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Eighteenth Century Collections Online
: Part I

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총 136,097건 중 132,201 - 132,220건 출력
  • 132201
    Book Info
    The letters of Monsieur L'Abbe de Bellegarde, to a lady of the Court of France, On some Curious and Usefull Subjects. Done in English. With a preface, by the Translator giving an Account of the Author, and some Peculiar things in his Writings; of the French manner of Writing and Expression, compar'd with the English; Of the general desire and study of Knowledge in the French Ladies, &c.
  • 132202
    Book Info
    The libertine: a tragedy. As it is now acted. By Her Majesy's servants. Written by Tho. Shadwell.
    Shadwell, Thomas
  • 132203
    Book Info
    The life and errors of John Dunton late citizen of London; written by himself in solitude. With an idea of a new life; wherein is shewn how he'd think, speak, and act, might he live over his days again: Intermix'd with the New Discoveries The Author has made In his Travels Abroad, And in his Private Conversation at Home. Together with the Lives and Characters of a Thousand Persons now Living in Lo
    Dunton, John
  • 132204
    Book Info
    The life of James II. late King of England. Containing an account of his birth, education, religion, and enterprizes, both at Home and Abroad, in Peace and War, while in a Private and Publick Capacity, till his dethronement. With the various struggles made since for his restoration; The State of His Court at St. Germains; and the particulars of his death. The whole intermix'd with divers original
    Jones, D
  • 132205
    Book Info
    The life of William III. late King of England, and Prince of Orange. Containing An Account of his Family, Birth, Education, Accession to the Dignity of Stadtholder, and Captain-General of Holland, his Marriage, Expedition to England, and the various Steps by which he and his Princess ascended the Throne, with the History of his Reign, Enterprizes, and Conduct in Peace or War. And a Relation of his
    Jones, D
  • 132206
    Book Info
    The life of the learned Sir John Cheke, Kt. first instructer, afterwards Secretary of State to King Edward VI. One of the great restorers of good learning, and true religion in this kingdom. A Work, Wherein many remarkable points of history, relating to the state of learning and religion in the times of K. Henry VIII. K. Edward VI. and Q. Mary I. are brought to light. To which is added, a treatise
    Strype, John
  • 132207
    Book Info
    The loves of Ergasto. A pastoral. Represented at the opening of the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. Compos'd by Signior Giacomo Greber
    Greber, Jakob
  • 132208
    Book Info
    The low-Church-Men vindicated from the unjust imputation of being no-church-men. In answer to a late pamphlet, entitled The distinction of high-church and low-church distinctly consider'd, &c. With a Fair State of the case of Moderation
    Hancocke, John
  • 132209
    Book Info
    The lunatick. A comedy. Dedicated to the three ruling B---s at the New-House in Lincolns-Inn-Fields
    Telltroth, Franck
  • 132210
    Book Info
    The mariner's jewel : or, a pocket companion for the ingenious. Containing decimal arithmetick; extraction of the square root; To know the Eurthen, and how to Rig a Ship; With an Easie and Exact Method for all Gunners, Carpenters, and Boatswanes, whereby to know the Expence of their Stores every Month, and what they have Remaining; With Proper Directions for making of Masts and Yards according ...
    Love, James
  • 132211
    Book Info
    The memorial expos'd: or, the peoples resentment. Shewing how much it is the duty of every honest English subject to demonstrate their due abhorrence of so scandalous a libel, together with its Authors and Approvers, by Addressing in an Humble Manner Her most Sacred Majesty, from the several Counties and Boroughs, that She wou'd be pleas'd to give Proper Directions, that the Authors of the said Sc
  • 132212
    Book Info
    The memorial of the Church of England, humbly offer'd to the consideration of all true lovers of our church and constitution
  • 132213
    Book Info
    The memorial of the church of England, humbly offer'd to the consideration of all true lovers of our church and constitution, consider'd paragraph by paragraph
  • 132214
    Book Info
    The memorial of the state of England, In Vindication of the Queen, the church, and the Administration: design'd To rectify the mutual Mistakes of Protestants, And to unite their Affections in Defence of our Religion and Liberty
    Toland, John
  • 132215
    Book Info
    The modest Christian's duty, as to indifferent things in the worship of God. A sermon preached before the Lord Mayor, at Guild-Hall Chapel, on Sunday, October 28. 1705. ... By John Harris, ...
    Harris, John
  • 132216
    Book Info
    The monster: or, the world turn'd topsy turvy. A satyr
  • 132217
    Book Info
    The moral of the phoenix justified; or, the Reflections on the funeral of prelacy, vindicated by the author of The phoenix, or prelacy revived, &c.
    Couper, Simon
  • 132218
    Book Info
    The most lamentable and deplorable history of the two children in the wood: containing The happy Loves and Lives of their Parents, the Treachery and barbarous Villany of their Unkle, the Duel between the murdering Russians, and the unhappy and deplorable Death of the two innocent Children. As also an Account of the Justice of God that overtook the Unnatural Unkle; and of the deserved Death of the
  • 132219
    Book Info
    The most pleasant history of Tom a Lincoln, that ever renowned soldier, the Red-Rose Knight
    Johnson, Richard
  • 132220
    Book Info
    The mournful widows garland, In Three parts. How a Corkers Wise in Chatham was left a Widdow with five Children to maintain, and knew not how to do it. How her eldest Child, a Son of Fifteed Years of Age, look upon him to maintain his Mother and four Sisters by Hard Labour, the which he did for a small time, shewing how this Woman was deprived of her Son by Death, for loss of whom she was forced t