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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,921 - 130,940건 출력
  • 130921
    Book Info
    Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the ninth
    Ward, Edward
  • 130922
    Book Info
    Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the seventh
    Ward, Edward
  • 130923
    Book Info
    Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the sixth
    Ward, Edward
  • 130924
    Book Info
    Hugonis Grotii baptizatorum puerorum institutio: et eucharistia: una cum ejusdem adnotationibus ad Decalogum, et ad sermonem Christi in monte habitum
    Grotius, Hugo
  • 130925
    Book Info
    Humane life displayed in a sermon on the first Sunday of this new year. MDCCVI. By John Cockburn D. D.
    Cockburn, John
  • 130926
    Book Info
    Humane life displayed in a sermon on the first Sunday of this new year. MDCCVI. By John Cockburn D.D.
    Cockburn, John
  • 130927
    Book Info
    Hymn to St. Tack, sung at the election of the new Vice-Chancellour of Oxford
  • 130928
    Book Info
    Hymnus sacer: sive paraphrasis in Deboræ et Baraci canticum, Alcaïco carmine expressa. E libro Judicum. Cap.V. Autore W. Bouchery, Incept. in Art. Coll. Emman. Cant
    Bouchery, Weyman
  • 130929
    Book Info
    Iberia liberata
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 130930
    Book Info
    In Hippocratis Legem : et in ejus Epistolam ad Thessalum filium, commentarii: in quibus ostenditur, qu{aelig} medico futuro, necessaria sunt. Authore Roberto Sibbaldo M. D. Equite Aurato.
  • 130931
    Book Info
    In the Parliament 23 December 1706, there were two states of a vote offered, the first in these terms, approve of the clause following, viz. And that there shall be allowed 5 shilling Ster. for every barrell of beeff or pork, salted with forreign salt, and exported for sale, alterable by the Parliament of Great-Brittain Yea or Not. And the Second in these Terms, Continue the Praemium of five Shill
  • 130932
    Book Info
    In the Parliament the 24th December 1706, there were two clauses given, the first in these terms, and with proportionable drawbacks and allowances as in England, with this exception, that Scotland after the said seven years shall remain exempted from the dutie of two shillings and four pence a bushel on home salt, imposed by an Act made in England in the 9th and 10th of King William the 3d of Engl
  • 130933
    Book Info
    In the Parliament the 6 of December 1706, a vote was stated, approve of the fourteenth article as amended thus, viz. that the part of the United Kingdom now called Scotland, shall be exeemed from any imposition on malt during this present war, Yea or Not, And it Carried Approve; and the list of the member as they voted, Approve or not (ordered to be Printed) is as follows,
  • 130934
    Book Info
    In the Parliament the 7 of December 1706, two states of a vote being proposed, the first in these terms, approve of the first paragraph of the fifteenth article of union or not, and the second in these terms, whether we shall engage in the payment of the debts of England ... and the list of the members as they voted, ...
  • 130935
    Book Info
    In the Parliament the twenty day of December 1706 years, a vote was stated in these terms, approve of the report of the committee against allowing drawbacks upon exportation of salted beeff [sic] and pork, or alter, and it carried alter; and the list of the members names a they voted ...
  • 130936
    Book Info
    In the Parliament the twentyninth [sic] of November 1706, a vote was stated in these terms, approve of the proclamation against all tumultuary and irregular meetings and convocation of the leidges, ... and the list of the members as they voted ...
  • 130937
    Book Info
    In the Parliament, the 6 of December 1706, two states of a vote being proposed, the first in these terms, approve of the fourteenth article of union as amended, or not; and the second in these terms, approve or amend. Whereupon the Vote was put, Whether first or second should be the state of the Vote, and it carrid First; and the list of the members as they voted first or second (ordered to be Pri
  • 130938
    Book Info
    In the Parliament, the fourteenth of November 1706, a vote was stated in thir [sic] terms, proceed to the consideration of the second article of union in the terms of the following motion, ... or proceed to the consideration of the fourth and other articles of treaty, whic relate to trade and taxes: and it carried, Proceed to the second article of union; and the list of the members as they voted p
  • 130939
    Book Info
    Information for the Earl of Sutherland, against the Earl of Crawfurd
    Sutherland, John Sutherland
  • 130940
    Book Info
    Instructions by the magistrates and town council of the burgh of Lauder, to their commissioner in Parliament, in relation to the union proposed betwixt the kingdoms of Scotland and England
    Lauder (Scotland)