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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,961 - 130,980건 출력
  • 130961
    Book Info
    Jure divino: a satyr. The twelfth book. By the author of the True-born Englishman
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 130962
    Book Info
    Justice done to human souls, In a Short view of Mr. Dodwell's late Book, Entitul'd, An Epistolary Discourse; Proving from the Scriptures and the First Fathers, That the soul is a Principle Naturally Mortal, &c. In a Letter to a Friend. By John Turner, D. D. Vicar of Greenwich
    Turner, John
  • 130963
    Book Info
    Kalendarium hortense: or, the gard'ner's almanac, directing what he is to do monthly throughout the year; and what fruits and flowers are in prime. The tenth edition, with many useful additions. By John Evelyn, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society
    Evelyn, John
  • 130964
    Book Info
    Kensington, May 21. 1706. Captain Pitt, aid de camp to the Duke of Marlborough, arrived here, this Day from Brabant, being sent Express by his Grace with the following account of further glorious progresses wherewith it has pleased Almighty God to bless the Arms of Her Majesty and Her Allies, under the command of His Grace and Monsieur D'Auverquerque. Published by Authority
  • 130965
    Book Info
    L. Ann{aelig}i Flori rerum Romanarum libri quatuor, annotationibus, in usum studios{aelig} juventutis, instar commentarii illustrati. Auctore Johanne Minellio. Quibus accedunt excerptiones chronologic{aelig} ad Flori historias accommodat{aelig}: additus denique L. Ampelius ex bibliotheca Salmasii
    Florus, Lucius Annaeus
  • 130966
    Book Info
    Le jardinier solitaire : the solitary or Carthusian gard'ner, being dialogues between a gentleman and a gard'ner. Containing the method to make and cultivate all sorts of gardens; with many New Experiments therein; and Reflections on the Culture of Trees. Written in French by Francis Gentil, Lay Brother of the Order of the Carthusians, and above Thirty Years Gardner to the Charter-House at Pari...
    Gentil, Fran{cedil}cois
  • 130967
    Book Info
    Les veritables ouvres de Monsieur de Saint-Evremond. Publiées sur les manuscris de l'auteur
  • 130968
    Book Info
    Letters to a peer, Concerning the honour of Earl-Marshal. Letter I. Shewing, That no Earl-Marshal can be made during the Minority, or other Incapacity, of an Hereditary Earl-Marshal, and Marshal of England
    Anstis, John
  • 130969
    Book Info
    Lettre d'un gentilhomme anglois a Genes a son amy en Hollande
  • 130970
    Book Info
    Lex vadiorum. The law of mortgages. Wherein is treated the nature of mortgages, and the several sorts of proviso's in the same deed, or by deed absolute; ... Likewise of the payments of the mortgage-money, ... Also of assignments of mortgages; ... And further, of the equity of redemption, ... To which are added several cases of pawns and pledges ...
    S. C
  • 130971
    Book Info
    Lexicon Novi Testamenti alphabeticum, nunc primum plenè editum: continens omnes voces tàm primitivas quàm derivativas, anomalas atque communes, in sacro textu occurrentes; cum earum resolutione grammaticâ. In usum scholarum. Studio & labore Joan. Dawson, A.B.
    Dawson, John
  • 130972
    Book Info
    Lord Beilhaven's speech in Parliament, the second day of November 1706. on the subject-matter of an union betwixt the two kingdoms of Scotland and England
    Belhaven, John Hamilton
  • 130973
    Book Info
    Love at a venture. A comedy. As it is acted by his Grace, the Duke of Grafton's servants, at the New Theatre in Bath. Written by the author of The gamester:
    Centlivre, Susanna
  • 130974
    Book Info
    M. T. Ciceronis orationes quædam selectæ, cum interp. & notis quas in usum serenissimi Delphini edidit P. Carolus Meroüville S.J. Quibus præfigitur vita Ciceronis per annos consulares digesta. His adjiciuntur in tres orationes notæ quædam non ... ex Asconio, P. Manutio, &c. decerptæ. Huic editioni accesserunt dialogi de senectute & de amicitia
    Cicero, Marcus Tullius
  • 130975
    Book Info
    M. Tullius Cicero De oratore ad Q. fratrem. Ex Mss. recensuit Tho. Cockman e Coll. Univ. A. B.
    Cicero, Marcus Tullius
  • 130976
    Book Info
    Majestas Imperij Britannici. The glories of Great Britain celebrated in Latin poems by Mr. Maidwell. Paraphras'd in English by Mr. Tate Poet-Laureat to Her Majesty. Part I
    Maidwell, Lewis
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 130977
    Book Info
    Man unmask'd: being a wonderful discovery lately made in the island of Japan: written in the Japonese language by the spirit of contradiction, and translated into English for the Benefit of the Publick, by Sir Tristan Nerebegood, Both of them Eye-Witnesses to the Whole Affair
    Spirit of Contradiction
  • 130978
    Book Info
    Manuductio ad lectionem scripturæ sacræ, Augusti Hermanni Franckii, S. Th. Prof. Hallens. Omnibus Theologiae Sacrae Cultoribus Commendata, A Petro Allix, S. T. P. Cum nova præfatione, de impedimentis studii theologici, et appendice, Exhibente aliquot Ecclesiae Anglicanae Scriptorum Loca, and Illustrationem Opusculi facientia
    Francke, August Hermann
  • 130979
    Book Info
    Margaret Searl, Wife to the late Samuel Searl, Famous for Relieving and Curing deafness, Depending on any External Obstruction Of the Organ of the Ear; Who had Practised This art above Thirty Eight Years past, and Communicated the Secret to me only, who Practis'd it with him, in his Life time, for many Years, after the same Way and Method. Still living in Pye-Corner, over-against the Golden Ball,
    Searl, Margaret
  • 130980
    Book Info
    Mathematical tables : contrived after a most comprehensive method: viz, a table of logarithms, from 1 to 101000. To which is added (upon the same Page) the Differences and Proportional Parts, whereby the Logarithm of any Number under 10,000,000 may easily be found. Tables of natural sines, tangents, and secants, with their Logarithms, and Logarithmic Differences to every Minute of the Quadrant....