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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,461 - 131,480건 출력
  • 131461
    Book Info
    A history of the English wars, in France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, &c. Containing all the Sieges and Battles Fought by the English in those Countries, from William the Conqueror, to the present Time: With a large map of the same countries, according to the Newest and Most Exact Observations; by Herman Moll, geographer: and an alphabetical table, explaining the whole; being very Usefu
    Moll, Herman
  • 131462
    Book Info
    A hue and cry, after the Observators honesty
  • 131463
    Book Info
    A hymn to Neptune; occasion'd by the late glorious victory obtain'd in the height of Malaga by Her Majesty's Royal Navy
    Pittis, William
  • 131464
    Book Info
    A hymn to confinement. Written by the Author of the Case of the Church of England's Memorial fairly stated; &c. while in Durance. Fit to be stitch'd up with the said Pamphlet. To which is added, a poem on the same Subject by the Famous Sir Roger L'Estrange, when in Newgate, in the Days of Oliver's Usurpation
    Pittis, William
  • 131465
    Book Info
    A journal of the transactions of Gibraltar. From our first coming before it, to the time of the French being forc'd to raise the siege. Exactly kept by an officer under his Highness the Prince of Hesse Darmstadt, and approv'd by himself; sent hither to a person of honour, and publish'd for a general satisfaction, being more full than all the accounts yet in print
    Officer under his Highness the Prince of Hesse Darmstadt
  • 131466
    Book Info
    A journey to h-ll: or, a visit paid to the d----l. A poem. Part III. By the author of the first and second parts
    Ward, Edward
  • 131467
    Book Info
    A journey to the world in the moon, &c: by the author of the true-born English-man
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 131468
    Book Info
    A just reproof, to the false reports, bold, & unjust calumnies, dropt in two late pamphlets the first entituled, An account of a horrid and barbarous murder. In a letter from a gentleman in Fife, to his friend in Edinburgh. And the other An answer of a letter from a gentleman in Fife to a nobleman, containing a brief account of the barbarous and illegal treatment, the poor woman accused of witchcr
  • 131469
    Book Info
    A justification of the dissenters against Mr. Bennet's, charge of damnable schisme by a divine of the Church of England. With a short preface by another hand
    J. C
  • 131470
    Book Info
    A key to the art of letters: or, English a Learned Language. Full of art, elegancy and variety. Being an essay to enable both foreiners, and the English youth of either sex, to speak and write the English tongue well and learnedly, according to the exactest Rules of Grammar. After which they may attain to Latin, French, or any other Forein Language in a short time, with very little trouble to them
    Lane, A
  • 131471
    Book Info
    A kind caution to prophane swearers by a minister of the Church of England
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 131472
    Book Info
    A kind caution to prophane swearers. By a minister of the church of England
    Woodward, Josiah
  • 131473
    Book Info
    A letter from General Fielding, to Sir C. D.
    Feilding, Robert
  • 131474
    Book Info
    A letter from Mr. Cockburn to the Right Honourable John Earl of Roxburgh, one of the principal secretaries of state for the kingdom of Scotland
    Cockburn, William
  • 131475
    Book Info
    A letter from Scotland, To a Friend in London: Containing A particular Narrative of the whole Proceedings against the Worcester and her Crew, from her first Arrival in Leith-Road, to the 20th of April 1705. In which the Secret Intrigues, and Bloody Designs of their Prosecutors are Detected and Expos'd. Also an Account of the Sudden Death of the Principal Evidence the Day Sentence was past; the Pri
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 131476
    Book Info
    A letter from a Member of Parliament to his friend in the country. Giving a short account of the proceedings of the tackers, upon the occasional and self-denying bills, the Act of Security in Scotland, and other occurrences in the last session of Parliament
    Mackworth, Humphrey
  • 131477
    Book Info
    A letter from a Member of Parliament to his friend in the country. Giving a short account of the proceedings of the tackers, upon the occasional and self-denying bills, the Act of Security in Scotland, and other occurrences in the last session of Parliament.
    Mackworth, Humphrey
  • 131478
    Book Info
    A letter from a Member of Parliament to his friend in the country. Giving a short account of the proceedings of the tackers, upon the occasional and self-denying bills, the act of security in Scotland, and other occurrences in the last session of Parliament.
    Mackworth, Humphrey
  • 131479
    Book Info
    A letter from a citizen of Bath, to Dr. R---- at Tunbridge
    Citizen of Bath
  • 131480
    Book Info
    A letter from a citizen of Bath, to his Excellency Dr. R--- at Tunbridg
    Citizen of Bath