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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,941 - 131,960건 출력
  • 131941
    Book Info
    Prayers for Sundays, holy-days, and other festivals, from the twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost, to Lent
    Gother, John
  • 131942
    Book Info
    Precious remedies against Satan's devices : or, salve for believers and unbelievers sores being a companion for those that are in Christ or out of Christ, that slight or neglect Ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in Spirituals) or decaying; that are Tempted, or Deserted; Afflicted or opposed; that have Assurance, or that want Assurance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, fo...
    Brooks, Thomas
  • 131943
    Book Info
    Presbyterian loyalty, in two letters: one directed to Mr Palmer, author of the Vindication of the loyalty, &c. of the Dissenters. The other to a tacking Member of Parliament, Giving some Account of The History of Dissenters Loyalty, &c. Part I. In answer to Mr Palmer's fifth chapter of his vindication of the Dissenters Behaviour towards Authority. In which there is Some Account of the Presbyterian
    Sharpe, Isaac
  • 131944
    Book Info
    Presbyterian loyalty, in two letters: one directed to the moderate church-men; to which is annexed the ballad of the cloak, or, The cloak's Knavery. The other to a tacking member of the late House of Commons, Giving an Account of The History of Dissenters Loyalty, To the Martyrdom of King Charles the First. Part II. In answer to Mr Palmer's fifth Chapter of his Vindication of the Dissenters Behavi
    Sharpe, Isaac
  • 131945
    Book Info
    Priest-craft, its character and consequences. By Edmund Hickeringill, ...
    Hickeringill, Edmund
  • 131946
    Book Info
    Pro aris & focis: or a vindication of the proceedings of the Commons on the writs of habeas corpus and writ of error in the case of the Aylesbury men. In a letter from a Member of Parliament to a friend in the country
    Member of Parliament
  • 131947
    Book Info
    Pro aris & focis: or a vindication of the proceedings of the Commons on the writs of habeas corpus and writ of error in the case of the Aylesbury men. In a letter from a Member of Parliament to a friend in the country.
    Member of Parliament
  • 131948
    Book Info
    Processus integri in morbis fer{grave}e omnibus curandis : a Do. Thoma Sydenham, M.D. conscripti. Quibus accessit graphica symptomatum delineatio, un{grave}a cum quamplurimis observatu dignis. Necnon de phthisi tractatulo.
    Sydenham, Thomas
  • 131949
    Book Info
    Proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the twenty fourth day of May 1705
  • 131950
    Book Info
    Proclamation against tumults
  • 131951
    Book Info
    Proclamation appointing the Commissioners of Supply within the kingdom that have not met the second day of October instant, to meet upon the sixth day of November next to come
  • 131952
    Book Info
    Prologue to the court: on the Queen's birth-day, 1704.
    Congreve, William
  • 131953
    Book Info
    Proposal for supplying the nation with money
    Law, John
  • 131954
    Book Info
    Proposal, by Doctor Hugh Chamberlen for a land credit presented to the Parliament by the committee to whom it was referred to be considered.
    Chamberlen, Hugh
  • 131955
    Book Info
    Proposals for printing by way of subscription, The First Part of a Book now ready for the Press, (recommended by the Testimonials following, p. 9, 10, 11, 12. under the Hands of most of the Eminent School-Masters about London) intitled, Grammatical Commentaries, By Richard Johnson, M.A. A Specimen of this Work, containing a Complete Treatise of the Genders of Latin Nouns, with the Contents of this
    Johnson, Richard
  • 131956
    Book Info
    Q. Horatii Flacci opera. Interpretatione & notis illustravit Ludovicus Desprez Cardinalitius Socius ac Rhetor Emeritus, jussu Christianissimi regis. In usum serenissimi Delphini, Ac Serenissimorum Principum Burgundiae, Andium, Biturigum Huic editioni accessere vita Horatii cum Dacerii notis, Ejusdem Chronologia Horatiana, & Praefatio De Satira Romana
  • 131957
    Book Info
    Quatuor orationes habitæ in sacello Coll. Div. Johannis Evang. in Academia Cantabrigiensi Coram Reverendo Admodum Praefecto, Sociis, Reliquâque ejusdem Collegii Juventute Academica. Autore Pawlet St. John, Coll. D. Joh. Evang. A. B.
    St John, Pawlet
  • 131958
    Book Info
    Quæstio ventilata, num oratio Vulgo Dicta dominica, sit exemplar aut formula
  • 131959
    Book Info
    Read's true and faithful experiments, lovingly communicated for the good of his country men, being a catalogue of those medicaments he sold off his stages ...
    Read, William
  • 131960
    Book Info
    Reasons humbly offered to the consideration of this Honourable House, for passing the bill for repealing a clause in an act of the thirteenth of King Charles the Second, entitled, An act for confirmation of certain decrees of sewers, ... in the county of Lincoln; ...