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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,861 - 131,880건 출력
  • 131861
    Book Info
    Lucrum hominis præcipuum: sive, de religione tractatus, dilucide demonstrans præceptorum evangelicorum æquitatem, & quod multum conducat debita eorundem observatio ad Salutem & Felicitatem tam Societatum Publicarum, quam Privatorum Hominum. Librum hunc annis abhinc aliquot Anglice scripsit H. Lucinus ; nunc vero eundem, [Secundo] Editum, in usum praecipue Exterorum, lingua Latina donavit Simon Pri
    Lukin, H
  • 131862
    Book Info
    Luctus Britannici, a poem, to the memory of Sir Robert L'Estrange. The late most ingenious refiner of the English tongue. By a gentleman of the University of Cambridge
    Gentleman of the University of Cambridge
  • 131863
    Book Info
    M. Juniani Justini historiarum ex Trogo Pompeio libri Xliv. Mss. codicum collatione recogniti, annotationibusque illustrati
    Justinus, Marcus Junianus
  • 131864
    Book Info
    Mack-Faux, the mock-moralist : or, Pierce the traitor unmask'd and hang'd. A satyre on A-N, the renegado
    Forbes, William
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 131865
    Book Info
    Marlborough; or, the fate of Europe: a poem. ... By Samuel Wesley, M.A.
    Wesley, Samuel
  • 131866
    Book Info
    Mat. Corderii colloquiorum scholasticorum, Libri IV. Diligenter recogniti. Protrepticon, Ad bene vivendi, recteque loquendi studiosos
    Cordier, Mathurin
  • 131867
    Book Info
    Mathematical idea's delivered in narratives touching mathematical termes in the way of intellectual vision: or of divine contemplation, together with other narratives of divine tendency also. Written by J. S.
    J. S
  • 131868
    Book Info
    Mathematical tables : contrived after a most comprehensive method: viz. A table of logarithms, from 1 to 101000. To which is added (upon the same Page) The Differences and Proportional Parts, whereby the Logarithm of any Number under 10,000,000 may easily be found. Tables of natural sines, tangents, and secants, with their Logarithms, and Logarithmetick Differences to every Minute of the Quadra...
  • 131869
    Book Info
    Matters of fact, Relating to the navy, Truely stated
    Clarke, George
  • 131870
    Book Info
    Maximum in minimo: or Mr. Ieremiah Rich's pen's dexterity compleated. Being the plainest & easiest method of writing short-hand. To which are added the terms of ye law compleat ... by Samuel Botley
    Botley, Samuel
  • 131871
    Book Info
    Medicina gymnastica : or, a treatise concerning the power of exercise, with respect to the animal oeconomy; and the great necessity of it in the cure of several distempers. By Francis Fuller, M.A.
    Fuller, Francis
  • 131872
    Book Info
    Medicina gymnastica : or, a treatise concerning the power of exercise, with respect to the animal oeconomy; and the great necessity of it in the cure of several distempers. By Francis Fuller, M.A.
    Fuller, Francis
  • 131873
    Book Info
    Melchisedek. Concio de aeterno Christi sacerdotio, in visitatione cathedrali tou makaritou Sethi Episcopi Sarisburiensis, habita. Per Josephum Kelsey ejusdem ecclesiae praebendarium.
    Kelsey, Joseph
  • 131874
    Book Info
    Memento mori: or, meditations on death. By the Lady Norton
    Norton, Frances
  • 131875
    Book Info
    Memoirs of the Marquis de Guiscard. Or, an account of his secret transactions in the southern provinces of France, particularly in Rouergue and the Cevennes, to rescue the nation from slavery. Dedicated to the Queen of Great Britain. Faithfully done out of French, and for that End just sent over by the Post
    Guiscard, Antoine
  • 131876
    Book Info
    Merlinus Anglicus junior: or, the starry messenger for the year of our redemption, 1705. ... By Henry Coley, ...
    Coley, Henry
  • 131877
    Book Info
    Methodus insectorum: seu insecta in methodum aliqualem digesta: a Joanne Raio, ...
    Ray, John
  • 131878
    Book Info
    Minuts of the proceedings in Parliament. ...
  • 131879
    Book Info
    Miscellanea curiosa. Being a collection of some of the principal phænomena in nature, accounted for by the greatest philosophers of this age. ...
    Royal Society (Great Britain)
  • 131880
    Book Info
    Miscellanea sacra: or, a curious collection of original poems, upon divine and moral subjects. Collected from the works of several pious persons. To which is annex'd, a scheme of a proposal for the relief of our poor, ...