospel-Truth demonstrated, in a collection of doctrinal books, given forth by that Faithful Minister of Jesus Christ, George Fox: containing principles, essential to Christianity and salvation, held among the people called Quakers
    Fox, George