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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,901 - 131,920건 출력
  • 131901
    Book Info
    Nekrokedeia: or, the art of embalming : wherein is shewn the right of burial, the funeral ceremonies, and the several ways of preserving dead bodies in most nations of the world. With an Account of The particular Opinions, Experiments and Inventions of modern Physicians, Surgeons, Chymists and Anatomists. Also Some new Matter propos'd concerning a better Method of Embalming than hath hitherto b...
    Greenhill, Thomas
  • 131902
    Book Info
    Nekrokedeia: or, the art of embalming; wherein is shewn the right of burial, and funeral ceremonies, especially that of preserving bodies after the Egyptian method. Together With An Account of the Egyptian Mummies, Pyramids, Subterranean Vaults and Lamps, and their Opinion of the Metempsychosis, the Cause of their Embalming. AS Also A Geographical Description of Egypt, the Rise and Course of the N
    Greenhill, Thomas
  • 131903
    Book Info
    Neptune's new garland[;?] or, the weeping mariners lamentation. In three parts. ...
  • 131904
    Book Info
    Norma veritatis orthodox?. Concio Habita coram Reverendis Dno Episcopo & Clero Londinensi. In Collegio Sionensi. Maij 10 A.D. 1705. Per Rogerum Altham, S. T. P. S. Botolphi extra Bishopsgate, Presbyterum Londinensem
    Altham, Roger
  • 131905
    Book Info
    Observations made in England, on the trial of Captain Green, and the speech at his death
  • 131906
    Book Info
    Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands. By Sir William Temple of Shene in the County of Surrey, Baronet, Ambassador at the Hague and at Aixla-Chapelle, in the Year 1668
    Temple, William
  • 131907
    Book Info
    Occasional Thoughts in Reference to a Vertuous or Christian life
    Masham, Damaris
  • 131908
    Book Info
    Occasional communion fundamentally destructive of the discipline of the primitive catholick church, and contrary to the doctrine of the latest scriptures, concerning church-communion. By Henry Dodwell, M.A.
    Dodwell, Henry
  • 131909
    Book Info
    Occasional conformity a wooden-leg: or, the opinion of the present Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, concerning it, in his Argument for union, &c. printed 1683
  • 131910
    Book Info
    Oeuvres Meslées de Mr. de Saint-Evremond, Publiées sur les manuscrits de l'auteur. ...
  • 131911
    Book Info
    Of faith and a good conscience. A sermon preach'd at Glocester, at the assize held there by Mr. Justice Gold, March 25. 1705. By Richard Millechamp, M. A. and Rector of Rudford in Glocestershire. Publish'd at the Desire of the High Sheriff, and Grand Jury
    Millechamp, Richard
  • 131912
    Book Info
    Of religious melancholy. A sermon preach'd before the Queen at White-Hall, March 6. 1691/2. By the Right Reverend Father in God. John Lord Bishop of Norwich. Publish'd by Her Majesty's Special Command
    Moore, John
  • 131913
    Book Info
    Of religious retirement. A sermon preach'd before the Queen, at St. James's Chappel, on Friday, March 23, 1704/5. By Francis Atterbury, ...
    Atterbury, Francis
  • 131914
    Book Info
    Officium clerici pacis: a book of indictments, informations, appeals, and inquisitions: Also the Manner of Holding the Sessions of Peace; with divers other Matters relating thereunto, and necessary to be known by Justices of the Peace. The second edition. With large Additions of Modern Indictments, Appeals, &c. As also Variety of New Cases relating to the Clerk of Assise, and Clerk of the Peace
    J. W
  • 131915
    Book Info
    Old England: or, the government of England prov'd to be monarchical and hereditary, by the fundamental laws of England, and by the authorities of lawyers, historians and divines; ... In a letter to a reformer. With an appendix
    Gandy, Henry
  • 131916
    Book Info
    Oliver Cromwell's ghost's advice to his friends
  • 131917
    Book Info
    On Her Majesty's grant of Woodstock Park, &c. To His Grace the Duke of Marlborough, 1704. In a letter to Signior Antonio Verrio at Hampton-Court
    Buckeridge, Bainbrigg
  • 131918
    Book Info
    On the horrid murder committed upon the sacred person of the most Reverend Father in God, James late Lord Arch-Bishop of Saint Andrews. Primat of all Scotland, and Metropolitan, and one of His Majesties most honourable Privy Counseilours, May, 3d 1679. Written in May 1679
    Symson, Andrew
  • 131919
    Book Info
    Oratio anniversaria, Recitata in Theatro Anatomico inclyti Medicorum Lond. Collegii, in Commemorationem Beneficiorum a Dno Dre Harveo, aliisq; munificis Viris & Foeminis eidem Collegio praestitorum, A Gualtero Charletono, ejusdem Collegii Socio; 16 die Augusti, An. Dom. 1705. Aetatis suae 85
    Charleton, Walter
  • 131920
    Book Info
    Othello, the Moor of Venice. A tragedy. As it hath been divers times acted at the Globe, and at the Black-Friers: and now at the Theatre Royal, by Her Majesties servants. Written by W. Shakespear
    Shakespeare, William