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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,301 - 131,320건 출력
  • 131301
    Book Info
    The rights of the Christian church asserted, against the Romish, and all other priests who claim an independent power over it. With a preface concerning the government of the Church of England, as by law establish'd. Part I
    Tindal, Matthew
  • 131302
    Book Info
    The rights of the Christian church asserted, against the Romish, and all other priests who claim an independent power over it. With a preface concerning the government of the Church of England, as by law establish'd. Part I.
    Tindal, Matthew
  • 131303
    Book Info
    The rights of the clergy in the Christian church asserted. In a sermon prrach'd [sic] at Newport Pagnel, in the county of Bucks, September 2. 1706. at the primary visitation of ... William Lord Bishop of Lincoln. In which the principles of a late book, entituled, The rights of the Christian church asserted, are examined. By W. Wotton, B.D.
    Wotton, William
  • 131304
    Book Info
    The roman history from the restitution of the western empire by Charlemagne, to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks. Containing the Space of 653 Years. Vol. IV. and last. By the author of the third. Being a further continuation of Mr. Echard's history
    Echard, Laurence
  • 131305
    Book Info
    The roman history, from the removal of the imperial seat by Constantine the Great, to the total failure of the western empire in Augustulus, Containing the Space of 146 Years. Vol. III. The third edition. Revis'd, with a recommendatory preface, by Laurence Echard, A.M. being a continuation of his history
    Echard, Laurence
  • 131306
    Book Info
    The roving husband reclaim'd. A comedy. Writ by a club of ladies, in vindication of virtuous plays
  • 131307
    Book Info
    The royal merchant: or, beggars-bush. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants
    Beaumont, Francis
  • 131308
    Book Info
    The royal merchant: or, beggars-bush. A comedy. Acted at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants.
    Beaumont, Francis
  • 131309
    Book Info
    The royal prophetess: or, Israel's triumphs over Jabin King of Hazor. An heroick poem. Written after the manner of the antients; and now publish'd upon the occasion of the unparallell'd success of Her Majesty's Forces, under the command of that Great Captain of this Age, His Highness the Prince and Duke of Marlborough
    Browne, Joseph
  • 131310
    Book Info
    The rule and exercises of holy dying. In which are described the means and instruments of preparing our selves and others respectively for a blessed death; and the remedies against the evils and temptations proper to the state of sickness : together with prayers and acts of vertue to be used by sick and dying persons, or by others standing in their attendance. To which are added rules for visitat
    Taylor, Jeremy
  • 131311
    Book Info
    The rule and exercises of holy living: in which are described the means and instruments of obtaining every vertue, and the remedies against every vice, ... Together with prayers ... By Jer. Taylor, ...
    Taylor, Jeremy
  • 131312
    Book Info
    The scotch rogue: or, the life and actions of Donald Macdonald a high-land Scot: Part II. Relating his Introduction into the Society of High-Way-Men, the Robberies he committed amongst them; and how he was made Captain of the Gang. His being Taken, Try'd, and Condemn'd at Edenburgh: His being Pardon'd and sent into the King's Service: His account of the Scots Military Discipline, and the Exerceese
  • 131313
    Book Info
    The scotch rogue: or, the life and actions of Donald Macdonald a high-land Scot: Relating his being found in the High-Way, and carried home by Curtogh Macdonald to his Wife; and how he was brought up by them: His Early Waggeries, and Villanies when he came to Riper Years. His Love-Intrigues, and how many various Fortunes he went thorow, and the Miseries that he endur'd: His Extraordinary Wit and C
  • 131314
    Book Info
    The scripture proofs of our Saviour's divinity explained and vindicated: with an examination of a late discourse, concerning the descent of the man Christ Jesus from Heaven, together with his Ascension to Heaven again. By W. Sherlock, D. D. Dean of St. Paul's, and Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty
    Sherlock, William
  • 131315
    Book Info
    The secret history of the Calves-Head Club, complt. or, the republican unmask'd. Wherein is fully shewn, The Religion of the Calves-Head Heroes, in their Anniversary Thanksgiving-Songs, on the Thirtieth of January, by them called Anthems, for the Years 1693, 1694, 1695, 1696, 1697, 1698, 1699, &c. With Reflections thereupon. Now published to demonstrate the restless, implacable Spirit of a certain
    Ward, Edward
  • 131316
    Book Info
    The smoaking flax unquenchable; where the Union betwixt the two kingdoms is dissecated, anatomized, confuted and annuled. ...
  • 131317
    Book Info
    The smoaking flax unquenchable; where the union betwixt the two kingdoms is dissecated, anatomized confuted and annuled. ...
  • 131318
    Book Info
    The sourse of our present fears discover'd: or, Plain proof of some late designs against our present constitution and government: containing remarks on some dangerous libels and pamphlets, published of late.
    Drake, James
  • 131319
    Book Info
    The speech of Sir Francis Winnington, Dec. the 30th, 1680. in the House of Commons, ... Taken out of a book, entitled, An exact collection of the debates of the House of Commons, ... Octob. the 21st, 1680. &c. p. 217, 218, 219, 220. Printed for A. Churchill, at Amen-Corner, 1689
    Winnington, Francis
  • 131320
    Book Info
    The stage condemn'd, and the encouragement given to the immoralities and profaneness of the theatre, by the English schools, universities and pulpits, censur'd. The Arguments of all the Authors that have Writ in Defence of the Stage against Mr. Collier, Consider'd. The Sense of the Fathers, Councils, Antient Philosophers and Poets, and of the Greek and Roman States, and of the First Christian Empe
    Ridpath, George