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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,761 - 131,780건 출력
  • 131761
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    Considerations against repealing that part of an Act of Parliament, which restrains the number of exchange-brokers to one hundred
  • 131762
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    Considerations and proposals, for supplying the present scarcity of money, and advancing trade. By James Hodges Gent.
    Hodges, James
  • 131763
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    Contemplation full of admiration. Serious thoughts of the wonderful God. By B. Jenks. Rector of Harley in Shropshire, and Chaplain to the Right Honble the Earl of Bradford
    Jenks, Benjamin
  • 131764
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    Contemplations moral and divine in two parts / by Sir Matthew Hale ...
    Hale, Matthew
  • 131765
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    Copernicans of all sorts, convicted: by proving, that the Earth hath no diurnal or annual motion, as is suppos'd by Copernicans, from the beginning of the World, to this day. As also that their hypothesis is astronomically, philosophically, and sensibly false, to all impartial apprehensions. To which is annex'd a treatise of the magnet: as also how to find the annual variation of the compass, at L
    Howard, Edward
  • 131766
    Book Info
    Courtnay Earl of Devonshire; or, the troubles of the Princess Elizabeth. A tragedy. Comprehending a great part of the reign of Queen Mary, with the death of Jane Gray
  • 131767
    Book Info
    Cyprianus isotimus. Or, J. S's vindication of his Principles of the Cyprianic age confuted. In which, moreover, divers signal Differences between the Cyprianic and Hierarchic Bishop are Assigned, some new Pleas and Arguments of the Prelatists Discussed, and several things of considerable Consequence and Use in the present Controversie Advanced. By William Jameson
    Jameson, William
  • 131768
    Book Info
    Daniel the prophet no conjurer: or, his scandal.club's scandalous ballad, called The tackers; answer'd paragraph by paragraph
  • 131769
    Book Info
    De morbis acutis infantum. Editio secunda, priori auctior. Cui accessit liber observationes de morbis aliquot gravioribus medicas complectens. Annexis etiam quibusdam de luis venereæ origine, naturâ & curatione. Autore Gualtero Harris, M. D. Celeberrimi Collegii Medicorum Londinensium Socio
    Harris, Walter
  • 131770
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    Deborah: a sacred ode
  • 131771
    Book Info
    Decision del doctissimo, y excelentissimo señor H.H. Hassalem. M.A.A.B.D. R.M.R. Zevi Asquenazi, con su Betdin, sobre el problema si naturaleza, y dios, y dios, y naturaleza es todo uno? Segun lo predico el senor H.H.R. David Nieto en el K.K. de Londres, en 23 de Kisleu 5464
    Beth Din (London, England)
  • 131772
    Book Info
    Delight and judgment, or the great assize. Represented in a discourse concerning the great day of judgment. And its Power to Damp and Imbitter Sensual Delights, Sports and Recreations. By Anthony Horneck, D. D. Late Preacher at the Savoy
    Horneck, Anthony
  • 131773
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    Desolations decypher'd and the kingdom of Christ discover'd. In a second discourse upon Ezekiel xxi. Ver. 27. ... By Joseph Jacob ...
    Jacob, Joseph
  • 131774
    Book Info
    Desolations decypher'd and the kingdom of Christ discover'd. In a sermon preacht the 23d of the 6th month, 1705. Being the day of thanksgiving for the late success of the army, under the conduct of John Duke of Marlborough. ... By Joseph Jacob ...
    Jacob, Joseph
  • 131775
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    Deux traite's, l'un pour la justification de Berenger. Et l'autre contre le pere Sirmond, au sujet d'un passage de Facundus
    Vernous, Marc
  • 131776
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    Diocesan episcopacy proved from Holy Scripture: with a letter to Mr. Edmund Calamy, in the room of a dedicatory epistle. By Thomas Edwards, M. A. of St. John's College in Cambridge, and late Chaplain of Christ's-Church in Oxford
    Edwards, Thomas
  • 131777
    Book Info
    Discourses concerning government, by Algernon Sidney, Son to Robert Earl of Leicester, and Ambassador from the Commonwealth of England to Charles Gustavus King of Sweden. Publish'd from an original manuscript. The second edition carefully corrected. To which is added, the paper he deliver'd to the Sheriffs immediately before his death. And an alphabetical table
    Sidney, Algernon
  • 131778
    Book Info
    Doctor Cockburn's solution of his problem for determining the proper doses of purging, and vomiting medicins in every age of man, in every constitution, all over the World; which was proposed by him, in the Philosophical transactions, last March
    Cockburn, W
  • 131779
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    Dove. Speculum anni or an almanack for the year of our Lord God 1705. ...
    Dove, Jonathan
  • 131780
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    Dr. Blackhall's offspring