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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,321 - 131,340건 출력
  • 131321
    Book Info
    The state of the excise after the union, compared with what it is now:
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 131322
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    The statutes at large, in paragraphs, and sections or numbers, from Magna Charta, to the end of the session of Parliament, March 14. 1704. in the fourth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Anne. Carefully examined by the rolls of Parliament. With the title of such statutes as are expired, repealed, altered, or out of use. Together with the heads of Putlon's or Rastal's abridgments in the margin
    England | Wales
  • 131323
    Book Info
    The sum of Christianity in a confession of faith by Daniel Wilcox. Deliver'd at his ordination to the ministry. September 15. 1703. Now Publish'd at the Request of many
    Wilcox, Daniel
  • 131324
    Book Info
    The survey of the earth : in its general vileness and debauch. With some new projects to mend or cobble it. Shewing (in short) but More exactly than any Pope, General Council, General Assemblies, Synods, Sermons, or Lectures ever yet have done what is I. The True Christian Religion. II. The True Church of Christ. And, III. The True Church of England. That Men might live happy here and hereafter...
    Hickeringill, Edmund
  • 131325
    Book Info
    The swan Tripe-Club in Dublin. A satyr. Dedicated to all those who are true friends to her present Majesty and her government, to the Church of England, and the Succession as by Law Establish'd: And who gratefully acknowledg the Preservation of their Religion, Rights and Liberties, due to the late King William of Ever-Glorious and Immortal Memory. Difficile est Satyram non Scribere
    King, William
  • 131326
    Book Info
    The temple musick: or, an essay concerning the method of singing the Psalms of David, in the Temple, before the Babylonish captivity. Wherein, The Musick of our Cathedrals is Vindicated, and supposed to be Conformable, not only to that of the Primitive Christians, but also to the Practice of the Church in all preceding Ages. By Arthur Bedford, Chaplain to His Grace Wriothesly Duke of Bedsord; and
    Bedford, Arthur
  • 131327
    Book Info
    The temple of love: a pastoral opera. English'd from the Italian. All sung to the same musick. By Signior J. Saggione. As it is perform'd at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. ... Written by Mr. Motteux.
    Motteux, Peter Anthony
  • 131328
    Book Info
    The test or tryal of the goodness and value of spiritual courts, in two queries: ... By Edmund Hickeringill, ...
    Hickeringill, Edmund
  • 131329
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    The testament of the twelve patriarchs, the sons of Jacob. Translated out of Greek into Latin, by Robert Grosthead ... and out of his copy into French and Dutch by others, and now Englished. To the credit whereof, an ancient Greek copy written in parchment is kept in the University Library of Cambridge.
  • 131330
    Book Info
    The theory of navigation demonstrated: and its rudiments clearly and plainly proved, from the first and most simple principles of the mathematicks. With all the Rules and Tables Useful in the Practice. And A Catalogue of the Right Ascensions, and Distances from the Pole Of some Eminent Fixed Stars. Also A Collection of the Latitudes of several Ports and Cities; with their Longitudes from Her Majes
    Hodgson, James
  • 131331
    Book Info
    The third and last part of the friendly admonition, to the Roman Catholicks of Ireland; in several sermons preach'd in a country parish, where the priest is lately dead. By Ralph Lambert, D.D.
    Lambert, Ralph
  • 131332
    Book Info
    The third volume, consisting of poems on divers subjects: Viz. The I, II, and III Parts of the Journey to H-The Charitable Citizen. All Men Mad. Helter Skelter. Honesty in Distress. A Satyr against Wine. A Poem in Praise of Small-Beer On the Success of the Duke of Marlborough. Fortune's Bounty. A Protestant Scourge. A Musical Entertainment. A Satyr against the Corrupt use of Money. A Dialogue betw
    Ward, Edward
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 131333
    Book Info
    The tower tragedy. Or, an account of a cruel bloody and inhumane murther, committed by Mr. Maugridge, (an Officer belonging to the Queen's Kettle-Drums) on the body of Captain Cope, at the Old Main-Guard, within the Tower of London; as also the unhappy occasion thereof. With his examination before Justice Smith in Goodman's-Fields, and his commitment last night to Newgate
    Mawgridge, John
  • 131334
    Book Info
    The trimmer: or, some necessary cautions, concerning the union of the Kingdoms of Scotland and England; with an answer to some of the chief objections against an incorporating union
    Spotiswood, John
  • 131335
    Book Info
    The tripe club. A satyr. Dedicated to all those who are true friends to Her present Majesty, and Her Government. To the Church of England, and the Succession, as by Law Established: And who Gratefully Acknowledge the Preservation, of their Religion, Rights, and Liberties, Due to the Late King William Of Ever-Glorious and Immortal Memory. Difficile est Satyram non Scribere. By the author of The tal
    Author of The tale of a tub
  • 131336
    Book Info
    The umpire: or, England the ballance of Europe. Containing a brief account of the evils which have been brought upon this nation, by members of Parliament taking publick employments upon them. Humbly offered to the consideration of the Honourable House of Commons
  • 131337
    Book Info
    The unfortunate court-favourites of England, exemplied in some remarks upon the lives, actions, and fatal fall of divers great men, who have been Favourites to several English Kings and Queens; namely, I. Fierce Gaveston Earl of Cornwall. II. Hugh Spencer, Earl of Winchester. III. Hugh Spencer the Son, Earl of Glocester. IV. Roger Mortimer, Earl of March. V. Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham. VI.
    Crouch, Nathaniel
  • 131338
    Book Info
    The unreasonableness of making and imposing creeds, or articles of faith, demonstrated, from the consideration of the nature of faith and of testimony; and exemplify'd in some short remarks upon a modern creed, and Act of uniformity
  • 131339
    Book Info
    The vision, a poem: Being an answer to the Lord Beilhaven's speech. By a person of quality.
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 131340
    Book Info
    The way of the world, a comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, by His Majesty's servants. Written by Mr. Congreve
    Congreve, William