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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,061 - 131,080건 출력
  • 131061
    Book Info
    Rules, orders, and by-laws for the good government of the Corporation of the Governour and Company of the Mine-Adventurers of England
    Company of the Mine-Adventurers of England
  • 131062
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    Scotland's great advantages by an union with England: showen in a letter from the country. To a member of Parliament
    Seton, William
  • 131063
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    Scotland's speech to her sons
    Clark, James
  • 131064
    Book Info
    Sea diseases: or, a treatise of their nature, causes, and cure. Also, An essay on bleeding in fevers; shewing, the quantities of blood to be let, in any of their periods. The second edition corrected and much improved. By W. Cockburn, M.D. Late Physician of His Majesty's Fleet, Fellow of R. S. and of the College of Physicians, London
    Cockburn, W
  • 131065
    Book Info
    Seculum Davidicum redivivum; or, the divine right of The Revolution evinc'd and apply'd: in a discourse, occasion'd by the late glorious victory at Ramilly, and the other Successes of the Arms of Her Majesty and Her Allies, in the Spanish Netherlands, under the Command of His Grace the Duke of Marlborough; and by the other Successes in Spain, under the Conduct of the Earls of Peterborough and Gall
    Fleming, Robert
  • 131066
    Book Info
    Select moral books of the Old Testament and Apocrypha, paraphras'd. Viz. Proverbs. Ecclesiastes. Wisdom. Ecclesiasticus
    Bedingfield, Philip
  • 131067
    Book Info
    Serious admonitions to youth, in a short account of the life, trial, condemnation and execution. Of Mrs. Mary Channing. Who, for poisoning her husband, was burnt at Dorchester in the County of Dorset. On Thursday, March the 21st. [1706]. With Practical Reflections
  • 131068
    Book Info
    Serious considerations upon the present state of the war in Europe. Transmitted in a letter from a foreign minister lately residing at Paris, to his friend in London. The whole Containing a True and Impartial Account of all the most Memorable Designs and Transactions for Two Years last past, in the Empire, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. With Some Conjectures upon the Projects of the French Cour
    Foreign Minister Lately Residing at Paris
  • 131069
    Book Info
    Sermon prononcé dans la chapelle françoise de Wapping, le jeudy 27 Juin 1706. Jour d'action de graces ordonné par sa Majesté; pour les heureux Succez de ses Armes & de celles de ses Alliez, tant en Flandres qu'en Espagne. Imprimé par Ordre de la Reine
    La Prade, Louis de
  • 131070
    Book Info
    Sermon upon the nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, preach'd at Edinburgh, upon December 25th. 1706. By Mr Henry Walker Minister of the Gospel:
    Walker, Henry
  • 131071
    Book Info
    Sermons on several occasions. ... By the Reverend, Mr. E. Young, Fellow of Winchester-College, and late Dean of Sarum
    Young, Edward
  • 131072
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    Several discourses. Viz. Of the unity of the Church. ... Of a conspiracy against Christ. The last volume. By ... , William Sheridan, ...
    Sheridan, William
  • 131073
    Book Info
    Several sermons upon the fifth of St. Matthew ... being part of Christ's Sermon on the mount / by Anthony Horneck ... ; to which is added, the life of the author, by Richard Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells.
    Horneck, Anthony
  • 131074
    Book Info
    She put her hand upon his scull, with this prophetick blessing, Be thou dull, &c.
  • 131075
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    Short forms of devotion, for the use more especially of families, private persons, and the charity-school lately set up in the parish of Northwolde, in Norfolk
    Knight, Samuel
  • 131076
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    Simonis Ockleii Introductio ad linguas orientales. In qua iis discendis via munitur, et earum usus ostenditur. Accedit index auctorum, Tam illorum, quorum in hoc libello mentio fit, quam aliorum, qui harum rerum studiosis usui esse possint
    Ockley, Simon
  • 131077
    Book Info
    Sir George M'kenzie's arguments against an incorporating union particularly considered, As they are in his Observations upon James. 6. Parl. 17
    Symson, Andrew
  • 131078
    Book Info
    Sir Thomas Skipwith, heir and executor of Mr. Serjeant Skipwith, ---- ---- appellant. Thomas Sturmy, Esq; ... respondent. The respondent's case.
    Sturmy, Thomas
  • 131079
    Book Info
    Some account of the life, service, and suffering, of an early servant and minister of Christ, Joseph Coale, collected out of his own writings; who after near six years imprisonment in Reading - Goal, died prisoner for his Christian testimony
    Coale, Joseph
  • 131080
    Book Info
    Some charitable observations on a late Treatise of church lands & tithes; by Mr. Forbes advocat; and tendered to the publick by a moderat son of the Church of England
    Gordon, James