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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,161 - 132,180건 출력
  • 132161
    Book Info
    The historical catechism containing ingenious answers to many notable questions of several wonderful matters in antient history. ...
  • 132162
    Book Info
    The history and present state of Virginia, in four parts. I. The History of the First Settlement of Virginia, and the Government thereof, to the present Time. II. The Natural Productions and Conveniencies of the Country, suited to Trade and Improvement. III. The Native Indians, their Religion, Laws, and Customs, in War and Peace. IV. The present State of the Country, as to the Polity of the Govern
    Beverley, Robert
  • 132163
    Book Info
    The history of faction, alias hypocrisy, alias moderation, from its first rise down to its present toleration in these kingdoms. Wherein its original and increase are set forrh [sic], its several contrivances to subvert the church and state apparently detected, ...
    Tufton, Sackville
  • 132164
    Book Info
    The history of faction, alias hypocrisy, alias moderation, from its first rise, down to its present toleration in these kingdoms. Wherein its original and increase are set forth, its several contrivances to subvert the church and state, apparently detected, and the Steps it has made towards getting into the Supream Power, from the Reformation, to the Rising of the last Parliament, are consider'd.
    Tufton, Sackville
  • 132165
    Book Info
    The history of infant-baptism, in two parts. The First being An impartial Collection of all such Passages in the Writers of the four first Centuries as do make For, or Against it. The Second, Containing several things that do illustrate the said History. By W. Wall, Vicar of Shoreham in Kent
    Wall, William
  • 132166
    Book Info
    The history of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, related in the words of the Scripture. Containing in order of time all the events and discourses recorded in the four Evangelists, &c. With some short notes for the help of ordinary readers
    Locke, John
  • 132167
    Book Info
    The history of the Old and New Testament, extracted out of Sacred Scripture, from the holy fathers, and other ecclesiastical writers. With good and useful Morals and Exhortations for the better Government of our Actions in all Conditions. To which is added The Lives, Travels and Sufferings of the apostles: With a Large and Exact Historical Chronology of such Matters as are related in the Bible, ac
    Fontaine, Nicolas
  • 132168
    Book Info
    The history of the campaign in Germany, For the Year 1704. Under the Command of his grace John Duke of Marlborough, Captain General of Her Majesties forces. With an Impartial Account of the Two Famous Battels of Schellenberg and Bleinheim; and lists of the Kill'd, Wounded and taken Prisoners. From the Time of his grace's Setting out, to his Return to Whitehal
    Hare, Francis
  • 132169
    Book Info
    The history of the church of Japan. Written originally in French by Monsieur L'Abbe de T. And now translated into English. By N. N. Volume I
    Crasset, Jean
  • 132170
    Book Info
    The history of the most renowned Queen Elizabeth, and her great favourite, the Earl of Essex In two parts. A romance.
    Person of quality
  • 132171
    Book Info
    The history of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the third. ...
    Boyer, Abel
  • 132172
    Book Info
    The history of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the third. ...
    Boyer, Abel
  • 132173
    Book Info
    The history of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the third. ...
    Boyer, Abel
  • 132174
    Book Info
    The history of the renowned Don Quixote de la Mancha. Written in Spanish, by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Translated from the original by several hands : and publish'd by Peter Motteux. Adorn'd with sculptures
    Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de
  • 132175
    Book Info
    The history of the seven wise mistresses of Rome; whose names were, Halicuja, Mardula, Cisre, Penthisilia, Deborah, Dejanara, and Boadicia. Wherein the treachery of evil counsel is discovered, the innocency of harmless virgins cleared, and the wisdom of seven wise women displayed, to the wonder of their own nation, and the admiration of all the world
    Howard, Thomas
  • 132176
    Book Info
    The hog toss'd in a blanket, by the Observator and his country-man
  • 132177
    Book Info
    The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Thursday the First Day of November, 1705. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto
    England | Wales
  • 132178
    Book Info
    The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal, and Commons In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty on Thursday the twenty ninth day of November, 1705. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto
    England | Wales
  • 132179
    Book Info
    The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Thursday the Twenty ninth Day of November, 1705. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto
    England | Wales
  • 132180
    Book Info
    The humble address of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons In Parliament Assembled, presented to Her Majesty On Tuesday the Eighteenth Day of December, 1705. And Her Majesties most gracious answer thereunto
    England | Wales