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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,141 - 132,160건 출력
  • 132141
    Book Info
    The fugitive. Containing, Several very pleasant passages, and surprizing adventures, observ'd by a lady in her Country Ramble; being both useful and diverting for persons of all ranks. Now first published from her own manuscript
  • 132142
    Book Info
    The full extent of the doctrine of Christian moderation and peace. A sermon Lately Preach'd in the Parish Church of St. Benedict vul. Bennet Fink, Behind the Royal Exchange, London. By Matthew Audley, M. A. Curate of the United Parishes of St. Mary Abb-Church, and St. Lawrence Pountney, London
    Audley, Matthew
  • 132143
    Book Info
    The game law: or, a collection of the laws and statutes made for the preservation of the game of this kingdom. Drawn into a short and easie method, for the information of all gentlemen, and caution of others.
    England | Wales
  • 132144
    Book Info
    The gamester: a comedy. As it is acted at the New-Theatre in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, by Her Majesty's servants
    Centlivre, Susanna
  • 132145
    Book Info
    The general laws of nature and motion; with their application to mechanicks. Also the doctrine of the centripetal forces, and Velocities of Bodies, Describing any of the Conick Sections. Being a part of the great Mr. Newton's principles. The Whole illustrated with variety of useful theorems and problems, and Accommodated to the Use of the Younger Mathematicians. By Humphry Ditton
    Ditton, Humphry
  • 132146
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    The gentleman's calling written by the author of The whole duty of man.
    Allestree, Richard
  • 132147
    Book Info
    The gentleman's dictionary. In three parts. Viz. I. The Art of Riding the Great Horse: Containing the Terms and Phrases us'd in the Manage, and the Diseases and Accidents of Horses. II. The Military Art; Explaining the Terms and Phrases us'd in Field or Garison; The Terms relating to Artillery; The Works and Motions of Attack and Defence; and the Post and Duty of all the Officers of the Army: Illu
    Guillet de Saint-Georges, Georges
  • 132148
    Book Info
    The golden bull; being the great charter of the Empire. Or, the liberties and immunities granted to the Empire, and all the members of it, by the Emperor Charles IV. in the year 1356. ...
    Holy Roman Empire
  • 132149
    Book Info
    The golden cordial; or a sovereign medicine for the soul : being a composition of new prayers for every day in the week. With practical meditations Suited to every Prayer, in which is contained the whole Duty of Prayer. Also Prayers upon several Occasions, Ordinary and Extraordinary. To which are added Spiritual hymns upon several Divine and Practical Subjects
    Groome, John
  • 132150
    Book Info
    The government of the thoughts: a sermon preach'd before the King and Queen at White-Hall, March the 4th, being the second Sunday in Lent, 1693/4. By the most reverend father in God, John Lord Archbishop of York. Published by their Majesties special command
    Sharp, John
  • 132151
    Book Info
    The grand Duke of Tuscany's proceedings against William Plowman: with remarks thereupon
  • 132152
    Book Info
    The grand mistake: or, all men happy if they please. Shewing, I. How beggars may be as happy as kings. II. The sick as easie as the sound. III. The barren woman as contented as the fruitful. By the author of The pleasures of a single life
    Author of The pleasures of a single life
  • 132153
    Book Info
    The great and stupendious mystery of man's salvation by Jesus Christ, asserted and defended, in proving from the Old and New Testaments, the Writings of the Fathers of the Primitive Church, and many other Holy Men and Learned Doctors, The Divinity of our Blessed Saviour; that he is God coeternal with the Father, and that by him and through him the Heavens and Earth and All Things were Created. Pla
    Abbadie, Jacques
  • 132154
    Book Info
    The great evil and danger of profuseness and prodigality. In a letter to a friend. By the Reverend Mr. John Kettlewell, Late a Presbyter of the Church of England
    Kettlewell, John
  • 132155
    Book Info
    The great mystery of the little whore unfolded, and her witchcrafts (by which she hath Deceived Nations) discovered. Whereby the Quakers are once more set in their true light. By way of dialogue between first, a Church of England-Man. Secondly, a Protestant dissenter. Thirdly, a right-bred Quaker. By a Servant of the Church, Francis Bugg. All which is humbly submitted to Authority
    Bugg, Francis
  • 132156
    Book Info
    The grounds and principles of religion, contained in a shorter catechism: (according to the advice of the Assembly of divines sitting at Westminster.) To be used throughout the Kingdom of England and dominion of Wales. Corrected and amended
  • 132157
    Book Info
    The grumbling hive, or, Knaves turn'd honest
    Mandeville, Bernard
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 132158
    Book Info
    The happy pair: or, a poem on matrimony. By the Honourable Sir Charles Sidley, Baronet
    Sedley, Charles
  • 132159
    Book Info
    The harmony of the holy gospels digested into one history, according to the order of time; divided into Three Hundred and Fifteen lessons; with suitable meditations and Prayers Subjoyned to each lesson. Done originally by the author of the Devotions by way of offices, publish'd by Dr. Hicks. Reformed and improved by James Bonnel Esq; late Accomptant General of Ireland, for his own Use. and now pub
    Birchley, William
  • 132160
    Book Info
    The high-Church legion: or, the Memorial examin'd. Being, a new test of moderation. As 'tis recomended to all that love the Church of England, And the Constitution
    Defoe, Daniel