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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 130,981 - 131,000건 출력
  • 130981
    Book Info
    Melius inquirendum: or, an answer to a book of Edward Cockson, ... mis-intituled, Rigid Quakers cruel persecutors: being a review of the controversie, between Benjamin Loveling Minister of Banbury ... and the Quakers there; ... By Richard Claridge.
    Claridge, Richard
  • 130982
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the affairs of Scotland, containing a full and impartial account of the revolution in that kingdom begun in 1567. Faithfully publish'd from an authentick MS. By Her Majesty's Historiographer for the Kingdom of Scotland
    Craufurd, David
  • 130983
    Book Info
    Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1706. ... By Henry Coley, ...
    Coley, Henry
  • 130984
    Book Info
    Mille testes. Against atheists, deists, and scepticks; Testifying, First, The Cause of Causes, the eternal Mind and Being of God in Trinity and Unity. Secondly, The Truth and Authority of the holy Scriptures. Thirdly, Divine Providence. Fourthly, The Immortality of the Soul or Mind; and the State thereof here, and in its separate State from the Body. Fifthly, An Enquiry into the Tenents of the Sou
    Oldfield, F
  • 130985
    Book Info
    Minuts of the proceedings in Parliament
  • 130986
    Book Info
    Miscellanea poetica: or, original poems upon several occasions ; with translations. Never before Printed
  • 130987
    Book Info
    Miscellaneous tracts: vol. III. ... By Michael Geddes, ...
    Geddes, Michael
  • 130988
    Book Info
    Miscellany poems: as satyrs, epistles, love-verses, songs, sonnets, &c. By W. Wycherley, Esq.
    Wycherley, William
  • 130989
    Book Info
    Monthly preparations for the Holy Communion by R.B. ; to which is added suitable meditations before, in, and after receiving ; with divine hymns in common tunes, fitted for publick congregations or private families.
    Baxter, Richard
  • 130990
    Book Info
    Moral maxims and reflections. In IV parts. Written in French, by the Duke of Rochefoucault. Now made English.
    La Rochefoucauld, Fran{cedil}cois
  • 130991
    Book Info
    Moral reflections and maxims, written by the late Duke de la Rochefoucauld. Newly made English from the Paris edition
    La Rochefoucauld, Fran{cedil}cois
  • 130992
    Book Info
    Multum in parvo: or, tables exactly calculated for the latitude of London : Teaching any person, though of an ordinary capacity and unlearned in the mathematicks, to draw a true sun-dial on any vertical or upright plane, however Situated in respect of Declination: Only with the help of a pair of Compasses and a Line of Chords; and without any Arithmetical Calculation. The like never before Publ...
    Good, John
  • 130993
    Book Info
    Mus? juveniles. Per Gulielmum Goldwin, A. B. Collegii Regalis Socium
    Goldwin, William
  • 130994
    Book Info
    Nicholas Edge, appellant. Henry Hatrell, James Ford, Philip Hollins, Esq; and Tho. Swettenham, Gent respondents. The respondents case
    Hatrell, Henry
  • 130995
    Book Info
    Nicodemus: or, a treatise against the fear of man. Wherein the causes and sad effects thereof are briefly describ'd. With some remedies against it. Written in High Dutch by Augustus Hermannus Franke, ... Now done into English.
    Francke, August Hermann
  • 130996
    Book Info
    No-Church establish'd: or, the schismatick unmask'd. Being an impartial answer to The rights of the Christian church asserted. Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the Two Renowned Universities, and the Whole Body of the Clergy of this Kingdom
  • 130997
    Book Info
    Nocturnal revels: or, a general history of dreams. In two parts. Shewing I. the Nature, Causes, and various Kinds of Dreams and Visions: And of the Nocturnal Communications of the Soul with Good and Evil Angels. With several Examples of Dreams, both Divine and Humane, Ancient and Modern, that have been Remarkably Accomplish'd. II. Shewing the Signification of all manner of Dreams whatsoever, accor
  • 130998
    Book Info
    Nomenclator classicus, sive dictionariolum trilingue, Secundùm Locos communes, Nominibus usitatioribus Anglicis, Latinis, Graecis, ordine dispositis. A classical nomenclator, with the gender and declension of each word and the quantities of the syllables. By John Ray, M. A. and Fellow of the Royal Society. To which are added paradigmata of all the declensions, as well Greek as Latin; with a Centur
    Ray, John
  • 130999
    Book Info
    Novus græcorum epigrammatum & Poemation delectus cum nova versione et notis. Operâ Thomæ Johnson, A M. In usum Scholæ Etonensis
    Johnson, Thomas
  • 131000
    Book Info
    Observations on the fifth article of the treaty of union, humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament, relating to foreign ships:
    Defoe, Daniel