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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 131,961 - 131,980건 출력
  • 131961
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    Reasons of the English watch and clockmakers against the bill to confirm the pretended new invention of using precious and common stones about watches, clocks, and other engines.
  • 131962
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    Recueil historique de la vie et des ouvrages des plus celebres architectes. Par Mr. Felibien. Historiographe du Roi & Garde des Antiques de sa Majesté
    F{acute}elibien des Avaux, J.-F
  • 131963
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    Remarks in the grand tour of France and Italy. Perform'd by a person of quality, in the year, 1691
    Bromley, William
  • 131964
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    Remarks on Mr. Maidwell's bill
  • 131965
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    Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in the years 1701, 1702, 1703.
    Addison, Joseph
  • 131966
    Book Info
    Remarks upon Mr. Clarke's sermons, preached at St. Paul's against Hobbs, Spinoza, and other atheists. Wherein 'tis Demonstrated: I. That Mr. C. by the Sceptical Hypothesis he imploys, Absolutely cuts off all Possible Means of Knowing the Nature, or of Proving the Existence of the One Only True God, against Hobbs, Spinoza, or any other Atheists whatever. II. That in Reference to God, or Spirits, he
    Carroll, William
  • 131967
    Book Info
    Remarks upon a late dangerous pamphlet, intitled, The reducing of Scotland by arms, and annexing it to England as a province, ... For which pamphlet the author and publisher are bound over to appear at the Queen's Bench Bar next term
  • 131968
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    Remarks upon the Bank of England, with regard more especially to our trade and government. Occasion'd by the present discourse concerning the intended prolongation of the bank. Humbly Address'd to the Honourable House of Commons. By a merchant of London, and a true lover of our constitution
    Broughton, John
  • 131969
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    Respuesta del doctissimo, y excelentissimo señor H.H. Hassalem. M.A. A.B.D. R.M.R. Zevi Asquenzi, con su Bethdin, ala carta delos muy illustres señores del Mahamad; traduzida de nuestro santo idioma Hebraico al vulgar Español. Sobrescrito dela Carta. A mano del Muy Ilustre Señor, por buena Fama, y Encomio, Mosseh de Medina, Gabay del K. K. de Sahar Asamaim, dela gran Ciudad de Londres, que Dios co
  • 131970
    Book Info
    Rhetorices elementa, quæstionibus et responsionibus explicata: ... Per. Guil. Dugard. In usum scholæ mercatorum scissornm [sic]
    Dugard, William
  • 131971
    Book Info
    Richard Cole is plaintiff in error. Daniel Rawlinson, and John Linger, defendts. The plaintiff's case. An Ejectment of the Bell-Tavern in Nicholas-Lane, London, upon Two several Demises, One by Robert Dix, the other by the same Robert and Thomas, and Christopher, his Brothers; The Defendants (tenants in Possession) Pleaded Not Guilty, and a Special Verdict was found before the Lord Chief Justice H
    Cole, Richard
  • 131972
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    Rime and reason: or, a word in season. A satyr. By the author of The great noise about nothing
    Author of The great noise about nothing
  • 131973
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    Roger in amaze: or the country-mans ramble through Bartholomew-fair. To the tune of; The Dutch womans jigg
  • 131974
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    Roger's delight: or, the West-country christ'ning and gossiping. To an excellent new tune: or, Cold and raw. Licensed according to order
  • 131975
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    Rudimentorum methodi fluxionum invers{aelig} specimina : qu{aelig} responsionem continent ad animadversiones ab. de moivre in librum G. Ch{aelig}ynei, M.D. S.R.S.
    Cheyne, George
  • 131976
    Book Info
    Rustica Academi{aelig} Oxoniensis nuper reformat{aelig} descriptio : in visitatione fanatica Octobris sexto, &c. Ann. Dom. 1648. Cum Comitiis bidem Anno sequente: Etaliis notatu non indignis. Doctore Alibone nuper Lincolni{aelig} Oxon. authore.
    Allibond, John
  • 131977
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    Sacramental sermons and discourses at the Lords Table. By James Webster, one of the Ministers of Edinburgh
    Webster, James
  • 131978
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    Sacri ordinis episcopalis vindiciæ contra Cl. Salmasium
  • 131979
    Book Info
    Samuelis Dale pharmacologi? : seu manuductionis ad materiam medicam supplementum: Medicamenta Officinalia Simplicia priore Libro omissa, Complectens: Ut & Notas Generum Characteristicas, Specierum Synonyma, Differentias, & Vires. Cum duplici indice, Generali altero Nominum & Synonymorum praecipuorum, altero Anglico-Latino, in gratiam Tyronum.
    Dale, Samuel
  • 131980
    Book Info
    Seasonable advice to electors