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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,821 - 131,840건 출력
  • 131821
    Book Info
    Hocus-pocus call'd the French King to life again: or, Old-Nick blew wind in his a---se
  • 131822
    Book Info
    Honesty in distress, but reliev'd by no party. A tragedy, as it is basely acted by Her Majesty's subjects upon God's stage the world
    Ward, Edward
  • 131823
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    Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the Second
    Ward, Edward
  • 131824
    Book Info
    Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the fourth
    Ward, Edward
  • 131825
    Book Info
    Hudibras redivivus: or, a Burlesque poem on the times. Part the third
    Ward, Edward
  • 131826
    Book Info
    Humfredi Hodii linguæ Græcæ professoris regii et archidiaconi Oxon. de Bibliorum textibus originalibus, versionibus Græcis, & Latina vulgata: libri IV. Viz. I. Contra Historiam LXX. Interpretum Aristeae nomine inscriptam Dissertatio, qua probatur illam à Judaeo quodam fuisse confictam, & IS. Vossii, aliorumque doctorum Virorum, Defensiones ejusdem ad examen revocantur. In hac Editione diluuntur Vo
    Hody, Humphrey
  • 131827
    Book Info
    Husbandry spiritualiz'd: or, the heavenly use of earthly things. Consisting Of many Pleasant Observations, pertinent Applications, and Serious Reflections; and each Chapter concluded with a divine and Suitable Poem. Directing Husbandmen to the most Excellent Improvements of their common Imployments. Whereunto are added, by way of Appendix, several Choice Occasional Meditations, upon Birds, beasts,
    Flavel, John
  • 131828
    Book Info
    Hymns in commemoration of the sufferings of Our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ compos'd for the celebration of His Holy Supper / by Joseph Stennett.
    Stennett, Joseph
  • 131829
    Book Info
    Hymns in commemoration of the sufferings of our blessed saviour Jesus Christ. Compos'd for the celebration of his holy supper. By Joseph Stennett
    Stennett, Joseph
  • 131830
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    H{macr}e Cratist{macr}e T{macr}on Melanchol{macr}ont{macr}on kai Mainomen{macr}on iatreia : or, the best method for the cure of lunaticks. With some account of the incomparable oleum cephalicum used in the same, prepared and administrated by Tho. Fallowes, M.D. at his house in Lambeth-Marsh, [sic].
    Fallowes, Tho
  • 131831
    Book Info
    Illustrissimo domino, et heroi vere magnanimo, Domino Joanni, duci Marlboriensi, de Gallis & Bavaris ab ipso, pugna ad Bleinheim inita, strenue debellatis, epinicium Hoc summa cum Observantia & humiliter offert Joannes Durstonus, Ecclesiae Misserdensis in Comitatu Glocestrensi Rector
    Durstonus, Joannes
  • 131832
    Book Info
    Injunctions given by the Honourable Henry Finch, Dean of the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St. Peter in York. And the Right Worshipful the Chapter of the same Church, in their General Visitation, held and Celebrated in the year of our Lord, 1705
    Church of England
  • 131833
    Book Info
    Inquiries concerning Ireland, and its antiquities. By Sir James Ware, Knt. Now first printed in English from the last Latin edition thereof, published by the author
    Ware, James
  • 131834
    Book Info
    Institutionum chronologicarum libri II. Unà cum totidem arithmetices chronologicæ libellis. Per Guilielm. Beveregium, M. A. Nunc Episcopum Asaphensem
    Beveridge, William
  • 131835
    Book Info
    Instructions and devotions for the afflicted and sick, with some help for prisoners, such especially as are to be tried for life
    Gother, John
  • 131836
    Book Info
    Instructor clericalis: The second part. Being a collection of most choice and usual presidents for declarations both in the Queen's Bench and Common Pleas: in actions of case, actions upon statute, covenant, Debt, Detinue, Ejectment, Quare Impedit, Replevin, Trespass, Trover and Waste, methodically digested into Rule and President: For the further Instruction of Young Clerks. The third edition, wi
    R. G
  • 131837
    Book Info
    Introductio ad veram physicam : seu lectiones physic{aelig} habit{aelig} in schola naturalis philosophi{aelig} Academi{aelig} Oxoniensis. Quibus accedunt Christiani Hugenii theoremata de vi centrifuga & motu circulari demonstrata, per Jo. Keill e Coll. Ball. A. M. & Reg. Soc. Socium.
    Keill, John
  • 131838
    Book Info
    Ireland preserv'd: or the siege of London-derry. Together with the troubles of the North. Written by the then governour. ...
    Michelborne, John
  • 131839
    Book Info
    Ireland preserv'd: or the siege of London-derry. Together with the troubles of the North. Written by the then governour. ...
    Michelborne, John
  • 131840
    Book Info
    Jamaica viewed: with all the ports, harbours, and their several soundings, towns, and settlements thereunto belonging. Together, With the nature of its Climate, fruitfulness of the Soil, and its suitableness to English Complexions. With several other collateral Observations and Reflections upon the Island. The third edition. By Captain Hickeringill
    Hickeringill, Edmund