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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,001 - 132,020건 출력
  • 132001
    Book Info
    Some part of the life and death of Mrs. Elizabeth Egleton, who died the thirteenth day of July, about Four of the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Year of our Lord God 1705. In the fifth year of her age
    E. C
  • 132002
    Book Info
    Some thoughts concerning education. By Mr. John Locke.
    Locke, John
  • 132003
    Book Info
    Some thoughts, on ways and means For making This nation a Gainer in Foreign Commerce; And for Supplying Its present scarcity of money
    Seton, William
  • 132004
    Book Info
    Souidas. Suidæ lexicon, Græce & Latine. Textum Græcum cum manuscriptis codicibus collatum a quamplurimis mendis purgavit, notisque perpetuis illustravit: versionem Latinam Æmilii Porti ... correxit; indicesque auctorum & rerum adjecit Ludolphus Kusterus, ...
  • 132005
    Book Info
    Souidas. Suidæ lexicon, Græce & Latine. Textum Græcum cum manuscriptis codicibus collatum a quamplurimis mendis purgavit, notisque perpetuis illustravit: versionem Latinam Æmilii Porti innumeris in locis correxit; indicesque auctorum & rerum adjecit Ludolphus Kusterus, Professor humaniorum literarum in Gymnasio Regio Berolinensi
  • 132006
    Book Info
    Sports and pastime: or, Hocus-Pocus improv'd. Shewing, 1. To turn water into wine. 2. To convey a card out of a nut-shell. 3. To catch birds. 4. To take Eels. 5. To make sport with an Egg 6. To fetch a Shilling out of a Handkerchief. 7. To wring Beer out of the Handle of a Knife. 8. Tricks with Tobacco-Pipes. 9. To win at Racing. 10. To know Cross or Pile by the Sound of Money. 11. To wrap one's K
  • 132007
    Book Info
    St. Paul and St. James reconcil'd A sermon preach'd before the University of Cambridge, at St. Mary's Church, on Commencement-Sunday in the afternoon, June 30. 1700. By Offspring Blackall, D.D. Chaplain in Ordinary to Her Majesty.
    Blackall, Offspring
  • 132008
    Book Info
    Steps of ascension to God. Written originally in Latin by the famous Cardinal Bellarmine. Done into English by a divine of the Church of England
    Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo
  • 132009
    Book Info
    Stereometry, or, the art of gauging made easie, by the help of a sliding-rule: ... With an appendix of conick sections: ... The fifth edition, carefully corrected. To which are added several new tables, ... By Tho. Everard, Esq;
    Everard, Thomas
  • 132010
    Book Info
    Suspiria divina: or, true Christian divinity. Teaching us to think, speak, and do as we ought. By E.H. author of the divine breathings
    E. H
  • 132011
    Book Info
    Ta Hir Grace, Her Majesties high Commissioner, an te Honorable Estates of Parlment. Te address far te fishers on te highland coasts, and all uthers inhapiting te Highlands, wha it ma concern, ...
  • 132012
    Book Info
    Tables of the Grecian, Roman and Jewish measures, weights and coins; reduc'd to the English standard. Humbly dedicated to His Royal Highness the Prince: by His Royal Highnesses dutifull servant Jo. Arbuthnott MD.
    Arbuthnot, John
  • 132013
    Book Info
    Tables to the modern printed presidents of pleadings, writs, and returns of writs, &c. at the common law. Being a continuation from Mr. Townsend's Tables down to this time. To which are added the parts of pleadings; and the issues joined in several actions. Begun by James Cornwall of Grays-Inn Esq; and continued by R. G. a clerk of the Court of Common Pleas
    Cornwall, James
  • 132014
    Book Info
    Teague's fidelity to the Tories
  • 132015
    Book Info
    Terence's Comedies, made English; with his life; and some remarks at the end. By Mr. Laurence Echard, and others. Revised and corrected by Dr. Echard and Sir R. L'Strange
  • 132016
    Book Info
    Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum. In usum gramaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, ...
    Hoole, Charles
  • 132017
    Book Info
    Th[e] new English tutor, enlarged; for the more eas[y] attaining the true reading of English. To which is added, milk for babes
    Harris, Benjamin
  • 132018
    Book Info
    Thalia: or the Spritely Muse. Poems on Several Occasions. Translations from Martial. Paraphrases on Ovid and Tibullus; and Burlesque verse on Diverting Subjects. By a Nobleman of Fifteen, who designs shortly to Appear in Print
    Grimston, William Grimston
  • 132019
    Book Info
    The Christian's great interest: in two parts. ... By W. Guthrie, ... To which is added, a preface, giving some account and character of the author, by R. T.
    Guthrie, William
  • 132020
    Book Info
    The D---- deputies. A satyr
    Defoe, Daniel
    ProQuest One Literature
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