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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,701 - 131,720건 출력
  • 131701
    Book Info
    An historical, physiological and theological treatise of spirits: apparitions, witchcrafts, and other magical practices. Containing an account of the genii ... With a refutation of Dr. Bekker's World bewitch'd; and other authors ... By John Beaumont, gent.
    Beaumont, John
  • 131702
    Book Info
    An impartial account of the affairs of Scotland, from the death of K. James the fifth, to the tragical exit of the Earl of Murray, Regent of Scotland. In four books. Wherein, besides other material passages of state not hitherto published, is the Scotch Embassy to Queen Elizabeth, to declare her successor, with the learned arguments on that head. Also some remarkable instances that may give light
    Buchanan, George
  • 131703
    Book Info
    An institution of fluxions: containing the first principles, the operations, with some of the uses and applications of that admirable method; according to the scheme perfix'd [sic] to his tract of Quadratures, by (its first inventor) the incomparable Sir Isaac Newton. / By Humphry Ditton.
    Ditton, Humphry
  • 131704
    Book Info
    An introduction to a devout life. Written originally in French, by S. Francis de Sales. ... To which is prefix'd a summary of his life, and adjoyn'd a collection of his choicest maxims. In the close is added the communication of Dr. Thaulerus with a poor beggar, ...
  • 131705
    Book Info
    An introduction to the history of the kingdoms and states of Asia, Africa and America, Both ancient and modern, according to the method of Samuel Puffendorf, counsellor of state to the late King of Sweden
  • 131706
    Book Info
    Anacreon Christianos, Anacreon Christianus, hoc est parodiæ duæ Anacreonticæ, & alia poemata, psalmique aliquot Davidici, Omnia Anacreontis Stylo & Metro Graecè & Latinè, Donata per Josuam Barnes, S. T. B. Graec. Ling. Cantabr. Professorem Regium
    Barnes, Joshua
  • 131707
    Book Info
    Anacreon Teius, poeta lyricus, summâ curâ & diligentiâ, ad fidem etiam Vet. MS. Vatican. emendatus. ... Item Anacreontis vita &c. ... Operâ & studio Josuæ Barnes ...
  • 131708
    Book Info
    Anne, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting. Whereas our good brother, the emperor of Germany, hath represented unto us, that he finds it highly necessary, for .. carrying on the war against the French king in Italy, that a ... reinforcement of men be made: ...
    Great Britain
  • 131709
    Book Info
    Anno Domini MDCCV. Jun. die 12. in Theatro Sheldoniano apud Oxonienses sub Prelo sunt libri sequentes
    University of Oxford
  • 131710
    Book Info
    Answers for Doctor George Oswald of Prestoun, and John Oswald his brother, To the Petition given in to the Lords of Her Majesty's Privy Council, by Sir Alexander Gilmor of Craigmiller, for himself, and in Name of the said John Oswald his Nephew
    Oswald, George
  • 131711
    Book Info
    Apicii Coelii De opsoniis et condimentis : sive arte coquinaria, libri decem. Cum annotationibus Martini Lister, {grave}e Medicis domesticis serenissimae Majestatis Reginae Annae. Et notis selectioribus, variisque lectionibus integris, Humelbergii, Caspari Barthii, & variorum.
  • 131712
    Book Info
    Apollo Anglicanus, the English apollo, ... By Richard Saunder, ...
    Saunders, Richard
  • 131713
    Book Info
    Arcana clericalia: or, the mysteries of clerkship explained ; declaring, defining, and illustrating the essential and formal parts of deeds ... in conveying, limiting, and setling [sic.] estates ... containing divers precedents. Collected by George Billinghurst, ... Now improved and digested ... and enlarged with variety of modern, select, and approved precedents
    Billinghurst, George
  • 131714
    Book Info
    Arcana clericalia: or, the mysteries of clerkship explained; declaring, defining, and illustrating the essential and formal parts of deeds and their Nature, Operation, and Use. In conveying, limiting, and setling [sic] estates by Deeds, Fines, and Recoveries, in Fee, in Tail, for Life, for Years, to Uses, in Trust, &c. With Charter-Parties, and other Instruments in Merchants [illigible]. And conta
    Billinghurst, George
  • 131715
    Book Info
    Arguments and reasons for a regular conformity to the Church of England as establish'd by law. Setting forth I. The Excellency of the Constitution and Establishment of the Church of England. II. The Necessity of Conforming thereunto in point of Duty. III. The Great Benefits that Attend such a Conformity. IV. The Disadvantages of Refusing to Conform. V. The Evils that Attend Separation and Division
    Jones, John
  • 131716
    Book Info
    Aristotle's Art of poetry. Translated from the original Greek, according to Mr. Theodore Goulston's edition. Together, with Mr. D'Acier's notes translated from the French.
  • 131717
    Book Info
    Arraignment, Tryal, and Condemnation of Capt. John Quelch, and Others of His Company, &c. for Sundry Piracies, Robberies, and Murder, Committed upon the Subjects of the King of Portugal, Her Majesty's Allie, on the Coast of Brasil, &c
    Quelch, John
  • 131718
    Book Info
    Arsinoe, Queen of Cyprus. An opera, after the Italian manner: all sung. As it is perform'd at the Theatre Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants
    Stanzani, Tomaso
  • 131719
    Book Info
    Articles of visitation and enquiry, concerning matters ecclesiastical, exhibited to the ministers and church-wardens of every parish within the diocess of Worcester, at the triennial visitation of the Right Reverend Fath er in God, William Lord Bishop of Worcester. A.D. 1705
    Church of England
  • 131720
    Book Info
    Articles to be enquired of in the visitation, of the Reverend Knightley Chetwood, Dr. of Divinity, Arch-Deacon of the Arch-Deaconry of York, in the year 1705. The Minister and Church-Wardens are to appear at the Visitation to be held
    Church of England