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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,841 - 131,860건 출력
  • 131841
    Book Info
    Janus, did ever to thy wond'ring eyes
    Smith, Edmund
  • 131842
    Book Info
    Joannis Clerici Physica, sive de rebus corporeis libri quinque. ...
    Le Clerc, Jean
  • 131843
    Book Info
    Joannis Ernesti Grabii Epistola ad clarissimum virum, Dn. Joannem Millium, S. T. P. Aulae S. Edmundi apud Oxonienses principalem, Et Ecclesiae Cantuariensis Canonicum dignissimum: quâ ostenditur, libri judicum genuinam LXX. interpretum versionem eam esse, quam MS. Codex Alexandrinus exhibet; Romanam autem Editionem, quod ad dictum Librum, ab illa prorsus diversam, atque eandem cum Hesychiana esse.
    Grabe, Joannes Ernestus
  • 131844
    Book Info
    Joh. Amos Commenii orbis sensualium pictus: hoc est, omnium principalium in mundo rerum, & in vita actionum, pictura & nomenclatura = Joh. Amos Commenius's visible world: or, a nomenclature, and pictures of all the chief things that are in the world, and of Mens Employments therein; in above an 150 copper cuts written by the author in Latin and High-Dutch. Being one of his last Essays, and the mos
    Comenius, Johann Amos
  • 131845
    Book Info
    Journals of the sieges of Verue [sic.] and Gibraltar: with an exact account of the several attacks, sallies ... that happened in relation to those two memorable sieges
  • 131846
    Book Info
    Keep within compass
    Trundle, John
  • 131847
    Book Info
    King Charles's speech against tacking. Being the latter part of a speech of King Charles II. delivered from the throne to both Houses of Parliament on the 23d of May, 1678. With part of the Lord Chancellor (finch's) speech, deliver'd the same day to both Houses of Parliament
    England | Wales
  • 131848
    Book Info
    Korath: or the danger of schism. A satyr. By a gentleman
  • 131849
    Book Info
    Korte wegwyzer der Engelsche taale; Behelzende de noodigste en weezendlykste Letterkonstige Regelen, om spoedig zonder veel moeite tot kennisse dier taale te geraaken. = A compendious guide to the English language; Containing the most necessary and essential Grammar-Rules, whereby one may speedily & without much difficulty attain to the knowledge of the aforesaid Language. Door Wm. Sewel
    Sewel, William
  • 131850
    Book Info
    Le feu de joye: or, a brief description Of Two most Glorious Victories obtain'd by Her Majesty's Forces and those of Her Allies, over the French and Bavarians; In July and August, 1704. at Sehellenbergh and Blainheim near Hocksted. Under the Magnanimous and Heroick Conduct of His Grace the Duke of Marlbrough. A poem. By a British Muse
    British muse
  • 131851
    Book Info
    Leges marchiarum, or Border-Laws: containing several original articles and treaties, made and agreed upon by the commissioners of the respective Kings of England and Scotland, for the better Preservation of Peace and Commerce upon the Marches of Both Kingdoms: from the reign of Henry III. to the union of the two crowns, in K. James I. With a preface, and an appendix of Charters and Records, relati
    Nicolson, William
  • 131852
    Book Info
    Leonardi Plukenetii Amaltheum botanicum (i.e.) stirpium indicarum alterum copiæ cornu millenas ad minimum & bis centum diversas species novas & indictas nominatim comprehendens, Quarum Sexcenae & insuper, Selectis Iconibus, aeneisque tabulis In gratiam Phytosophorum exquisite & summo artificio Illustrantur. Opus Tempori Sacratum. In Magnis vel Voluisse Sat est
    Plukenet, Leonard
  • 131853
    Book Info
    Letters concerning the love of God, between the author of The proposal to the ladies and Mr. John Norris: ... Published by J. Norris, ... The second edition, corrected by the authors, with some few things added.
    Astell, Mary
  • 131854
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    Letters from Orinda to Poliarchus
    Philips, Katherine
  • 131855
    Book Info
    Liberty and property. A satyr
    Browne, Joseph
  • 131856
    Book Info
    Linguarum vett. septentrionalium thesaurus grammatico-criticus et archæologicus. Auctore Georgio Hickesio, S. T. P.
    Hickes, George
  • 131857
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    Litania et ordo administrandæ Coenæ Domini
    Church of England
  • 131858
    Book Info
    Logic{aelig} artis compendium : Editio decima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, Coll. Lincoln. Oxon. quondam Socio: Et in eadem Academia Sacrae Theologiae Professore Regio: Postea Episc. Lincoln.
    Sanderson, Robert
  • 131859
    Book Info
    Logicæ artis compendium. Editio decima prioribus emendatior. Authore Roberto Sandersono, ...
    Sanderson, Robert
  • 131860
    Book Info
    London work-house. A true report of the great number of poor, vagrant, and other children, as also of the other grown and able poor, beggars, vagabonds, and other idle and disorderly persons, educated, maintained, and imployed by the President and Governors, for the Poor o f the City of London, at the Work-House in Bishops-Gate-Street, in the Year last past
    Governors for the Poor (London, England)