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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,781 - 131,800건 출력
  • 131781
    Book Info
    Dr. Eachard's works, viz. I. The grounds and occasions of the contempt of the clergy and religion enquir'd into; in a letter to R. L. II. Observations on an Answer to the Enquiry; ... III. Mr. Hobbs's State of nature considered; ... By John Eachard, ...
    Eachard, John
  • 131782
    Book Info
    Dunton's wit's exercise: or, delightful companion. Being a tractate, Wherein is made Plain and Easie many Niceties, Difficulties, Curiosities, Stories, Questions, Allegories, Stratagems, Mechanies, Experiments, Subtilties, Comedies, Secresies, and Sports, &c. in Morality. Being the thirty years compilement of A.D. Such a book which was never before printed
    A. D
  • 131783
    Book Info
    Een liden nôgel, Til at aabne veyen for alle, som sôge derefter, hvorved de letteligen kunde giôre forskiel imellem den religion, som det folck kaldet Qvækere bekiende, oc deris modstanderis misforstand oc forvendelser. Med een kort formaning til alle folck, flitteligen at prôve deris veye, oc betimeligen at omvende sig til Herren. Schrevet i det engelske spraag af W. Penn. Oc siden oversat paa fr
    Penn, William
  • 131784
    Book Info
    Eight chirurgical treatises, on these following heads: (viz.) I. Of tumours. II. Of Ulcers. III. Of Diseases of the Anus. IV. Of the Kings-Evil. V. Of Wounds. VI. Of Gun-Shot Wounds. Vii. Of Fractures and Luxations. Viii. Of the Lues Venerea. By Richard Wiseman, Serjeant-Chirurgeon to King Charles the IId
    Wiseman, Richard
  • 131785
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    Electa minora ex Ovidio, Tibullo, et Propertio, usui scholae Etonensis
  • 131786
    Book Info
    Eliza: an epick poem. In ten books. By Sir Richard Blackmore, ... To which is annex'd, an index, explaining persons, countries, cities, rivers, &c.
    Blackmore, Richard
  • 131787
    Book Info
    England's happiness consider'd, in some expedients. Viz. I. Of the care of religion. II. Of union amongst all Protestants. III. Of reformation of manners. IV. Of restraining such persons as are enemies to the Christian religion in General, or to the Protestant Religion in Particular. Humbly offer'd to the consideration of both Houses of Parliament. By John Tutchin, Gent. Author of the First, Secon
    Tutchin, John
  • 131788
    Book Info
    Englands interest: or the gentleman and farmers friend, shewing, 1. How land may be improv'd ... The third edition, with large additions. By Sir J. More
    Moore, Jonas
  • 131789
    Book Info
    Entretiens sur les vies et sur les ouvrages des plus excellens peintres anciens et modernes. Par Mr. Félibien, Secretaire de L'Academie des Sciences & Historiographe du Roi. Tome Premier
    F{acute}elibien, Andr{acute}e
  • 131790
    Book Info
    Epigrammata anti-gallica. Sive epigrammata quædam quibus conscribendis fuerunt occasioni. Et pugna ad Blenheim, & vallum in Flandria perruptum
  • 131791
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    Epilogue: spoken by Mrs. Mountfort at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane
  • 131792
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    Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ. Familiar letters, domestick and foreign. Divided into four books. Partly historical, political, philosophical, upon emergent occasions. By James Howell, ...
    Howell, James
  • 131793
    Book Info
    Essays upon several moral subjects. Part III. Of pain. Revenge. Authors. Power. Infancy and Youth. Of Riches and Poverty. Whoredom. Drunkenness. Usury. An Apostle. Solitude. By Jeremy Collier, M.A.
    Collier, Jeremy
  • 131794
    Book Info
    Euclide's Elements; the whole fifteen books compendiously demonstrated. To which is added Archimedes theorems of the sphere and cylinder, investigated by the method of indivisibles. Never before in English. By Isaac Barrow D. D. Late Master of Trinity College in Cambridge
  • 131795
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    Eusebia triumphans. The Hanover succession to the imperial crown of England, an heroick poem
    Settle, Elkanah
  • 131796
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    Exilius: or, the banish'd Roman. A new romance. In two parts: written after the manner of Telemachus, for the instruction of some young ladies of quality. By Mrs. Jane Barker
    Barker, Jane
  • 131797
    Book Info
    Faction display'd. A poem. Now first correctly published, with large amendments, and the Addition of several Characters omitted in former Editions
    Shippen, William
  • 131798
    Book Info
    Familiar letters: ... Written by the Right Honourable John, late Earl of Rochester. To the Honble Henry Savile, Esq; and other letters, by persons of honour and quality. With letters written by the most Ingenious Mr. Thomas Otway, and Mrs. K. Phillips. Publish'd from their Original Copies. With modern letters, by Tho. Cheek, Esq; Mr. Dennis; and Mr. Brown
    Rochester, John Wilmot
  • 131799
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    Family instruction for the Church of England, offer'd in several practical discourses. By Theophilus Dorrington, Rector of Wittresham in Kent
    Dorrington, Theophilus
  • 131800
    Book Info
    Female falshood: or, the unfortunate beau. Being the amorous memoirs of a late French nobleman. Written by himself in his retirement, and digested by Monsieur St. Evremont. Made English
    Villiers, Pierre